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The Romantic Imagination and National Feeling

The emphasis on vernacular language and the collection of

local folklore was not just to recover an ancient national The Aristocracy and the New Middle Class In 1789, the members of this class
spirit, but also to carry the modern nationalist message to were united by a common way of life that cut across regional divisions. A
large audiences who were mostly illiterate. working class population and a middle class (which was composed of
industrialists, businessmen and professionals)made the new social groups.

Hunger, Hardship and Popular Revolt

In 1830s food shortages and widespread What did Liberal Nationalism Stand for?
unemployment brought the population of Paris out Ideas of national unity in early-nineteenth-
The Age of
on the roads. century: Europe was closely allied to the ideology
Revolution of liberalism. Napoleonic Code reverted to the
1830-1848 earlier system of limited suffrage.
1848: The Revolution of the Liberals
Parallel to the revolts of the poor, unemployedand
starving peasants and workers in many European
countries in the year 1848, a revolution led by the
educated middle class was under way. The
Habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the
Hungarians in 1867.
The French A New Conservatism after 1815 In 1834, a
Nationalism In revolution and The
Idea of the Nation
customs union or Zollverein was formed; at
the initiative of Prussia and was joined by

Germany-Can the Army be the Architect of a Europe most of the German states. One of the major
issues taken up was freedom of the press.
The nation-building process in Germany had
demonstrated the dominance of Prussian state The Making of
power. Prussian measures and practices often
became a model for the rest of Germany. Germany and The Revolutionaries
Italy Secret societies were set up in Germany,
France, Switzerland and Poland. Mazzini
Visualizing The Nation relentlessly opposed the monarchy.
Italy Unified
During the middle of the nineteenth century, Nationalism and
Italy was divided into seven states, of which
only one, Sardinia- Piedmont, was ruled by
an Italian princely house.

These rivalries were very evident in the way the

The Strange Case of Britain Balkan problem unfolded. Each power - Russia, The female form that was chosen to personify the
The primary identities of the people who inhabited the Germany, England, Austro-Hungary - was keen on nation sought to give the abstract idea of the
British Isles were ethnic ones-such as English, Welsh, Scot or countering the hold of other powers over the nation a concrete form. In Germany 'Germania'
Irish. The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland Balkans, and extending its own control over the area.
that resulted in the formation of the 'United Kingdom of was chosen as an allegory and in italy allegory of
Great Britain. 'Christened Marianne' was chosen.
The folklore of southern
Appointment of Simon India Ideas of nationalism developed through a movement to revive The Idea of Satyagraha
Commission In February 1922, Mahatma Indian folklore. In Madras, Natesa Sastri published a massive four- In 1916 Gandhi ji travelled to Champaran in Bihar to
Gandhi decided to withdraw the Non- volume collection of Tamil folk tales, The Folklore of Southern India. inspire the peasants to struggle against the oppressive
cooperation Movement. Tory government plantation system. Then in 1917, he organised a
in Britain constituted a Statutory satyagraha to support the peasants of the Kheda
Commission under Sir John Simon. Simon district of Gujarat.
Commission arrived in India in 1928.
The sense of
collective The first world War,
belonging Khilafat and Non-
cooperation The Rowatt Act
Gandhiji in 1919 decided to launch a nationwide satyagraha
against the proposed Rowlatt Act (1919). On 13th April the
infamous Jallianwalla Bagh incident took place. At the
a rd t he
Calcutta session of the Congress in September 1920, he
The Salt March and the Civil
convinced ather leaders of the need to start a non-cooperation
movement in support of Khilafat as well as for swaraj,
Disobedience Movement
e di e nce
Mahatma Gandhi started salt march
accompanied by 78 of his trusted Nationalism in
volunteers. On 6 April he reached
Dandi, and ceremonially violated India
the law, manufacturing salt by Why Non-cooperation?
boiling sea water. Gandhiji believed Indians eased to cooperate.
British rule in India would color within a year,
and swaraj would come. At the Congress
srsion at Nagpur in December 1920, a
compromise was worked out and the Non-
The Limits of Civil Disobedience Appointment of Simon cooperation programme was adopted.
Dr B.R. Ambedkar clashed with Mahatma Commission Different
Gandhi at the second Round Table Conference In February 1922, Mahatma Gandhi
decided to withdraw the Non- strands
by demanding separate electorates for dalits.
Some of the Muslim political organisations in
cooperation Movement. Tory within
government in Britain constituted a Rebellion in the Countryside
India were also lukewarm in their response to Statutory Commission under Sir John movements In Awadh, peasants were led by Baba
the Civil Disobedience Movement. Simon. Simon Commission arrived Ramchandra-a sanyasi who had earlier
in India in 1928.
been to Fiji as an indentured labourer.
End of Bretton Woods and the Beginning of 'Globalisation’ Silk Routes Link the World
Wages were relatively low in countries like China, Thus they The name 'silk routes' points to the
became attractive destinations for investiment by foreign MNCs importance of West-bound Chinese silk
competing to capture world markets. cargoes along this route.

Decolonisation and Independence Food Travels: Spaghetti and Potato Many

Most colonies in Asia and Africa emerged as of our common foods such as potatoes,
free, independent nations. Developed countries soya, groundnuts, maize, tomatoes,
organised themselves as a group- the Group of chillies, sweet potatoes, and so on were not
77 (or G-77)- to demand a new international known to our ancestors until about five
economic order (NIED). centuries ago.

The Pre- Modern A World Economy Takes Shape

The Early Post-war Years · World Industry grew, the demand for agricultural
World trade grew annually at over 8 per cent products went up, pushing up food grain prices.
between 1950 and 1970 and incomes at Rebuilding a
Between 1820 and 1914 world trade is estimated
nearly 5 per cent. world
to have multiplied 25 to 40 times.

Post-war Settlement and the Bretton Woods Institutions

Economy : The
post –War Era The Making of Role of Technology
An industrial society based on mass production cannot be sustained
without mass consumption. The IMF and the World Bank
commenced financial operations in 1947. Decision-making in these
the Global New technology, namely, refrigerated
ships, which enabled the transport of

institutions was controlled by the Western industrial powers. perishable foods over long distances.

