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Role of System Analysts

Need for Systems Analysis

and Design
• Installing a system without proper planning
leads to great user dissatisfaction and
frequently causes the system to fall into
• A series of processes systematically
undertaken to improve a business through
the use of computerized information systems
System Analyst
• a person who is thoroughly aware of the
system and guides the system development
project by giving proper directions
• an expert having technical and interpersonal
skills to carry out development tasks required at
each phase.
• pursues to match the objectives of information
system with the organization goal
• must be able to work with people of all descriptions
and be experienced in working with computers
Roles of the Systems Analyst
• Main activities
• Defining and understanding the requirement of
user through various Fact finding techniques.
• Prioritizing the requirements by obtaining user
• Gathering the facts or information and acquires
the opinions of users.
• Maintains analysis and evaluation to arrive at
appropriate system which is more user friendly
• Suggests many flexible alternative solutions, pick
the best solution, and quantify cost and benefits
Roles of the Systems Analyst
• Main activities
• Draw certain specifications which are easily
understood by users and programmer in precise
and detailed form.
• Implement the logical design of system which
must be modular.
• Plan the periodicity for evaluation after it has
been used for some time, and modify the
system as needed
• Prepare plan for implementation and user
training as well as implement it
Attributes of a Systems
Attributes of a Systems

Interpersonal Skills
• Interface with users and programmer (converting
technical and non-technical considerations in
functional specifications and general design)
• Facilitate groups and lead smaller teams
• Managing expectations
• Good understanding, communication, and teaching
• Good Motivator & having the confidence to solve
• Selling ideas and promoting innovations in problem
solving using computers
Attributes of a Systems
• Analytical Skills
• System study and organizational knowledge
• Problem identification, problem analysis, and
problem solving
• Sound common sense
• Ability to access trade-off
• Curiosity to learn about new organization
Attributes of a Systems
• Management Skills
• Understand users jargon and practices.
• Resource & project management(scheduling,
performing well under time constraints,
coordinating team efforts, managing costs and
• Change & risk management (ability to handle
• Understand the management functions
Attributes of a Systems
• Analyst
Technical Skills
• Knowledge of computers and software.
• Keep abreast of modern development and
business functions.
• Knowledge of system design tools.
• Breadth knowledge about new technologies.
• Creativity (helping users to model ideas into
plans and development in order to make
candidate systems for their requirements)
• Questioning attitude and inquiring mind
Qualities of the Systems Analyst
• Authority (to tell people what to do)
• Problem solver (creativity)
• Communicator
• Strong personal and professional ethics
(varied skills in doing different projects
and decision making skills)
• Self-disciplined and self-motivated
Academic qualifications
• A background in systems theory and organization
• Familiarity with makeup and inner working of
major application areas such as financial
accounting, personnel administration, marketing
and sales, operations management, model
building and production control
• Competence in system tools and methodologies
and a practical knowledge of programming as
well as databases
• Experience in hardware and software
Incorporating Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) Considerations
• The demand for analysts who are
capable of incorporating HCI into the
systems development process keeps
increasing, as companies begin to
realize that the quality of systems and
the quality of work life can be improved
by taking a human-centered approach
at the outset of a project
Identifying Problems,
Opportunities, and Objectives
• Activity:
• Interviewing user management
• Summarizing the knowledge obtained
• Estimating the scope of the project
• Documenting the results
Identifying Problems,
Opportunities, and Objectives
• Output:
• Feasibility report containing problem
definition and objective summaries from
which management can make a decision
on whether to proceed with the proposed
Determining Human Information
• Activity:
• Interviewing
• Sampling and investing hard data
• Questionnaires
• Observe the decision maker’s behavior and
• Prototyping
• Learn the who, what, where, when, how,
and why of the current system
Determining Human Information
• Output:
• The analyst understands how users accomplish
their work when interacting with a computer
• Begin to know how to make the new system more
useful and usable
• Know the business functions
• Have complete information on the:
• People
• Goals
• Data
• Procedure involved
Analyzing System Needs

• Activity:
• Create data flow, activity, or sequence
• Complete the data dictionary
• Analyze the structured decisions made
• Prepare and present the system proposal
• Output:
• Recommendation on what, if anything,
should be done
Designing the Recommended
• Activity:
• Design procedures for data entry
• Design the human-computer interface
• Design system controls
• Design database and/or files
• Design backup procedures
• Output
• Model of the actual system
Developing and Documenting
• Activity:
• System analyst works with programmers to
develop any original software
• Works with users to develop effective
• Programmers design, code, and remove
syntactical errors from computer programs
• Document software with help files, procedure
manuals, and Web sites with Frequently Asked
Developing and Documenting
• Output:
• Computer programs
• System documentation
Testing and Maintaining the
• Activity:
• Test the information system
• System maintenance
• Maintenance documentation
• Output:
• Problems, if any
• Updated programs
• Documentation
Implementing and Evaluating the
• Activity:
• Train users
• Analyst plans smooth conversion from old
system to new system
• Review and evaluate system
• Output:
• Trained personnel
• Installed system
Some Researchers Estimate that the Amount of Time Spent
on Systems Maintenance May Be as Much as 60 Percent of
the Total Time Spent on Systems Projects (Figure 1.2)
Roles of the Systems Analyst
• Multi-faceted role:
• Consultant
• Investigator and Monitor
• Architect
• Psychologist
• Salesperson
• Supporting expert --- motivator
• Agent of change
• Politician
• Conflict resolver

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