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Session 02: A peep into past

Directorate of Town and Country Planning

Government of Andhra Pradesh
Patterns of Settlements
Our ancestors developed and practiced Town Planning
as Art and Science.
Various surviving works on Vastu Sastras are the
proud legacies which were left behind and many of us
are not aware of their existence.
The ancient core of Srirangam Town as
Nandyavartha pattern
The ancient core of city of Jaipur has the
Sarvothabadhra pattern
Ancient Building Rules
Rules and Codes according to Manasara
or Viswakarma Prakasika are

•First layout the village, town or city then

plan and build the house.
•Kings should allot sites necessary for all
classes of men. High, middle and low.
The minimum land required for the low
class man shall be 24’ x 48’
The minimum land required for the
middle class man shall be 36’ x 72’
The minimum land required for the
high class man shall be 48’ x 96’
In no case more than half the
extent of the site shall be
built upon

First plant the trees then erect

the building

The palace of the king can have

seven stories
The house of the Brahmins can
have four stories

The house of the Kshatriyas can

have three stories

The house of the Vaisyas can

have two stories

The house of the Sudras can

have one stories
•The height of the buildings in the same street
shall correspond.
•There shall be no deviations from the fixed
measurements of lengths , width and heights.
The Raja Marga shall be not less than 60’.00’’ in width
and no street shall be less than 24’.00’’
Thank You

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