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The Education

system of
By Areeba Anjum
Roll no. 241558689

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• Education is the foundation.

• Negation of education in Pakistan.
• Lack of funds for the education sector.
• Failure to raise the nation.

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1. Education without direction
• Lack of guidance in all aspects.
• Increase in unemployment.
• Undeveloped skills.
2. Outdated Curricula
• Doesn't meet the modern standards.
• Old and traditional.
• Objectives of education not meet.
• Emphasize on memory rather than critical thinking.
3. Lack of professional development of teachers
• Lack of training institutes and opportunities.
• Lack of recourses.
• Lack of funds.
• Outdated and traditional courses.
4. System of examination
• Aim of examination not met.
• Outdated.
• Lacks quality.
• Tests only memory.
• Influenced by external and internal factors.
5. Poor supervision standards
• Supervision improves teaching and learning.
• No implementation.
• No positive results seen.
6. Lack of recourses
• Educational recourses important.
• Lack of these recourses.
7. Policy implementation
• Lack of implementation of policies.
• Problems caused by corruption, lack of funds and inconsistency in planning.
8. Low budget allocation for education
• Little to no funding by the government.
9. Corruption
• Main factor in Pakistan.
• Weak system of checking and accountability.
• Education is the driving force of a country.
• Developed countries have a well-established education system.
• Pakistan’s education system has not played its role in the nations development.
• Education system directionless.
• Graduates have no practical skills.
Reference-International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
Vol.3, No.2, June 2014, pp. 79~84
ISSN: 2252-8822
Critical Analysis of the Problems of Education in Pakistan:
Possible Solutions by
Iqbal Ahmad1, Kahil ur Rehman2, Asghar Ali1, Itbar Khan1, Fazal Akber Khan1
1 Faculty of Education, Department of Education, University of Malakand, Pakistan
2 University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan
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