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Hebrew Qal Perfect

Speak and write Hebrew:
‫טֹוב‬ ‫ּבֹוקֶר‬ ‫ׁשָלֹום‬ Hello, good morning
good morning Hello
‫טֹוב‬ ‫ע ֶֶרב‬ ‫ׁשָלֹום‬ Hello, good evening
good evening Hello
‫טֹוב‬ ‫ַליְלָה‬ ‫ׁשָלֹום‬ Hello, good night
good night Hello
‫טֹוב‬ ‫ַמזָל‬ Good luck =
ּ congratulations!
good fortune
Review Hebrew

Alphabet: Consonants and Sounds:

‫א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ‬
‫נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ׂש ׁש ת‬
Vowel List a-class
 1. Qāmeṣ ָ “a” as in far ā ‫ָא‬ (Long)
 2. Qāmeṣ hê ָ‫ה‬ “a” as in far â ‫( ָאה‬Long)
 3. Pataḥ ַ “a” as in far a ‫( ַא‬short)

4. Ḥatēf-pataḥ ֲֲ “a” as in attach xă ֲ‫א‬
(half vowel)
Vowel List e-class vowels
 5. Ṣerê ֵ “e” as in they ē ‫ֵא‬ (long)
 6. Ṣerê Yôd ֵ‫י‬ “e” as in they ê ‫אֵי‬ (vowel let)
 7. Seghôl ֶ “e” as in set e ‫ֶא‬ (short)
 8. Seghôl Yôd ֶ‫י‬ “e” as in set ê ‫אֶי‬ (vowel let)

9. Ḥatēf-Seghôl ֱ “e” as in set xĕ ‫( ֱא‬half vowel)
Vowel List i and o-class vowels
 10. Ḥîreq ִ “i” as in fit i ‫ִא‬ (short)
 11. Ḥîreq Yôd ִ‫י‬ “i” as in ski î ‫אִי‬ (vowel let.)
 12. Ḥôlem ֹ “o” as in so ō ֹ ‫( א‬long)
 13. Ḥôlem Vāv ‫ֹו‬ “o” as in so ô ‫( אֹו‬vowel let.)
 14. Qāmeṣ Ḥatûf ָ “o” as in so o ‫( ָא‬short)
 15. Ḥatēf Qāmeṣ ֳ “o” as in commit xŏ ‫( ֳא‬half vowel)
Vowel List
 16. Qibbûṣ ֻ “u” as in rule u ‫ֻא‬ (short)
 17. Šûreq ‫“ ּו‬u” as in rule û ‫( אּו‬vowel let.)
 18. Ševā’ ְ “e” as in met xe ‫( ְא‬half vowel)
 Open [CV] / Closed [CVC] syllables,
 Dagesh lene/forte—in non-BEGAD KEPHAT letters
 Silent/vocal Ševā’
 Quiescent letters: ‫ א‬and ‫ה‬
Hevenu Shalom Aleichem

 to you peace we bring

‫ֵהבֵאנּו ׁשָלֹום ֲעלֵיכֶם‬

Chapter 2 Vocabulary

 land, earth, ground

‫ֶ֫א ֶרץ‬
 man, human
 woman, wife
Chapter 2 Vocabulary
 word, matter, thing

‫ּדָ בָר‬
 to go, walk
 Yahweh, Jehovah, LORD
 ‫י ְהוָה‬
Chapter 2 Vocabulary
 day, daylight, time
 Israel
‫יִׂש ְָראֵל‬
 no, not
 king, ruler, prince
Practice with Vowel Identification

 ‫וַּי ֹאמֶר אֱֹלהִים יְהִי ֑אֹור ַויְהִי־אֹור׃‬ (Gen 1:3)

3.A Tri-consonantal root
 Many Hebrew words are built off a tri-consonantal root
ּ or ‫ )מ‬or suffixes (ִ‫ָה‬
with various prefixes (often ‫ת‬ ‫ים‬ or
‫ ֹות‬for nouns--masculine/feminine singular/plural) and
various pronominal suffixes added to the ends of verbs (‫ּתִ י‬
or ָ‫ּת‬, etc. 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person, singular/plural)
or infixes (ִ‫ י‬or ‫ ֹו‬etc.).
Tri-consonantal roots

‫צָדֵ ק‬ to be just (verb)

‫צָדַ קְּתִ י‬ I am righteous/innocent (1cs verb)

‫ֶ֫צדֶ ק‬ righteousness (noun: masculine)

‫צְדָ קָה‬ righteousness (noun: feminine)

‫צַּדִ יק‬ righteous, just (adjective)

 ‫צָדֹוק‬ Zadok (proper noun; name of priest from David’s time)

Verbs: Perfect and Imperfect

 The perfect (ca. 21,000 usages) is usually translated as a

simple past tense portraying the action as completed (e.g. ‫ׁשמַר‬
he guarded).
 The imperfect (ca. 31,000 usages) is often translated either as a
future (‫ אֶ ׁשְמ ֹר‬I will guard) or as a present progressive
(‫ אֶ ׁשְמ ֹר‬I am guarding).
7 Verb Patterns (called binyanim [‫)] ִּבנְיָנִים‬

 Simple Intensive Causative

Active Qal (‫ׁשמַר‬

ָ ) Piel ( ‫)ׁשִֵּמ ר‬ Hiphil ( ‫ׁשמִיר‬
ְ ‫) ִה‬
Passive Niphal (‫ׁשמַר‬
ְ ִ‫ ) נ‬Pual (‫ׁשּמַר‬ ֻ ) Hophal (‫ׁשמַר‬ ְ ‫) ָה‬
Reflexive Hithpael (‫) ִהׁשְּתַ ּמֵר‬
3. E. Qal Perfect Paradigm

