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Implement DevOps Practices

That Work
Streamline business value delivery through the strategic
adoption of DevOps practices.

Executive Summary
Your Challenge Common Obstacles Info-Tech’s Approach
• In today’s world, business agility is essential • Development and operations teams • Use Info-Tech’s MATURE DevOps
to stay competitive. Quick responses to traditionally operate within silos. Framework, a value-driven approach, to give
business needs through efficient development Interactions are typically limited to “throw it a common vision for teams across silos and to
and deployment practices are critical for over the wall” deployment requests and translate the benefits of DevOps into a
business value delivery. routing of change requests back to common language that each team and the
development. business can understand.
• Organizations are looking to DevOps as an
approach to rapidly deliver changes, but they • Silos often create poor visibility and limited • Conduct brainstorming sessions to delve into
often lack the foundations to use DevOps communication, resulting in a lack of customer, development, release, and
effectively. empathy or awareness that decisions have application support challenges, and implement
upstream or downstream impacts on other approaches so that the business, development,
teams. and operations can collaboratively work

Info-Tech Insight
A vision without tactics is an unsubstantiated dream, while tactics without a vision is working without a purpose. You need to have a handle on both to
achieve outcomes that are aligned with the needs of your organization.
Your DevOps Implementation Journey
We Are Here

1 2 3
Implement Agile Practices That W Modernize Your SDLC Implement DevOps Practices That
ork Work
1. Educate and train your executive, 1. Set reasonable SDLC expectations and 1. Use a value-driven approach to give a
management, and delivery teams to adopt actionable guiding principles. common vision for teams across silos.
Agile the right way.
2. Define the steps and stages needed to 2. Conduct brainstorming sessions to delve
2. Assess your current software deliver software and technology changes into customer, development, release, and
development lifecycle (SDLC), culture, from intake to deployment, including new application support challenges.
and environment to evaluate Agile fit and features and maintenance effort.
3. Structure a DevOps governance and
determine what changes need to be
3. Identify the roles, responsibilities, and metrics program that promotes
tools supporting your SDLC. collaboration, transparency, and empathy
3. Conduct a structured evaluation of Agile across teams.
to assess and recognize the benefits of
Agile in your organization and teams.
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What is DevOps?

DevOps is an operational philosophy that seeks to promote an improved relationship between

Development and Operations to break down existing silos and better align the groups in providing
customer value.

Because common understanding of value is so critical to DevOps, you need to frame value in a language that the
business, development, and operations can mutually understand and achieve.

Many areas of the industry clarifies the goals and objectives of DevOps using the CALM
(Culture, Automation, Lean, Metrics) framework or some variation of it. This framework
may help frame your understanding of DevOps, but it does not provide the structure or
guidance to integrate DevOps into your software development lifecycle (SDLC) and
development methodologies.

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DevOps has roots in Agile and Lean
Agile is the precursor to and became the core driver for DevOps because: Lean was used for minimizing cycle times through:

• Developers coded faster • Continuous Integration

• Testers validated code quicker • Automated Testing

• Release Engineers deployed to Dev, Test, and Production frequently • Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery

The Dev’s View The Ops’ View The Business View

We need: We need: We need:
• To work with Ops and understand the • To know what code is coming and its impact • Visibility into what IT is delivering and
production systems our code will run on. on our infrastructure. when.
• To be more engaged in overall quality • To assess steps that can be automated • Visibility into how the applications are
assurance. (Infrastructure as a Code – IaaC). being used in production.
• To monitor our systems and track • To monitor everything in the delivery pipeline, • Visibility into how we can create a product
measures that Ops are interested in. irrespective of the environment. centric perspective at an organization
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Recognize that throughput and quality go hand in hand
Info-Tech’s research shows application development throughput can benefit from effective application
development quality. Use DevOps to build quality into each aspect of your delivery process first and
speed will follow.

There is a statistically significant positive correlation between Why Is There a Correlation?

application development throughput effectiveness and
application development quality effectiveness. • Upstream recognition of quality issues and risks
10.0 minimizes the increased cost to address these issues
9.0 R² = 0.729886429422197 and risks downstream.
Application Development Quality Effectiveness

• Having a clear understanding of the business and
7.0 architectural rationale behind development decisions
6.0 ensures the right product is built.

• Efforts are focused on the most critical scenarios and
valuable items.

2.0 • Reduce rework and maintenance post production.


