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Kinesics Communication (Type Of Body Language)


Awais mehmood
Abdullah Khalid
Muhammad Faizan

• The word kinesics comes from the root word kinesis, which means

“movement,” and refers to the study of hand, arm, body, and face
• Kinesics is the study of body language or body movement, especially
facial expressions and gestures.
It can be used to communicate nonverbal messages.
Element of Body language

• Person Appearance
• Facial expression
• gestures,
• posture,
• eye movement.
Person Appearance
Person Appearance
Person Appearance

• It act as significant non verbal clue

• Appearance includes clothes, hair, jewelry, cosmetics and such. It accents our body movements and
how we are perceived.
• Appearance tells others how we want to be seen. How we practice the “rules” of the game in an
• If you changed your appearance drastically- from formal to informal, for example- how would others
• When do you give your appearance special attention? These occasions tell you about the importance of
• Most people indicate they are not influenced by another’s physical appearance,but apparently they are.
Facial expression
Facial expression

• Facial expressions are an important part of kinesic communication, as they can convey a wide range of emotions.
Some common facial expressions that are used in kinesic communication include:
• Smiling: A smile can convey happiness, friendliness, and positive emotions.
• Frowning: A frown can convey sadness, disapproval, or negative emotions.
• Laughing: Laughing can convey happiness, enjoyment, or a sense of humor.
• Crying: Crying can convey sadness, pain, or distress.
• Scowling: A scowl can convey anger, frustration, or disapproval.
• Winking: Winking can convey playfulness, flirtation, sexual attraction, or a sense of humor.
• Raising eyebrows: Raising eyebrows can convey surprise, skepticism, or confusion.
• Furrowing brows: A furrowed brow can convey concentration, frustration, or anger.
• Gestures play a crucial role in kinesic communication, including
nonverbal and body language. Generally, they are used to reinforce verbal
messages or to substitute words when they cannot be expressed. Gestures
can also be used alone to communicate an entire message without the need
for words.
• There are two general types of gestures which are commonly used in
communication: illustrative gestures, which are used to show us what the
speaker is talking about, and affective gestures, which convey the
speaker's emotional state
• Illustrative gestures are intended to reinforce the meaning of our words
and can make our communication more effective. Examples can include
pointing, using hand motions or props, or miming.
• Affective gestures often involve movements of the hands or face that
express a range of emotions such as sadness, anger, or happiness. They
can help to convey our mood or emotions even when we cannot find the
words to express them, and also help others understand us better.
Posture and body movement
• Gestures play a crucial role in kinesic communication, including nonverbal and body
language. Generally, they are used to reinforce verbal messages or to substitute words
when they cannot be expressed. Gestures can also be used alone to communicate an entire
message without the need for words.Additionally, movement like slouching could
demostrate a lack of confidence, while standing with your hands on your hips gives off the
appearance of self assuredness.
• gestures often involve movements of the hands or face that express a range of emotions
such as sadness, anger, or happiness. They can help to convey our mood or emotions even
when we cannot find the words to express them, and also help others understand us better
• There are two general types of gestures which are commonly used in communication:
illustrative gestures, which are used to show us what the speaker is talking about, and
affective gestures, which convey the speaker's emotional state.
• Illustrative gestures are intended to reinforce the meaning of our words and can make our
communication more effective. Examples can include pointing, using hand motions or
props, or miming.
• body movements play an important role in nonverbal communication, and should be
understood and used appropriately to enhance our ability to communicate effectively
with others
Eye movement
•  Eye contact is the fastest way a person can communicate nonverbally,
which can influence the way that we perceive others and the way that they
perceive us.
• people who make strong, sustained eye contact are perceived as more
confident, trustworthy, and likable. On the other hand, people who avoid
eye contact are often perceived as lacking emotion, untrustworthy or
• studies found that people who make eye contact are more likely to be
remembered and that eye contact can increase the effectiveness of
communication. This is because eye contact helps to establish a connection
between the speaker and the listener and can help to convey interest and
• Eye contact is an important aspect of communication and can have a significant
impact on how we perceive and interact with others. Understanding and being
aware of the role of eye contact in kinesic communication can help us to
communicate more effectively and to build stronger relationships with others.

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