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Helping Plan Sponsors Improve Plan Outcomes and Reduce Fiduciary Liability

How the next generation of plan education software systematically measures, documents and improves participant behavior

Retiremap is next generation 401(k) plan education For a live demo, visit:

Problems with Plan Education

The Big Problems

Average household retirement savings shortfall at retirement1: $250,000 Less than 10% of participants are contacted by an advisor with suggestions on how to close the retirement preparedness gap2

The Contributing Factors

The impact of plan education on individual participant behavior is not being measured and therefore cannot be optimized Most plan education tools provide no role for advisors Education is delivered inefficiently with meetings and brochures
2. Ibid.

1. McKinsey, Restoring American's Retirement Security, 2009

Engage Participants With Today's Technology

Retiremap's on-demand, participant-driven software:

Measures, documents and improves plan outcomes with behavioral finance Is advisor-centric, giving advisors control of branding and participant data Engages with efficient push education using tablets, webinars and email activation links Is independent and vendor agnostic

Initial Results on a 100 Employee Plan

In one 30 minute engagement, Retiremap generated the following results:

69 employees completed the process 38 employees (55%) requested to increase their auto-deferral rate 5.1% of pay was the average requested increase, above what they are already deferring 5 out of 10 non-participants requested to save more

Retiremap's Benefits For Plan Sponsors

Engaged Participants Reduced Fiduciary Liability by Documenting the Delivery of Education to All Participants, as well as Verifiable 404(c) Disclosures Ability to Measure the Impact of Plan Education Delivery of a Unique Benefit for Participants

How Retiremap Works

Tablet App For meetings 8 pages Learn About Your Plan's Benefits: 404(c) Module 10 Minute Webinar Calendar invite emailed to participants Activation Email Link sent on behalf of the benefits contact Are You On Track for a Secure Retirement? + Financial Goals + Retirement Vision + Current Situation = Financial Result Dashboard Popup > Save More Suggests new participant monthly auto-deferral saving amount (opt-out) > Contact Advisor Participants can contact their advisor for help with investments or goals Dashboard Your Goals Steps to Reach Helpful resources Latest articles What If Modeling Net Worth List of Accounts Update Profile Enhanced Starter Roadmap Basic Starter Roadmap


9 pages

Registration Email Sent To Participants Includes their username/ password, so that they can log in to their Dashboard at any time

Performance Report Document the positive impact advisors have on plan education

Advisor Management Interface (AMI) View participant data Edit 404(c) content Set assumptions


Advisor can meet with participants and provide ancillary services

Participants Are Engaged Around Their Goals

Participants Place Their Goals on a Timeline

Then Build a Vision for Retirement

Create Their Household Profile

Find Out How On Track They Are

Can Easily Improve Their Situation

Receive A Custom Online Dashboard

Can Run What If Simulations

Receive Verifiable 404(c) Disclosures

Management Interface Measures Progress...

And Lets Advisors Set Key Assumptions

Performance Reports Track Progress

Reports Measure Retirement Readiness

Reports Document Usage Metrics

Participants Get a Personalized Roadmap Each Starter Roadmap includes:

A holistic assessment based on goals, retirement vision and household profile Financial analysis, including retirement income need, monthly savings targets and buildup and drawdown of assets Custom educational content on a key financial goal Capital preservation strategies called Ways to Protect Yourself

Why Retiremap Is A Good Idea Plan Sponsor Benefits Include:

Reduced fiduciary liability Retiremap provides a systematic process for measuring, documenting and improving plan outcomes. Additionally, the verifiable, automated 404(c) disclosure module was developed with the leading ERISA law firm of Reish & Reicher. More productive employees Research shows that employees who have reduced stress related to their personal finances are more productive. More loyal employees Retiremap provides a unique benefit, like a plan match, that will be hard for employees to find elsewhere. Additionally, Retiremap fulfills employee expectations that their employer will help them plan for a secure retirement.

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