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

Application Development Throughput Effectiveness

N=1,078 organizations from Info-Tech’s Management & Governance Diagnostic.
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DevOps alone will not bring your delivery teams together
Collaboration begins on day one, but it is usually considered and performed too late to be effective.

DevOps emphasizes the importance of strong relationships among all IT teams. However, it does not address the friction that arises from
the fragmentation of delivery roles commonly found in traditional delivery practices.

Maintaining the walls around your delivery siloes can limit the value of your DevOps implementation.

The lack of team integration and collaboration impacts both team morale and product quality.

Ambiguous Requirements Definition Poor Collaboration Within/Between Teams

of organizations stated this factor was of organizations stated this factor was guaranteed
guaranteed to undermine quality. to undermine quality.

Poor Requirements Change Management

of organizations stated this factor was
guaranteed to undermine quality.
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Source: Freeform Dynamics, 2018.
An organization is a complex, multi-layered system, and DevOps
practices can improve many of them

Vision Strategic Alignment Stakeholder Relations

Application Portfolio Planning (Backlog

Quality Assurance Monitoring
Management Management)
Management Delivery
Vendor Management Resource & Capacity Support

Software Coding &

Business Analysis User Experience
Delivery Build Management Release &
Test Management Deployment
Execution Technical Analysis Selection & System Management
(Solution Design) Procurement Configuration

Team Leadership & Team Practice Team Design & Knowledge

Management People Development
Culture Development Governance Management

Legend Enhanced by DevOps Practices

Use Info-Tech’s MATURE DevOps Framework to accelerate the
integration of DevOps into your SDLC
DevOps adoption hinges on an organization’s ability to adhere to a set of core principles that will allow the realization of critical success factors.
The foundation of such principles must be based on communication and collaboration, else you may end up in the same siloed structures that have historically failed.
Use Info-Tech Research’s MATURE DevOps Framework to plan, implement, and monitor the progress of your transformation to DevOps-based delivery.

Even though these guiding principles

Measure What Matters are presented separately, they have a
symbiotic relationship with each other.
Measure What Matters
Accommodate Change
Transition Efficiently The successful implementation of one
can prove beneficial in accelerating the
Unify Around Objectives expected benefits from one (or more) of
the others.
Make Work Evident Transition Efficiently Right-Size Releases
Make Work Evident
Right-Size Unify Around
Releases Objectives Info-Tech Insight: The fundamental root cause of delivery-related issues is not in
the use or absence of tools. It is always rooted in core cultural inefficiencies and
their impacts on the people who are part of it.

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Info-Tech’s MATURE DevOps Framework is inspired by and feeds into
The MATURE framework can be used to help individual teams adopt DevOps principles. Once the decision to spread DevOps organizationally is made, use Info-
Tech’s CLAIM-G framework to accomplish this objective.

DevOps is a radical change in how people work and

Culture (or the default way of doing work) lays the think. Structured, facilitated learning is required
philosophical foundation for an org-wide adoption of throughout the transformation to help leaders and
good practices like DevOps and Agile methods. practitioners create mutual understanding and
synergies across the organization.

As organizations attempt to spread DevOps Metrics Learning

Governance DevOps organizations strive towards the automation
Integrated Teams
across their teams, a strong and reasonable of delivery and operational capabilities to achieve
governance and measurement model must be in self-service and continuous delivery (CD).
place. It assists with ensuring the best Automation comes with a heavy investment so it
techniques are known about and used. must be applied in the right areas.

While temporary teams can get some benefits from DevOps,

standing, self-organizing teams that cross business, delivery, and
operations are essential to gain the full benefits of DevOps.
Info-Tech Research Group | 10
DevOps Topology
Dev Weak
Ops Maybe The right topology makes acceptance of and success with DevOps practices more likely.
DevOps Function Strong

Culture of Ease of Benefits From

Collaboration Communication DevOps

The traditional topology at organizations that are not using Agile-inspired delivery methods.
Us & Them
This is a remnant of siloed delivery method using Waterfall.

Dev and Ops teams work together as a temporary “product team” in response to demand for
Shared Responsibilities
resources. Once release is completed, Dev and Ops will revert to a functional topology.

The ideal topology for DevOps practices. Product teams are dedicated to the overall success
Product Orientation
of the product and have a stronger collaborative resource team.