Wartime Transformations Rinderpest, or the Cattle Plague

The First World War was thus the first modern industrial war. It saw In the late nineteenth century, Europeans
the use of machine guns, tanks, aircraft, chemical weapons, etc, on a The Nineteenth were attracted to Africa due to its vast
massive scale. The Inter –War Century resources of land and minerals.
Economy Rinderpest, a devastating cattle disease,
Post-war Recovery arrived in Africa in the late 1880s.
The war had led to an economic boom, that is, to a Large increase in
demand, production and employment.
Indentured Labour Migration from India
Rise of Mass Production and Consumption One Recruitment was done by agents engaged by
important feature of the US economy of the 1920s was Indian Trade, Colonialism and the employers and paid a small commission. From the
mass production. Henry Ford's cars came off the Global System With 1900s India's nationalist leaders began opposing the
assembly line at three-minute intervals, a speed much industrialisation, British cotton system of indentured labour migration as abusive
faster than that achieved by previous methods. manufacture began to expand, and and cruel. It was abolished in 1921.
industrialists pressurised the
India and the Great Depression In the nineteenth government to restrict cotton
The Great Depression century, across India, peasants' indebtedness increased. Indian Entrepreneurs Abroad
imports and protect Local
The depression was caused by: They used up their savings, mortgaged lands, and sold Shikaripuri shroffs and Nattukottai Chettiars were amongst
(1) agricultural overproduction remained a problem.
whatever jewellery and precious metals they had to the many groups of bankers and traders who financed export
(2) in the mid-1920s, many countries financed their agriculture in Central and Southeast Asia, using either their
investments through loans from the US. meet their expenses.
own funds or those borrowed from European banks.
Beginning of Industrial Revolution In
Where Did the Workers Come From? the 17th and 18th centuries, merchants
In most industrial regions workers came from the districts from the towns in Europe began
around. Peasants and artisans who found no work in the moving to the countryside, supplying
village went to the industrial centres in search of work. money to peasants and artisans,
persuading them to produce for an
international market.

Came Up The Pre- Modern
The Coming Up of the Factory
Industrial Growth Cotton piece goods The earliest factories in England came up
production in India doubled between 1900 by the 1730s. In the early 19th century,
and 1912. After the war, Manchester could factories increasingly became an intimate
never recapture its old position in the
Indian market.
The age of part of the English landscape.

Small-scale Industries Predominate Cheap The Age of Indian Textiles
machine-made thread wiped out the Hand Labour and By the 1750s this network, controlled by Indian
spinning industry in the nineteenth century, merchants, was breaking down. Trade through the
The Peculiarities Steam Power new ports came to be controlled by European
the weavers survived, despite problems.
of Industrial companies, and was carried in European ships.
Market For

Life of the Workers Manchester Comes to India

By the late nineteenth century, manufacturers The abundance of labour in the market As cotton industries developed in England, industrial groups
were printing calendars to popularise their pressurised the government to impose import duties on cotton
affected the lives of workers. The fear of
textiles so that Manchester goods could sell in Britain without
products. Images of gods, figures of important unemployment made workers hostile to the facing any competition from outside.
personages, of emperors and nawabs, adorned introduction of new technology.
advertisement and calendars.
Manuscripts Before the Age of Print
India had a very rich and old tradition of handwritten
manuscripts in Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, as well as in Print in Japan
various vernacular languages. Manuscripts, however, were The earliest kind of print technology was developed in China,
highly expensive and fragile. Japan and Korea. The oldest Japanese book, printed in AD 868, is
the Buddhist Diamond Sutra.

Print Comes to IndiaThe printing press first came The first Printed
to Goa with Portuguese missionaries in the mid- Books Gutenberg and the printing press In 1295, Marco
sixteenth century. By 1674, about 50 books had Polo, a great explorer, returned to Italy after many
been printed in the Konkani and in Kanara years of exploration in China. The breakthrough
languages. From 1780, James Augustus Hickey occurred at Strasbourg, Germany, where Johann
began to edit the Bengal Gazette.
India and The Gutenberg developed the first-known printing
World of print press in the 1430s. The first book he printed was
Print comes to the Bible.
From 1822, two Persian newspapers were
published, Jam-i-Jahan Nama and Shamsul
Akhbar. Newspapers conveyed news from one
place to another, creating pan-Indian identities. Religious
Reforms and Print culture and The Print
Revolution and its
A New Reading Public
Printers began publishing popular ballads
Debates the modern World impact and folk tales, and such books would be
profusely illustrated.
Women and Print By the 1870s, caricatures and
cartoons were being published in journals and
newspapers, commenting on social and political
issues. Many journals began carrying writings New forms of Religious Debates and the Fear of Print
by women, and explained why women should Publications In 1517, the religious reformer Martin
be educated. Hindi printing began seriously Luther wrote Ninety-Five Theses
only from the 1870s.
criticising many of the practices and
rituals of the Roman Catholic Church.
Visualizing The Nation This lead to a division within the
Print and Censorship Church and the beginning of the
By the 1820s, the Calcutta Supreme Court
The Nineteenth Protestant Reformation.
passed certain regulations to control press Century
freedom and the Company began Tremble, therefore, tyrants of the
encouraging publication of news papers that world
would celebrate British rule. !Louise-Sebastien Mercier, a
novelist in eighteenth-century
Children, Women and Workers Production of school France, declared: The printing
The Strange Case of Britain textbooks became critical for the publishing Print Culture and the French Revolution Print press is the most powerful engine
The primary identities of the people who inhabited the industry. Lending libraries in England became created a new culture of dialogue and debate By of progress and public opinion is
British Isles were ethnic ones-such as English, Welsh, Scot or instruments for educating white-collar workers, the force that will sweep
the 1780s there was an outpouring of literature despotism away."
Irish. The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland artisans and Lower-middle-class people. that mocked the royalty and criticised their
that resulted in the formation of the 'United Kingdom of
Great Britain. morality.
In a barter system where goods are directly exchanged without the
Banks keep only a small proportion of their
use of money the double coincidence of wants is an essential feature.
deposits as cash with themselves and use the
Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process, it is called a
major portion of the deposits to extend loans. Before the introduction of coins, a variety of
medium of exchange
Banks charge a higher interest rate on loans
objects were used as money. For example, since
than what they offer on deposits. The
difference between what is charged from
the very early ages, Indians used grains and cattle
borrowers and what is paid to depositors is Money as a Medium of
as money. Modem forms of money include
their main source of income. Exchange currency paper notes and coins. In India, the
Reserve Bank of India issues currency notes on
behalf of the central government.
Loan activities Modern Forms of
at bank Money

