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November 09, 2022

You Belong
With Me <3
Define the three types of connections:
text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world

a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is

linked or associated with something else.
Definitions from Oxford Languages
What is
• connect your
emotions to the
text or story
• you relate the
text to your own
you can easily
• link what you
read to what the text that
you know you are reading
Making connections is a critical
reading comprehension strategy
that helps in defining what you
are reading.
When making connections to the
texts that you are reading, it
helps you to make sense of what
you read, retain the information
better, and engage more with the
text itself.
Making Connections
You can make connections between:

you connect what you are reading to
your personal experiences.
"This story reminds
me of a vacation that
For example:
I had on a beach, just
like the main

o I read a book about the best sports for kids.

It reminded me that I had basketball
practice that afternoon.

o I read a book how eggs are produced. It

reminded me of my visit last summer to my
grandparents' farm.
Questions to Ponder/Ask
• What does this remind me of in my life?
• How is this similar to my life?
• How is this different from my life?
• Has something like this ever happened to me?
• How does this relate to my life?
• What are my feelings when I read this?
you connect what you are reading to
other books that you have read before
"I read a book about venomous
spiders. Then, I remember an
article I've read before showing
the Top 10 Dangerous Spiders of
the World."

A. I read a story about a boy who visited a magical

land with witches and wizards. It reminded me of
the book Harry Potter.

B. While reading, John notices that the main

character in the story is tough, just like the main
character in the book he read yesterday.
Questions to Ponder/Ask

 What does this remind of in another book I've read?

 How is this similar to other things I've read?
 How is this different from other books I've read?
 Have I read about something like this before?
You can connect what you are reading to real events
whether in the past or present time, social issues,
other people, and happenings going on in the world.
"I saw the news about how water
pollution is affecting marine
animals. It reminded me of the
For example: whale died in Davao Gulf of the
Philippines which starved to
death because of more than 88
pounds plastic waste in its belly."

o I read a story about how people talk

without speaking, and it reminded me of
school where sign language is taught.

o Belle is reading a science fiction story. In

the story, she thinks that what happens to
the characters could also happen on Earth
if people don't start recycling more.
Questions to Ponder/Ask
 What does this remind me of in the real world?
 How is this text similar to things that happen in the
real world?
 How is this different from things that happen in the
real world?
 How did that part relate to the world around me?

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