Gambaran Radiologi Anatomi Sistem Peredaran Darah Dan Jantung

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dr. Stephanie Ariyanti, SpRad (K) PRP
Vaskularisasi Arteri Kepala dan Leher
•2/3 populasi:
•Brachiocephalic trunk, left carotid artery, left subclavian
•Right common carotid berasal dari bifurcatio
brachiocephalic trunk.
•Right vertebral artery berasal dari right subclavian artery,
yang juga merupakan cabang dari brachiocephalic trunk.
•Left common carotid artery berasal dari arcus aorta.
•Left vertebral artery berasal dari left subclavian artery.
• 1/3 populasi:
• Left common carotid artery
dipercabangkan bersama
brachiocephalic trunk atau merupakan
cabang dari bagian proksimal
brachiocephalic trunk.
• Left vertebral artery berasal dari arcus
aorta di antara left common carotid
artery and left subclavian artery.
• Aberrant origin right subclavian artery
dari arcus aorta (distal dari left
subclavian artery dan biasanya
retroesophageal saat melintasi
External carotid artery. Lateral view.

Branches of the external carotid:

occipital artery (wide, open short arrow).
Ascending pharyngeal artery (small arrowheads)
with origin in the occipital artery.
Posterior auricular artery (large arrowhead).
Superior thyroidal artery (small, narrow arrow).
Linguofacial trunk (large, narrow arrow).

1. Superficial temporal artery.

2. Middle meningeal artery.
3. Internal maxillary artery.
4. Inferior alveolar artery.
5. Transverse facial artery.
6. Middle deep temporal artery.
7. Descending palatine artery.
AP view
Internal Carotid Artery
Lateral view
Internal Carotid Artery
AP view
Vertebral Artery
Lateral view
Vertebral Artery
AP view Cervical Vessels
Celiac Trunk Angiogram
Superior Mesenteric Arteriogram
Renal Arteriogram
Pelvic Aortic Angiogram
Lower Extremity Angiogram of the Knee
Lower Extremity Angiogram of the Knee
Lower Extremity Angiogram of the Lower
Lower Extremity Angiogram of the Ankle
and Foot
Left Coronary Artery

Uflacker, Renan. Atlas of

Vascular Anatomy: An
Angiographic Approach,
2nd Edition. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins. 2007
Right Coronary Artery
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