Deposits with Bank Banks accept the deposits and also pay
an amount as interest on the deposits. The modern forms
Money and
Every loan agreement specifies an
of money – currency and deposits-are closely linked to the
interest rate which the borrower must Terms of
working of the modern banking system.
pay to the lender along with the Credit
repayment of the principal addition,
lenders may demand collateral
against the in. The interest rate,
collateral and documentation Self-Helped
requirement, and the mode of Groups for the
repayment together comprise what is poor
called the Terms of Credit Formal Sector of Credit
in India The various types of loans can be
Formal and Informal
conveniently grouped as formal sector and
Credit : Who gets
The moneylenders charge very high rates of informal sector loans. The informal lenders
interest, keep no records of the transactions and include moneylenders, traders, employers,
harass the poor borrower. The idea is to organise relatives and friends, etc. The Reserve Bank
rural poor, in particular women, into small Self of India supervises the functioning of formal
Help Groups (SHGs) and pool (collect) their sources of loans.
savings. A typical SHG has 15-20 members, usually
belonging to one neighbourhood, who meet and 85% of the loans taken by poor households in the urban areas are from informal sources. Urban
save regularly. households take only 10% of their loans from informal sources, while 90% are from formal
sources. The formal sector still meets only about half of the total credit needs of the rural people.
The remaining credit reeds are met from informal sources.
The same study by the Planning Commission says that if tourism as
The organised sector covers those places of
a sector is improved, every year we can give additional employment
work where the terms of employment are
to more than 5 lakh people. Under MGNREGA 2005, all those who
regular and therefore, people have assured The sector that covers activities in which natural
are able to, and are in need of work are guaranteed 100 days of
work. It is called Organized. The
employment in a year by the government. products are changed into other forms through
Unorganized sector is characterized by small
and scattered units. Employment is not
ways of manufacturing that we associate with
secure. industrial activity. There are activities that help in
How to Create More the development of the primary and the
Employment? secondary sector are called Tertiary Setor. Since
the se activities generate services rather than
Division of sector as Sector of Economic
goods, the tertiary sector is also called the Service
organized and activities
unorganized Sector.

In the rural areas, the unorganized

sector mostly comprises of landless
How to protect
Sector of The various production activities in the primary,
secondary and tertiary sectors produce a very large
agriculture labourers, small and
marginal farmers, sharecroppers and
workers in the
unorganized Money and
number of goods and services. Intermediate goods
are used up in producing final goods and services.
artisans. In the urban areas,
unorganized sector comprises mainly
The sum of production in the three sectors give's
what is called Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the
of workers in the small-scale industry, Comparing three sector country.
casual workers in the construction,
trade and transport etc. Sector in terms of
Ownership: Public
and private sector Rising Importance of the Tertiary Sector in Production
Over the 40 years between 1971-72 and 2011-12, while
production in all the three sectors has increased, it has
Primary , secondary increased the most in the tertiary sector. Reason being (i)
In the private sector, ownership of assets and and Tertiary sector In any country several services such as hospitals,
delivery of services is in the hands of private educational institutions, etc., are required.
individuals or companies. Collecting the money (ii) The development of agriculture and industry leads to
from thousands of people who use these facilities is the development of services such as transport, trade and
not easy. storage.
(iii) As income levels rise, certain sections of people start
Where are most of the people employed? More than half of the workers in demanding like eating out, tourism, shopping, etc.(iv)
the country are working in the primary sector, mainly in agriculture, Over the past decade, certain new services such as IT,
producing only a quarter of the GDP. The secondary and tertiary sectors BPO, KPO have become important and essential
produce three-fourth of the produce whereas they employ less than half the
Globalization and greater competition among producers-both local and foreign
World Trade Organization (WTO) is one
producers- has been of advantage to consumers, particularly the well-off
such organisation whose aim is to liberalise
sections in the urban areas. Globalization has also created new opportunities for
international trade. Though WTO is suppose People with education, skill and wealth have made
companies providing services, particularly those involving IT.
to allow free trade for all, in practice, it is
the best use of new opportunities. Fair
seen that the developed countries have
unfairly retained trade barriers.
globalisation would create opportunities for all
and also ensure that the benefits of globalisation
Impact of Globalisation are shared better.

