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Perceptions of HUMSS Learners at Lipa City

Senior High School on the Concept of

‘Filipino Time’: An Exploratory Study

Filipino Time refers to the habit of always being late to an agreed meeting of time. The
perception of senior high. school students on Filipino time is crucial to understand as it relates
to their attitudes and beliefs about punctuality and time management. This research aims to
investigate their perspective, underlying factors, and impact on their daily lives and academic
experiences. Cultural factors, societal norms, and personal relationships influence students'
attitudes towards punctuality. Understanding their perspectives can help educators and
policymakers design interventions to improve time management skills. The study will employ
a mixed-methods approach, gathering quantitative and qualitative data through surveys and
interviews. By exploring this perception, the research aims to contribute to educational
practices and empower students for success in the modern world.
1.1 Statement of the Problem:
Research Questions:
1. What are the practices of senior high school students about the concept of "Filipino Time" in
terms of:
1.1 Tardiness
1.2 Procastination
1.3 Lack Of Urgency
1.4 Prioritizing Socializing
2. What are the attitudes and beliefs of senior high school students towards punctuality and time
management in the context of Filipino Time?
3. How frequently do senior high school students engage in behaviors related to Filipino Time, such
as arriving late to school, appointments, or social gatherings?
4. What are the perceived reasons or justifications of senior high school students for engaging in
behaviors related to Filipino Time?
5. How do senior high school students perceive the consequences of Filipino Time on their
academic performance, social interactions, and future perspectives in terms of:
1.1 Academic Performance
1.2 Social Interactions
1.3 Future Perspectives

This study uses a mixed-methods research design to

comprehensively explore senior high school students'
perception of Filipino time. It combines quantitative and
qualitative data collection and analysis methods for a
comprehensive understanding. Stratified sampling is
employed, dividing students into subgroups based on
relevant characteristics to ensure representation and
validity of findings.
Based on the gathered data and analysis of the survey responses, the
researcher has drawn conclusive findings that directly address the main
objectives of this study. The results indicate that the practices of Senior
High School Students regarding their perceptions of 'Filipino Time' in terms
of Tardiness, Procrastination are infrequent, However in terms of lack of
urgency, and prioritizing socializing are frequent with a general weighted
mean of 2.56 and 2.73. These findings suggest that the majority of the
students in Lipa City Senior High School do not engage extensively in
behaviors associated with Filipino time.
Furthermore, the study highlights that the perceived consequences of
Filipino time, specifically its impact on Academic Performance, Social
Interactions, and Future Perspectives, are consistently interpreted as
having a substantial influence, with an overall weighted mean of 3.0. This
implies that students believe these consequences occur frequently or
Based on the data analysis, the study concludes that Senior High
School Students in Lipa City have infrequent practices of Tardiness
and Procrastination associated with 'Filipino Time.' However, they
exhibit frequent behaviors related to lack of urgency and prioritizing
socializing. The study also highlights the perceived substantial impact
of Filipino time on Academic Performance, Social Interactions, and
Future Perspectives. The students' attitudes and behaviors align with
the cultural norm of 'Filipino Time,' leading to tardiness,
procrastination, and a lack of urgency. These findings contribute to
the existing knowledge on the topic and provide insights for
promoting punctuality and time management among Senior High
School Students.

Educators and policymakers should integrate cultural awareness and

sensitivity into educational practices, recognizing the factors contributing to
the perception of Filipino time. Learners should be educated about Filipino
time, its cultural implications, and the importance of punctuality.
Encouraging a sense of responsibility, learners should prioritize
commitments and respect others' time. Practical guidance on time
management skills should be provided. These measures can foster a culture
of punctuality and effective time management, benefiting HUMSS learners'
academic performance and future success.

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