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6. Responsible Use of Mobile Phones

Why does
Mandi get

How is
chatting on your
mobile different
from chatting

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Thomson & Co. Ltd 2019
Text messages can have a time
e s c a n b e m ad e m u c h delay – people may not be able to
Mistak m essages –
ly in te x t answer straight away if they are
more easi xts
g e r ro rs o r predictive te busy and this can cause anxiety Phone mes
sages can’t
typin ur message, accompan be
n c h a n g e y o for the other person in the ied by faci
ti m e s w it h o ut you even conversation.
body langu a
ag e o r a h e
l expression
some voice. Som lpful tone
realising. etimes thin of
taken the w g s may be
rong way.

How is chatting on a mobile phone

different from talking face-to-face?
n b e s a v e d and look
If someone misunderstands or ca in
We have to be aware of these Messages a i n . W h a t y o u sa y
misinterprets you in a normal da g
potential problems and causes of at again an n ’ t b e f o rgotten and
conversation, you can set them ca
anxiety when we send and receive a me s s a g e e d m u c h more than
straight immediately. You may not nalys
messages might be a a l c o nversation
even know they have in a n o rm
misunderstood you over the phone.

You might not be able to

tell if the
person has read your mess
age or
not, which can cause you
to worry.
Why did you What could
do what you
did? Hot Seating you have
In your small groups, choose two people to act out the scenario.

Can the rest of you guess what the scenario is – what is the problem
being shown?
What have What could
you learned Now ask your characters some questions so that you can find out a you do now
little more about what they were feeling and why. to try and
from this? make it
How could this situation be made better? What could have been better?
done to avoid it in the first place?
What was your
first feeling?
What might have How do you
How did this
change over been the reasons think the
time? for their other person
behaviour? felt?
e l e a rn e d
n s h a ve w
t l e s s o
t o d ay ?

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