World Trade The struggle for

Organisation affair globalisation
Every loan agreement specifies an
interest rate which the borrower must
pay to the lender along with the
repayment of the principal addition,
lenders may demand collateral Until the middle of the twentieth century, production was
Liberalisation of Production across largely organised within Countries. Trade was the main
against the in. The interest rate,
foreign trade The country channel connecting distant countries. An MNC is a
collateral and documentation
requirement, and the mode of and foreign Globalisation and company that owns or controls production in more than
one nation.
repayment together comprise what is
called the Terms of Credit
the Indian Economy Interlinking
Production across
Factors that countries
Rapid improvement in technology has been a
major factor that has stimulated the globalization In general, MNCS set up production where
process. Technologies in the areas of it is close to the markets; where there is
Foreign trades and
telecommunications, computers, and internet have integration of market
skilled and unskilled Labour available at
been changing rapidly. What is globalisation ? low costs; and where the availability of
other factors of production is assured.
MNCs can provide money for additional
investments, like buying new machines for
faster production.
Globalization is this process of rapid integration or
Foreign trade creates an opportunity for the producers to
interconnection between countries. MNCs are playing a major
reach beyond the domestic markets. For the buyers, import of
role in the globalization process. More and more goods and
goods produced in another country is one way of expanding
services, investments and technology are moving between
the choice of goods beyond what is domestically produced.
Precipitation: - from rainfall. • In the first century B.C., Allahabad had
Surface water :- in rivers , lakes, etc. sophisticated water harvesting system.
• During the time of Chandragupta Maurya, dams,
Ground Water :- Water stored in lakes and irrigation systems were extensively built.
underground aquifers which gets recharged • Sophisticated irrigation works have been found in
by rainfall. Kalinga in Odisha, Nagarjunakonda in Andhra
Pradesh, Bennur in Karnataka and Kolhapur in
• Bhopal lake, built in the 11th century, was one of
the largest artificial lakes of its time.
• In the 14th century, Itutmish constructed a tank in
Sources of How was water Hauz Khas, Delhi for supplying water
Water Conserved in in Siri Fort area.
Ancient India:
Water Scarcity means
shortage of water.
Multi-purpose river projects large
Multi-Purpose dams that serve several purposes in
Projects addition to impounding the water of a
Water Scarcity river and used later to irrigate

Water Resources agricultural fields.

• Large growing population Causes of del power):-
• Water Resources are being over-exploited to Water
expand irrigated areas. Scarcity
• Greater demand for water with growing
urbanization and industrialization. Electricity generation from the flowing
• Unequal access to water among different water/rivers by throwing it from height.
social groups. Reasons for increasing
• Excessive use of water by industries. Main Causes of Water water scarcity in India
• Over exploitation of water in the urban areas pollution:

• Domestic Waste.
• Industrial Waste are disposed off in the water without proper treatment. • India is a country of Monsoon climate. Some time due to the failure of Monsoon the scarcity of water Increases.
• Chemical effluents from industries and from agricultural sector. • The rapid growth in the demand of irrigation water.
• Pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture. • Due to the industrial activities downfall of underground water.
• Many human activities, e.g., religious rituals and immersing of idols, etc. in the • Growing pressure on the water resources due to the pace of urbanisation.
water also pollute water. • To meet the needs of the growing population.
In India JMF Program furnishes a good example for
♦ India is rich in it's flora. It has about 47,000 plant species
involving local communities in the management and
about 15,000 Flowering species are endemic (indigenous) to
Refers to diverse form of plants and animals which India. restoration for degraded forests.The program has been in
are closely integrated and interdependent. ♦ India is also rich in it's Fauna. It has more than 81000 of formal existence since 1988 when the state of Odisha
animal species. The country has more than 1200 species of passed the first resolution for joint forest management.
birds. There are 2,500 species of fish, and more than 2500
species of insects.

Beej Bachao Andolan in Tehri and

Navdahya Save the need movement
varches, reintroduces, collect, tests,
Flora and Fauna :- distributes and popularizes every
Joint Forest
indigenous variety of mountain crops
Management:- available.
Biodiversity or
Biological diversity :-
It was organised in the Himalayas, to resist deforestation in
several areas. They also opted for community afforestation
to save indigenous species. They made attempts to revive
Beej Bacho the traditional conservation methods.
Normal Species:-
Species whose population levels are considered to
be normal for their survival, such as cattle, sal,
pine, rodents, etc.
Classification of
Forest and Wildlife
Vulnerable Species:- species
These are species whose population has declined Chipko movement:-
to levels from where it is likely to move into the
endangered category in the near future, if the
negative factors continue to operate. Example:-
Blue sheep, Asiatic elephant,
Gangetic dolphin, etc. Types and Distribution of
Forest and Wildlife Protected Forests:
Rare Species:- Almost one-third of the total forest area is protected
Species with small population may move into
forest, as declared by the Forest Department. This
the endangered or vulnerable category if the forest land are protected from any further depletion.
negative factors affecting them continue to
operate. The examples of such species are the IUCN Unclassed Forests:
Himalayan brown bear, wild Asiatic buffalo, These are other forests and wastelands belonging to
desert fox and hornbill, etc. both government and private individuals and
The International Union for
Endemic Species:-
Conservation of nature and Reserved Forests:-
Endemic Species:- natural resources is the worlds More than half of the total forest land has been
These are species which are only found in some Extinct Species:- declared reserved forests. Reserved forests are
oldest and largest global
particular areas usually isolated by natural or These are species which are not found regarded as the most valuable as far as the
geographical barriers. Examples of such species are the environmental organisation,
after searches of known or likely areas conservation of forest and wildlife resources are
Andaman teal, Nicobar pigeon, Andaman wild pig, founded in 1948. it is also called concerned.
where they may occur. Example:- Asiatic
maithuna in Arunachal Pradesh. the world conservation union.
cheetah, pink head duck.
In a barter system where goods are directly exchanged without the
Let us compare the per capita income of
use of money the double coincidence of wants is an essential feature.
Haryana, Kerala, and Bihar. Haryana has the
Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process, it is called a
highest per capita income and Bihar is at the People seek things that are most important for
medium of exchange
bottom So, if per capita income were to be used
them, i.e., that which can fulfill their aspirations
as the measure of development, Haryana will be
considered the most developed state of the
or desires. So two things are quite clear, one-
What development different persons can have different
three. Money as a Medium of
Promises- Different developmental goals. Two-what may be
people , Different development for one may not be development for
the other. It may even be destructive for the other.
Income and
other criteria

Income and other What people desire are regular work, better wages and
Goals decent price for their crops or other products that they
Money in your pocket can buy all the
produce. People also seek things like equal treatment,
goods and services that you may need Public
to live well. But your money cannot
buy a pollution-free environment
Facilities Development freedom, security, and respect for others. Similarly, for
development, people look at a mix of goals.

