Presentation Euler Method

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“Euler’s Method”

Presented By: Puspa Joshi

Department of Electrical and Electronics, KU

Submitted To: Dr. Saraswoti Aacharya

Department of Mathematics
Table of Contents

 Introduction
 Algorithm
 Matlab code for Eular’s method
 Results
 Conclusion

 Euler’s Method: A numerical technique to approximate solutions for

ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
 It is based on the idea of dividing the interval into smaller steps and
approximating the derivative using a finite difference.
 It is a first-order approximation method that breaks down the
continuous problem into a series of discrete steps.
 This method is named after the renowned Swiss mathematician,
Leonhard Euler.

1. Define the initial conditions: initial value, time step, and number of
2. Initialize the solution array with the initial value.
3. Loop through the desired number of iterations
4. Calculate the derivative at the current time.
5. Update the solution by multiplying the derivative with the time step
and adding it to the previous solution.
 Update the current time
6. Plot the results.
Matlab code for Eular’s method

% Euler's method
% Approximate the solution to the initial-value problem
% dy/dt=y-t^2+1 ; 0<=t<=2 ; y(0)=0.5;

f = @(t,y) (y-t^2+1);
a = input('Enter left end ponit, a: ');
b = input('Enter right end point, b: ');
n = input('Enter no. of subintervals, n: ');
alpha = input('Enter the initial condition, alpha: ');
h = (b-a)/n;
t = a;
w = alpha;
fprintf(' t w\n');
fprintf('%5.4f %11.8f\n', t, w);

for i = 1:n

w = w+h*f(t, w);
t = a+i*h;
fprintf('%5.4f %11.8f\n', t, w);
plot(t,w,'r*'); grid on;
xlabel('t values'); ylabel('w values');
hold on;
Enter left end ponit, a: 0
Enter right end point, b: 2
Enter no. of subintervals, n: 10
Enter the initial condition, alpha: 0.5
t w
0.0000 0.50000000
0.2000 0.80000000
0.4000 1.15200000
0.6000 1.55040000
0.8000 1.98848000
1.0000 2.45817600
1.2000 2.94981120
1.4000 3.45177344
1.6000 3.95012813
1.8000 4.42815375
2.0000 4.86578450


 The plot shows the numerical approximation of the solution using

Euler’s Method for the given ODE.
 As the number of iterations increases, the approximation becomes
closer to the true solution
Advantages and Limitations

Simple and easy to implement.
 Efficient for simple ODEs


Euler’s Method has a first-order accuracy, which means it may introduce

significant errors for complex ODEs.
 It can be sensitive to the choice of the time step, requiring smaller steps for
better accuracy.

Euler’s Method provides a basic numerical approximation technique

for solving ordinary differential equations.
 It is a useful tool for gaining insights into the behavior of ODEs and
exploring initial value problems.


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