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[insert group photo/logo]

Assessment Task 3:
Group Project (40%)

Moving Ordinary Volunteers
to Extraordinary

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

Team Details
[Insert Team Name]
Name of Group Members Student ID
1. Group Leader:

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

Team Contract
List down 3 ground rules AND 3 consequences from following the rules (positive) or
breaking them (negative).

Agreements Consequences
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Note: All students are strongly advised to follow their team contract. It will be referred to by the facilitator, particularly
in disputes if any members are reported for poor/no contributition.

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

Assigned [Copy and Paste in this slide the theme that is
assigned to your team. Mark the ONE relevant

Theme sub-attribute you will be using]

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

(contributor name)

Idea details

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

(number) (contributor

Idea details

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

(number) (contributor

Idea details

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

(number) (contributor

Idea details

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

(number) (contributor

Idea details

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

(number) (contributor

Idea details

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

Summarize your team’s key findings in the
boxes below and share your team’s final
decision in the centre, to see the bigger picture
[Key findings]

[Key findings]

[Key findings]

[Final decision]

[Key findings]

[Key findings]

[Key findings]

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

Based on your discussion using the 6 Thinking Hats:

1. What is your group project’s area of focus? (e.g. Leadership, financial literacy,
environmental awareness etc) ___________________________

2. Provide details of your group project: what is it going to be? How will your team
carry it out? Will you include any online platform(s)/website(s) for the public?

Project 3. What impact/benefits will participants gain from joining your project?

Proposal _____________________________________

4. How will you measure the success/impact of your group project? (How to gather
Reflect on your experience using the 6 Thinking Hats (6THs) tool. Answer ALL the following reflections:
1. How did the team benefit from using 6TH?
2. What struggles did everyone face using the tool as a team?
3. Which hat did your team use the most and least, and why?
4. When different ideas were discussed, how were everyone’s ideas considered equally? Consider language/cultural barriers and different opinions





UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

[OPTIONAL: to be used if needed]

UCM60802U3 Millennials in Malaysia, Team Dynamics & Relationship Management

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