unless you can afford to shift to a


Money in your pocket can buy all the goods and National
services that you may need to live well. But your Development It is very important to keep in mind that
money cannot buy a pollution-free environment How to compare
different persons could have different as
unless you can afford to shift to a community. Different Countries or
Sustainability of well as conflicting notions of a country's
state ?
development development. National development means
thinking about fair and just path for all,
whether there is a better way of doing
Since the second half of the 20th century, a number of things.
scientists have been warning that the present type, and levels,
of development are not sustainable. Resources are replenished
by nature as in the case of crops and plants. Sustainability of The income of the country is the income of all the residents of the country. For
developments is comparatively a new area of knowledge in comparison between countries, total income is not such a useful measure. The
which scientists, economists, philosophers and other social average income is also called Per Capita Income. India comes in the category of
scientists are working together. low middle income countries because its per capita income in 2017 was just US$
1820 per annum.
Every party in the country has to register with the Election
Commission. Parties that get this privilege and some other
special facilities are 'recognised' by the Election Commission Meaning
for this purpose. That is why these parties are called, A political party is a group of people who come together to contest
'recognised political parties'. There were six national elections and hold power in the government. A political party has
recognised parties in the country in 2006. three components, i..., the leaders, the active members and the

Functions Parties contest elections. In most

democracies, elections are fought mainly among
the candidates put up by political parties. Parties
have lakhs of members and activists spread all
Why do we need over the country. Laws are debated and passed in
National Political political parties? the legislature.

The rise of political parties is directly linked to the
emergence of representative democracies. Large
Most of the major parties of the scale societies need representative democracies.
country are classified by the
Election Commission as
State parties Political Parties
'Stateparties'. Parties like the
Samajwadi party, Samata party
and Rashtriya Janta Dal have
national level political organization
with units in several states.

How manty parties

Challenges to political
How can should we have?
parties be
formed ?
(1) Lack of internal democracy within
parties. (i) Challenge of dynastic succession.
(iii) The growing role of money and muscle The Constitution was amended to prevent elected
power in parties, especially during elections. MLAs and MPs from changing parties. This was More than 750 parties are registered with the
(iv) Often parties do not seem to offer a done because many elected representatives were Election Commission of India. When several
meaningful choice to the voters. indulging in defection in order to become ministers parties in a multi-party system join hands for the
or for cash rewards. purpose of contesting elections and winning
power, it is called an alliance or a front.
Majorities in Sri Lanka
Accommodation in Belgium
Sri Lanka has a diverse population with 74% Sinhala
For accommodating the interests of the minority AND the
speakers and 18% Tamil speakers. Among Tamils, 13%
majority, Belgium adopted a unique system of power sharing.
ar e called 'Sri Lankan Tamils' and the rest 'Indian
Brussels has a separate government in which both the
Tamils'. In 1956, Sinhala was recognised as the only
communities (French and Dutch) have equal representation. A
official language o f Sri Lanka, thus disregarding Tamil.
'community government' exists. It is elected by people belonging
By 1980s, several political organizations w er e formed
to oneequal
language community. This
representation. governmentgovernment'
A 'community engages with the
demanding an independent Tamil Eelam (state) in
cultural, educational and language related issues.
northern and easter parts o f Sri Lanka.

Why power Sharing is desirable

Power sharing helps to reduce the
possibility o f conflict between social
groups and brings about stability in
polit ical or der . An int elligent shar ing
Pow er Forms o f Power Sharing
o f power among legislature, executive
and judiciary is ver y important to the
design o f a democracy.
Shar ing Power is shared among d i f f e r e n t organs o f
government, such as the legislature, executive
and judiciary. Ministers and government
officials exercise power. Power may also be
shared among d i f f e r e n t social groups such as
the religious and linguistic groups. In a
Belgium and Sri Lanka democracy, the citizens must have freedom to
Power sharing is the v e r y spirit o f choose among various contenders f o r power.
democracy. Belgium is a small
country in Europe. In the capital city
Brussels, 80% people speak French,
while the rest speak Dutch.
Linguistic States WHAT IS
In 1947, the boundaries of several old States FEDERALISM ?
of India were changed in order to create new Federalism is a system of government
in which the power is divided between
States. This was done to ensure that people a central authority and various
who spoke the same language Lived in the same constituent units of the country.
State. Some States were created on the bases Different tiers of government govern
of culture, ethnicity or geography. the same citizens, but each tier has
its own JURISDICTION. The fundamental
provisions of the Constitution
cannot be unilaterally changed by
one level of government. Sources of
HOW IS revenue for each level of government
are clearly specified
The Constitution dearly provided
Language policy Hindi was a threefold distribution of
identified as the official
language. There are 21 other Federalism legislative powers between the
Union Government and the State
Governments. Union List includes
languages recognised as subjects of national importance
Scheduled Languages by the such as defence of the country,
Constitution. The Central foreign affairs, banking,
Government responded by communications and currency. The
agreeing to continue the use State Governments can make laws
of English along with Hindi relating to the subjects
for official purposes. mentioned in the State List.
Concurrent List includes subjects
of common interest to both the
Union Governments as well as the
Centre-State Relation State Governments, such as
education, forest, trade unions,
After 1990, there was the marriage, etc.
beginning of the era of
Centre. This led to a new DECENTRALISATION IN INDIA?
culture of power sharing and
respect for the autonomy of In 1992, the Constitution was amended to make
State Goverments Federal power the third-tier of democracy more powerful and
sharing is more effective today
than it was in the early years effective. Seats are reserved for the Scheduled
after the Constitution came into Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
force. Classes. The State governments are required to
share some powers and revenue with local
government bodies. There are now about 36 Lakh
elected representatives in the panchayats,
Religious differences
Many countries including India have Public/private division
followers of different religions. Gandhiji used Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main
to say that religion can never be separated responsibility of women is household chores and
from politics. Women's movement has bringing up children. This is reflected in Sexual
argued that FAMILY LAWS of all religions Divisions of Labour in most families. But in
discriminate against women. Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Norway and
Finland, the participation of women in public life is very
high. Ours is still a male-dominated, PATRIARCHAL
society and women face disadvantage,
discrimination and oppression.