A dedicated DevOps mentor coordinates the implementation of good practices across siloed
Dev and Ops teams.
Contain-ed The Dev team uses containers to package the working software, removing the need to
collaborate on system configuration specifics with Ops.
The Dev team is solely responsible for developing, packaging, and deploying software, with
Full-Stack Delivery
Ops only being concerned with general system maintenance and troubleshooting.
Due to lack of (or no desire for) in-house Dev teams, organizations depend upon vendors to
Vendor Managed provide software engineering and delivery services. Ops are only focused on system
Info-Tech Research Group | 11
Info-Tech’s methodology for Implement DevOps
Practices That Work
Pre-Work Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

1. Review the outcome of the 1.1 Articulate the current state 2.1 Brainstorm solutions for 3.1 Identify metrics that are 4.1 Using criteria like cost, effort,
DevOps Readiness Survey. delivery process. identified challenges sensible and provide meaningful opportunity cost, and other
insights into your organization’s organization-specific qualifiers,
1.2 Categorize existing challenges 2.2 Understand different DevOps DevOps transition. create a roadmap of
using PEAS. topologies within the context of enhancements that are needed for
strong communication and 3.2 (Optional) Assess DevOps DevOps transition.
Phase Steps
collaboration. pipeline maturity.

3.3 Determine the set of tools that

satisfy enterprise standards and
can be used to implement DevOps

1. Baseline assessment of 1. A categorized list of 1. A list of solutions that will 1. A list of metrics that will 1. Roadmap for
the organization’s challenges currently enhance the current assist in measuring the enhancements (process,
readiness for introducing evident in the delivery delivery process into one progress of your tool, topology) that will
DevOps principles in its process. which is influenced by organization’s DevOps assist the organization’s
delivery process. DevOps principles. transition. transition to DevOps.
2. (Optional) Identify a team 2. A list of tools that meet
topology that works for enterprise standards and
your organization. enhance delivery
Info-Tech Research Group | 12
Key deliverable: Blueprint deliverables
Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help
you accomplish your goals:

DevOps Roadmap
A Maturity Assessment of
DevOps Practices
Record the results from the exercises to
DevOps Roadmap
help you define, detail, and make real
your digital product vision.

A roadmap template that captures the

outcomes of various exercises and can be
used as a reference in the future.
A DevOps Readiness

Info-Tech Research Group | 13

Info-Tech offers various levels of
support to best suit your needs

Guided Implementation
DIY Toolkit Workshop Consulting
“Our team has already made this “Our team knows that we need to “We need to hit the ground “Our team does not have the time
critical project a priority, and we fix a process, but we need running and get this project or the knowledge to take this
have the time and capability, but assistance to determine where to kicked off immediately. Our project on. We need assistance
some guidance along the way focus. Some check-ins along the team has the ability to take this through the entirety of this
would be helpful.”  way would help keep us on over once we get a framework project.”
track.” and strategy in place.”

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

Info-Tech Research Group | 14

Workshop Overview Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

1. Review the outcome of the DevOps 1. Brainstorm solutions for identified 1. Identify metrics that are sensible and 1. Build roadmap for future-state
Readiness Survey. challenges. provide meaningful insights into your delivery process.
2. Articulate the current state delivery 2. Understanding different DevOps organization’s DevOps transition.
process. topologies within the context of 2. (Optional) Assess DevOps pipeline
Exercises 3. Categorize existing challenges using strong communication and maturity.
PEAS. collaboration. 3. Determine the set of tools that
satisfy enterprise standards and can
be used to implement DevOps

1. Baseline assessment of the 1. A list of solutions that will 1. A list of metrics that will assist in 1. Roadmap for future-state delivery
organization’s readiness for enhance the current delivery measuring the progress of your process.
introducing DevOps principles in process into one which is organization’s DevOps transition.
its delivery process. influenced by DevOps principles. 2. A list of tools that meet enterprise
Outcomes 2. A categorized list of challenges 2. (Optional) Identify a team standards and enhance delivery
currently evident in the delivery topology that works for your processes.
process. organization.

Info-Tech Research Group | 15

Guided Implementation A Guided
What does a typical GI on this topic look like? Implementation (GI) is
series of calls with an
Info-Tech analyst to
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
help implement our
best practices in your
Call #1: Discuss Call #4: Brainstorm Call #6: Identify Call #8: Make a roadmap
DevOps Readiness solutions to metrics that are for DevOps transition.
Assessment result. identified challenges. useful and insightful. This GI is between 8 to
10 calls over the
course of
Call #2: Discuss Call #5: Discuss Call #7: approximately four to
existing delivery possible team Conceptualize a
process. topologies for delivery pipeline
six months.
DevOps. for DevOps.

Call #3: Categorize

identified challenges.

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