 Singular Plural
 1CS I guarded 1 CP we guarded
2 MS you (m.) guarded 2 MP you (m.) guarded
 2 FS you (f.) guarded 2 FP you (f.) guarded
 3 MS he guarded 3 CP they guarded
 3 FS she guarded
3. E. Qal Perfect Paradigm

 Singular Plural
 1CS ‫ׁשמ ְַרּתִ י‬ָ I guarded 1 CP ‫ׁשמ ְַרנּו‬
ָ we guarded
 2 MS ָ‫ׁשמ ְַרּת‬
ָ you (m.) guarded 2 MP ‫ַרּתֶ ם‬
ְ ‫ׁשמ‬
ְ you (m.) guarded
 2 FS ְ‫ׁשמ ְַרּת‬
ְ you (f.) guarded 2 FP ‫ְמַרּתֶ ן‬ְ ‫ ׁש‬you (f.) guarded
3 MS ‫ׁשמַר‬
ָ he guarded 3 CP ‫ׁשמְרּו‬
ָֽ they guarded

3 FS ‫ׁשמ ְָרה‬
ָֽ she guarded
3. E. Qal Perfect Paradigm
– First Chant (know this by heart)
 Singular Plural
 1CS ‫ׁשמ ְַרּתִ י‬ָ 1 CP ‫ׁשמ ְַרנּו‬ ָ
2 MS ָ‫ׁשמ ְַרּת‬
ָ 2 MP ‫ׁשמ ְַרּתֶ ם‬ְ
2 FS 2 ְ‫ׁשמ ְַרּת‬
ָ FP ‫ׁשמ ְַרּתֶ ן‬
3 MS ‫ׁשמַר‬
ָ 3 CP ‫ׁשמְרּו‬
3 FS ‫ׁשמ ְָרה‬
3.H The Direct Object Marker

‫ אֶת‬or ‫ אֵת‬when the object is definite (e.g.

She bought the book)
‫ַוּי ְַרא אֱֹלהִים אֶת־הָאֹור‬
3.I Parsing format

 The parsing format will be how we identify the various

morphological elements of a verb, the root and a
suggested translation.
ָ is parsed as:
 Qal Perfect 3ms (3rd person, masculine, singular) from
ָ translated “he guarded”
3.J. A Few Regular or Strong Perfect
‫ּב ַָרְך‬ to bless, praise ‫קָ בַץ‬ to gather
‫זָכַר‬ to remember ‫ָּפקַד‬ to visit
 ‫ּכָתַ ב‬ to write ‫קָרב‬ַ to approach
‫ּכ ַָרת‬ to make a covenant ‫קָ טַל‬ to kill
‫ָמׁשַל‬ to rule ‫ׁשבַר‬ ָ to break
‫ָמלְַך‬ to rule ‫ׁשפַט‬ָ to judge
3. K. Paradigms of other regular verbs

‫ָקטַל‬ to kill
 1CS ‫ָק ַטלְִּת ִי‬ I killed 1CP ‫ ָק ַטלְנּו‬we killed
 2MS ָ‫טלְּת‬
ַ ‫ָק‬ you (m.) killed 2MP ‫ ְק ַטלְּתֶ ם‬you (m.) killed
 2FS ְ‫טלְּת‬ ַ ‫ ָק‬you (f.) killed 3MP ‫ ְק ַטלְּתֶ ן‬you (f.) killed
 3MS ‫קטַל‬ ָ he killed 3CP ‫קטְלּו‬ ָֽ they killed

 3FS ‫טלָה‬ ְ ‫ָ ֽק‬ she killed

Chapter 3 Vocabulary

‫ָאב‬ father, ancestor 1,210

‫אֱֹלהִים‬ God, god 2,600
‫ָאמַר‬ to say 5,309
‫ַּ֫בי ִת‬ house, palace, dynasty 2,050
‫הי ָה‬
ָ to be, become, happen 3,561
Chapter 3 Vocabulary

‫זָכַר‬ to remember, mention 232

‫ּכָתַ ב‬ to write 223
‫עַם‬ people 1,867
‫ָקטַל‬ to slay, kill 3
ָ to keep, watch over, guard 516
Speak Hebrew

‫ ׁשָלֹום ּבֹוקֶר טֹוב‬Hello, good morning
good morning Hello
 ‫ מַה נִׁשְמַע‬How’s it going?
 it going how’s
 ‫ טֹוב ּתֹודָ ה‬Good, thanks
 thanks good
 ‫ְלהִתְ ָראֹות‬ Good-bye
3.P. Sing: Hinneh Mah Tov (Ps. 133:1)

 https
or Search for “Canto Ebraico "Hinei ma tov" Salmo 133” Preformance
 https
or Search for “Psalm 133:1, Sung in Hebrew” Dr. David Howard (Bethel Sem.)
(sing as a round—jump into this video at 1:53 to listen to just the song)
 (single guy with
‫ָיֽחַד׃‬ ‫ׁשבֶת ַאחִים ּגַם־‬
ֶ ‫ּומַה־ּנָעִים‬ ‫ִהּנֵה מַה־ּטֹוב‬
 as one brothers dwell and how pleasant how good behold
  How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

 Chorus:

‫ָיֽחַד׃‬ ‫ׁשֶ בֶת ַאחִים ּגַם־‬ ‫ִהּנֵה מַה־ּטֹוב‬

 How good when brothers live together in unity!
‫ָיֽחַד׃‬ ‫ׁשֶ בֶת ַאחִים ּגַם־‬ ‫ִהּנֵה מַה־ּטֹוב‬
 How good when brothers live together in unity!

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