Religion, caste Women's political representation

and Politics Gender and Politics
In India, the proportion of women in the legislature has
Gender, Caste
been very low. The percentage of elected women members
Communal politics is based on the ide in Lok Sabha has never reached even 10% of its total
as that religion is the principal basis
and Religion
strength. There are more than 10 lakh elected women
of social community. Political representatives in rural and urban Local bodies.
mobilization on religious lines is
another frequent
form of communalism.

Caste inequalities
Secular State Caste and Politcis Caste system was based on the exclusion of
There is no official religion of the Indian state unlike the state
religion of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, that of Islam in Pakistan and discrimination against the 'outcaste'
and that of Christianity in England. The Constitution prohibits groups. Large scale urbanisation, the
discrimination on grounds of religion. growth of Literacy and education and
occupational mobility are breaking down
Caste in politics the old notions of caste hierarchy.
It is not politics that gets caste-ridden; it is the
caste that gets politicized. New kinds of caste
groups have come up in the political arena like
'backward" and 'forward' caste groups.
Democracy is the better form of government when
Democracies are based on political equality. All individuals compared with dictatorship or any other alternative,
have equal weight in electing representatives. In actual life, because it allows equality among citizens; enhances the
democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing dignity of the individual, improves the quality of
economic inequalities. A small number of ultra-rich enjoy a decision-making: provides a method to resolve conflicts;
highly disproportionate shareof wealth and incomes. and allows room to correct mistakes.

How do we asses
democracy ‘s
outcome Democracy produces a government that is
accountable to the citizens, and responsive to
the needs and expectations of the citizens. The
Reduction of inequality democratic government is the legitimate
government. But democratic governments do
and Poverty Accountable, not have a very good record when it comes to

Outcomes of responsive and sharing information with citizens.

No society can fully and permanently
resolve conflicts among different
Democracy government

groups. Ability to handle social

differences, divisions, and conflicts is
thus a definite plus point of Accommodation oof
democratic regimes. It is also social diversity
necessary that rule by majority does
not become rule by majority Economic growth and
community in terms of religion or race
or linguistic groups.
development If you consider all democracies and all
Dignity and freedom of dictatorships for the fifty years between
1950 and 2000, dictatorships have slightly
higher rate of economic growth. But this
alone cannot be the reason to reject
democracy. The difference in the rates of
Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government
economic development between less
in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual Democracy in
developed countries with dictatorships and
India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and
democracies is negligible.
discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity. As
people get some benefits of democracy, they ask for more and want
to make democracy even better.
Conservation of resources Irrational
Resource planning in India (a). Making of International resources
inventory of resources after their region-wise Stock Materials which have the potential to
consumption and over-utilisation of identification across the country. (b). Making of
The oceanic resources beyond 200
satisfy human needs but human beings do
resources may lead to Socio- the planning structure with appropriate not have the appropriate technology to nautical miles of the Exclusive
economic and environmental technology, skill and institutions. c. Matching of On the basis of access. For example, Hydrogen cannot be Economic Zone.
problems. resource plan with development plan, etc. status of used fully due to lack of technology.
Land resources Examples
National resources
mountains (30%), plateaus (27%), Potential resources All the resources that belong to a
Example, wind and solar energy in nation, i.e., minerals, water
plains and islands (43%).
Rajasthan and Gujarat.
resources, forests, wildlife and
Development of resources Reserves Resources, which can land.
Examples: Depletion of resources, be used for meeting future Community owned resources
accumulation of resources in only requirements.
few hands, global ecological crises Resource development Example-Village commons
such as, global warming, ozone planning (grazing grounds, burial grounds,
Types of resource
layer depletion. village ponds, etc.) public parks,
picnic spots.
On the basis of
Forests Land under forest, i.e.,
Individual resources
22.78% Land Example - plots, houses, plantation,

Land not available for cultivation

Utilization Resources and pasture lands, ponds, water in
Barren and waste land, land put to
non-agricultural uses, e.g. buildings,
road, factor etc
Development On the basis of
Land degradation and conservation measures
Other uncultivated land There is about 130 million hectares of degraded
Permanent pastures and grazing land, land under land in India. Approximately, 28% forest degraded
area, 56% is water eroded area and the rest is Renewable resources/Non-renewable
miscellaneous tree crops groves, culturable waste Example, solar and wind energy, water,
affected by saline and alkaline deposits.
land. forests and wildlife.
On the basis of Example, Minerals and fossil fuels.
Fallow lands Soil as a resource
Left without cultivation for one or less Land use pattern Biotic resources
than one agricultural year, and left Pattern of use of land depends on climate, Obtained from biosphere, have life.
topography, type of soil, population, technology, Example-human beings, flora and
uncultivated for the past 1 to 5 skill, population density, tradition, capability, etc. fauna, fisheries, Livestock, etc.
agricultural years.

Abiotic resources
Net sown area Classification of soil Composed of non-living things.
Area sown more than once in an Example, rocks and metals.
• Alluvial soil
agricultural year plus net sown area is Soil erosion and soil conservation Removal of
top soil is called soil Erosion. Intense • Black soil
known as Gross Cropped Area.
farming, grazing, construction activities and • Red and Yellow soil
other human activities; along with • Laterite soil
deforestation have led to soil erosion. Soil
conservation can be done by afforestation, • Arid soil
terrace farming, etc. • Forest soil
Rabi crops
Rice Kharif crop which requires high
Sown in winter from October to
temperature, (above 25°C) and high
December and harvested in summer
humidity with annual rainfall above 100
from April to June, i.e., wheat,
cm. Grown in the plains of north and
barley, peas, gram a mustard.
north-eastern India, coastal areas and the
deltaic regions.
Kharif crops
Grown with the onset of monsoon in
Wheat Rabi crop requires a cool growing
different parts of the country and
season and a bright sunshine at the time
these are harvested in September-
of ripening. It requires 50 to 75 cm of
October, i.e., paddy, maize, jowar,
annual rainfall evenly distributed over
bajra, tur (arhar), moong, urad,
the growing season. Wheat-producing
cotton, jute, groundnut and
soyabean. Cropping states are Punjab, Haryana, Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and parts of
Pattern Major Crops Madhya Pradesh.

