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Comparative Economic Planning Final Presentation

Our goal is to bring economics back
into the service of society, and the
first step is to change the teaching of
and the research in economics
towards more pluralism.
What we intend is to create a dynamic
and rigorous discipline of economics
unencumbered and unrestricted by the
monist and orthodoxic paradigms
prevalent in our textbooks and our
“Economics education should include
interdisciplinary approaches and allow students to
engage with other social sciences and the humanities.
Economics is a social science; complex economic
phenomena can seldom be understood if presented in a
vacuum, removed from their sociological, political,
a n d h i s t o r i c a l c o n t e x t s . To p r o p e r l y d i s c u s s e c o n o m i c
p o l i c y, s t u d e n t s s h o u l d u n d e r s t a n d t h e b r o a d e r s o c i a l
impacts and moral implications of economic

An International Student Call for Pluralism in

Economics, 05 May 2014
The students will create a new model of Resource
economy based on what basically Allocation
constitutes an economy: Mechanism

Forms of Role of Politics

Types of Incentives
TASK Ownership and Ideology

Redistribution and Role of Planning
Social Safety Nets

Students are given two choices: Tweak or

harmonize existing economic approaches at
least, or deconstruct traditional theories and
create new ones at most.

100 points
No academic precedent cited. No to low Existing knowledge reconciled and/or New theory or concept developed, and it has
Resource Allocation application of concepts, or incorrect harmonized, such as related theories and the potential to revolutionize the field of
Mechanism application of concepts. observations by academics and practitioners. economics and affect long-held perspectives
in a massive way.
No academic precedent cited. No to low Existing knowledge reconciled and/or New theory or concept developed, and it has
application of concepts, or incorrect harmonized, such as related theories and the potential to revolutionize the field of
Forms of Ownership
application of concepts. observations by academics and practitioners. economics and affect long-held perspectives
in a massive way.
No academic precedent cited. No to low Existing knowledge reconciled and/or New theory or concept developed, and it has
application of concepts, or incorrect harmonized, such as related theories and the potential to revolutionize the field of
Types of Incentives
application of concepts. observations by academics and practitioners. economics and affect long-held perspectives
in a massive way.
No academic precedent cited. No to low Existing knowledge reconciled and/or New theory or concept developed, and it has
Role of Politics and application of concepts, or incorrect harmonized, such as related theories and the potential to revolutionize the field of
Ideology application of concepts. observations by academics and practitioners. economics and affect long-held perspectives
in a massive way.
No academic precedent cited. No to low Existing knowledge reconciled and/or New theory or concept developed, and it has
application of concepts, or incorrect harmonized, such as related theories and the potential to revolutionize the field of
Redistribution and
application of concepts. observations by academics and practitioners. economics and affect long-held perspectives
Social Safety Nets
in a massive way.
No academic precedent cited. No to low Existing knowledge reconciled and/or New theory or concept developed, and it has
application of concepts, or incorrect harmonized, such as related theories and the potential to revolutionize the field of
Role of Planning
application of concepts. observations by academics and practitioners. economics and affect long-held perspectives
in a massive way.
Quality of The presenter’s central purpose or The presenter uses academic terminology Presenter balances presentation of relevant
Presentation argument is not clearly identified. Analysis but did not seem to adequately capture the and legitimate information that clearly
is vague or not evident. desired outcome. supports a central purpose of argument and
shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a
The presenter could not provide in-depth Presenter provides some support for main significant topic.
answers to the questions posed by the points, but needs to elaborate further the
interlocutor (reactor). ideas with explanations, examples, and The ideas are arranged logically to support
descriptions. the purpose or argument. The flows are
smoothly from one to another and are
General structure/organization of the clearly linked to each other.
presentation seems adequate. There is
logical flow, but no clear signposts for The interlocutor (reactor) can follow the
transitions. line of reasoning, and gains important
insights in the process.

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