Zaid crops
Grown between the rabi and the
kharif seasons, i.e., watermelon, Millets Jowar, bajra and ragi are the
muskmelon and cucumber. important millets. Rain-fed crops mostly
Sugarcane Grows well in hot and humid grown in the moist areas which hardly
climate with a temperature of 21°C to need irrigation
Type of
27°C and an annual rainfall between 75
Primitive Subsistence Farming cm and 100 cm, needs manual labour
Practised on small patches of land farming from sowing to harvesting.
Maize Kharif crop which requires
with the help of primitive tools like temperature between 21°C toC and
hoe, dab and digging sticks, and grows well in old alluvial soil, Use of
family/community labour. It is a modern inputs such as HYV seeds,
'slash and burn' agriculture. fertilisers and irrigation have contributed
to the increasing production.

Intensive Subsistence Farming Labour intensive

farming, where high doses of biochemical inputs Pulses Major pulses that are grown in
and irrigation are used for obtaining higher India are tur (arhar), urad,moong,
production. masur, peas and gram.
Horticulture Crops
Mangoes of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Commercial Farming Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, oranges of Nagpur and Coffee
Use of higher doses of modern inputs, e.g. high yielding Cherrapunjee (Meghalaya), bananas of Kerala, Mizoram, Arabica variety is in great demand all
variety (HYV) seeds, chemical fertilisers, insecticides and Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, lichi and guavas of Uttar over the world. Cultivation is confined to
pesticides in order to obtain higher productivity. Plantation Pradesh and Bihar, pineapples of Meghalaya, grapes of
the Nilgiri in Karnataka, Kerala and
is also a type of commercial farming. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra, apples,
pears, apricots and walnuts of Jammu & Kashmir and
Tamil Nadu.
Technological and Himachal Pradesh are in great demand the world over.
Institutional forms Rubber Equatorial crop, but also grown
in tropical and sub-tropical areas.
Requires moist and humid climate with
Collectivisation, consolidation of holdings, cooperation and abolition Cotton Jute rainfall of more than 200 cm. and
of zamindari, etc. were given priority after Independence. Provision Cotton grows well in drier parts of the Grows well on well- drained fertile soils
temperature above 25°C.
for crop insurance against drought, flood, cyclone, fire and disease, black cotton soil of the Deccan plateau, in the flood plains where soils are
establishment of Grameen banks, cooperative societies and banks for requires high temperature, light rainfall renewed every year. West Bengal, Bihar,
providing loan facilities. or irrigation, 210 frost-free days and Assam, Odisha and Meghalaya are the
bright sun-shine. major producers.
Odisha-Jharkhand belt. Hematite ore
Igneous and metamorphic rocks May occur in the cracks, Iron ore
is found in Badampahar mines in the
crevices, faults or joints. The smaller occurrences are Magnetite is the finest iron ore with a very high content
Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar districts.
called veins and the larger are called lodes, i.e., tin, of iron up to 70 per cent, Hematite ore is the most Durg-Bastar-Chandrapur belt lies in
In the adjoining Singbhum district of
copper, zinc and lead etc. important industrial iron ore, content iron between 50-60 Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra.
Jharkhand hematite iron ore is mined
per cent.
in Goa and Noamundi.
Sedimentary rocks Minerals occur in beds or Ballari-Chitradurga-Chikkamagaluru-
layers, Le., gypsum, potash salt and sodium salt. Tumakuru belt in Karnataka.

Maharashtra-Goa belt includes the state of Goa and

Surface rocks Residual mass of Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.
weathered material containing ores,
Le., bauxite. Mode of Copper
Used in electrical cables, electronics and chemical industries. The
occurrence of Balaghat mines in Madhya Pradesh, Khetri mines in Rajasthan
Alluvial deposits Placer deposits and generally Ferrous Minerals
contain minerals, which are not corroded by minerals and Singhbhum district of Jharkhand are leadin gproducers of
water,i.e., gold, silver, tin and platinum. copper.

Non-Ferrous minerals Bauxite

Ocean waters Deposits are found in the Amarkantak
Ocean beds are rich in manganese nodules.
Common salt, magnesium and bromine are Minerals and plateau,Maikal hills and the plateau
region of Bilaspur-Katni.
largely derived from ocean waters.
What is a
Energy Mica
Most indispensable minerals used in electric and electronic
Non-metallic Mineral
Homogenous, naturally occurring
substance with a definable internal
Resources industries. Mica deposits are found in the Chota Nagpur
plateau, Koderma Gaya - Hazaribagh belt of Jharkhand,
Ajmer in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh.
Technological and
Institutional forms Found in sedimentary rocks. Used as raw
Promotion of energy conservation and increased use of Rock minerals material for the cement industry and
renewable energy sources are the twin planks of essential for smelting iron ore in the blast
sustainable energy. Using public transport systems instead Solar EnergyIndia has enormous
of individual vehicles; switching off electricity when not in possibilities of tapping solar energy. furnace.
use, using power-saving devices and using non- Photovoltaic technology converts
conventional sources of energy. sunlight directly into electricity. Coal-
Energy resources Decaying plants in swamps produce peat. Lignite is a low grade brown coal, which is
soft with high moisture content. Bituminous is the most popular coal in commercial
Conventional use. Anthracite is the highest quality hard coal.
Shrubs, farm waste, animal and
Nuclear or Atomic Energy
human waste are used to produce bio
Non-conventional Resources
Uranium and thorium available in Petroleum
Jharkhand and in Rajasthan are used gas.
Tidal Energy Oceanic tides can be 63 per cent of India's petroleum production is from
for generating atomic or nuclear
power. The Monazite sands of Kerala used to generate electricity. The Gulf Mumbai High, 18 per cent from Gujarat and 16 per cent
is also rich in Thorium. of Kanat, the Sutt of Kuchchh in from Assam.
Gujarat on the western coast and
Gangetic Gella is Sunderbar regions of
West Bengal provide idea condition far Natural Gas
Wind power Wind farms are located in Hydro electricity
at lising tidal energy Natural gas have been discovered in the Krishna- Godavari basin, theGall et
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Generated by fast flowing water, and by
Ges Thermal Energy Refers to the heat multi-purpose projects like the Bhakra Thermal electricity Cambay, Andaman and Nicobar islands. Hazira-Vijaipur - Jagdishpur cross
Karnataka,Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Kerala, Maharashtra and and electricity produced by using the Nangal, Damodar Valley Corporation, Generated by using coal, petroleum and country gas pipeline links Mumbai High and Bassien with the fertilizer,
Lakshadweep. heat from the interior of the Earth the Kopili Hydel Project, etc., producing natural gas in 310 thermal power plants. power and industrial comprars in western and northern India.
hydroelectric power.
Agro based Cotton, woollen, jute, silk textile, rubber,
sugar, tea, coffee, and edible oil.
The share of manufacturing sector has
Depends upon raw material, labeur,
stagnated at 17% of GDP-out of a total of
Mineral based Iron and steel, cement, alumnium, capital, power and market, etc.
27% for the industry which includes 10% for
machine tools and petrochemicals.. mining, quarrying, electricity and gas

Consumer industries Sugar,

toothpaste, paper, sewing machines, Helps to reduce the heavy dependence. Eradication of
fans, etc. unemployment and poverty from our country and
Contribution of expansion of trade and commerce.
Basic or key industries E.g. iron and steel, copper
smelting and aluminum smelting. Industrial Location Industry to National
Classification of
Small Scale Industry Maximum investment Industries
upto rupees 1 crore Importance of
Large Scale Industry Investment
more than rupees 1 crore Production of goods in large quantities
from raw materials.
Public sector Owned and operated by government
agencies-BHEL, SAIL, etc.

What is a Minimising the use of water for

Joint sector industries Jointly run by
the state and individuals or a group of
mineral? Industries Control of
processing by reusing and
recycling,harvesting of rainwater,
treating hot water and effluents before
Degradation releasing, etc.
Cooperative sector industries Owned
and operated by the producers or
suppliers of raw materials, workers or
both. Agro-based Industrial Pollution Air pollutionCaused by the presence of
high proportion of undesirable gases,
Industries such as SO2, CO₂.
Heavy industries Such as iron and
Water pollution Caused by organic and
inorganic industrial wastes and affluents
Cotton Textiles Concentrated in the Textile Industry discharged into rivers by paper, pulp,
cotton growing bett of Maharashtra Automobile Industry chemical, textile and dyeing, petroleum
and Gujarat due to availability of raw Mineral based Information refineries, etc.
cotton, market, transport including
accessible port facilities, labour, moist Industries technology and
Thermal pollution Occurs when hot water from
climate, etc. Electronics factories and thermal plants are drained into
rivers and ponds before cooling.
Sugar Industry
Jute Textile Seasonal in nature so ideally suited to Iron and Steel industry The contusing growth
Located in West Bengal , mainly along the cooperative sector. UP, Bihar, Iron ore , cooking coal and limestone are
the banks of hugli river. in the hardware and
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, required in the ratio of approximately Provide vehicle for quick transport of
software is the key to Noise pollution Caused due to industrial and construction
Andhra Pradesh, etc. 4:2:1. goods serveries and passengers.
the success of IT activities.
industry in India.
Airways Indian Airlines, Alliance Air, private scheduled airlines and non-
scheduled operators provide domestic air services. Air India provides Border Roads Organisation- Pipelines Used for transporting crude oil,
a Government of India undertaking petroleum products and natural gas from oil Railways Broad Gauge (1.676), Metre
international air services. Pawanhans Helicopters Ltd. provides
constructs and maintains roads in the and natural gas fields to refineries, fertilizer Gauge (1.000), Narrow Gauge (0.762 and
helicopter services. factories and big thermal power plants. Three
bordering areas of the country. 0.610), The distribution pattern of the
important networks of pipeline -upper Assam
to Kanpur, Salaya in Gujarat to Jalandhar in Railway network has been influenced by
Major Sea Ports India has 13 major ports viz. Punjab, and Hazira in Gujarat connects physiographic, economic and
Jagdishpur in Uttar Pradesh. administrative factors.
Kolkata Port, Paradip Port, New Mangalore
Port, Kochchi Port, Jawaharlal Nehru Port,
Mumbai Port, Kandla Port, Vishakhapatnam
Port, Chennai Port, Tuticorin Port, Ennore
Port, Marmagao Port and Port Blair Port. Transport Golden Quadrilateral Super
HighwaysLinking Delhi-Kolkata-
Chennai-Mumbai and Delhi by six-
Communication lane Super Highways. The North-
South corridors linking Srinagar
(Jammu & Kashmir) and
-Personal communication and mass Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu), and East-

Lifelines of
West Corridor connecting Silchar
communication including television, radio,
(Assam), and Porbandar (Gujarat) are
press, films, etc are the major means of Roadways part of this project.
communication in the country.
Trade Economy National Highways The primary road
systems laid and maintained by the
The exchange of goods among people,
Central Public Works Department
states and countries is referred to as
trade. The market is the place where Border Roads (CPWD).
such exchanges take place. Trade
Tourism as trade
State Highways Linking a state capital
between two countries is called
with different district headquarters.
international trade.

Road Density District RoadsThey connect the district

headquarters with other places of the district and
are maintained by the Zila Parishad.

More than 15 million people are directly engaged

in the tourism industry. Foreign tourists visit
It is the length of road per 100 sq km of area.
India for heritage tourism, eco tourism, Other Roads Rural roads
Density of all roads varies from only 12.14 Border Roads Organisation-
adventure tourism, cultural tourism, medical a Government of India undertaking link rural areas and villages
km in Jammu and Kashmir to 517,77 km in
tourism and business tourism. constructs and maintains roads in the with towns.
Kerala (as on 31st March 2011) with the
bordering areas of the country.
national average of 142.68 km ( 31st March

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