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Academic Writing

How to Write Direct Quotations and Bibliography

Using Referencing Tools


WINDA DANIATI (22178031)
Definition of Direct Quotation
A direct quotation is a word-for-word, 100% accurate
presentation of original information. You have to be very careful
with direct quotations that they match the original information
exactly. This handout will walk you through the steps of creating
effective direct quotations.
When I use a direct Quote?
• A good rule is to not use too many quotes because extensive
quoting gives the impression that you don’t understand your
source enough to put it in your own words and that you cannot
contribute any of your own thoughts.
• A general rule of thumb is that any Confederation College CS
course assignment should contain less than 10% of directly
quoted material.
Direct quotes are best used for these reasons:
• to support your idea or to advance your argument by highlighting
that a particular piece of information is from an expert source
• to present something you are analyzing, interpreting or commenting
on so the reader will understand better
• to what you are referring (such as a literary passage) Adapted from
The Writing Center, n.d.[1]
Once you have written out the direct quotation, you need to create the in-text citation
for the quoted material. It is good practice to use a signal phrase or a narrative style
citation to introduce a direct quote. This helps integrate the quote to your writing.
Whether you are using the narrative or parenthetical structure, all direct quotations
must include the following information:
• author
• year of publication
• page number (or paragraph number for websites or timestamp for film or video)
How to Write a Direct Quotation
1. Use double quotations for quotes fewer than 40 words
2. Cite short quotations immediately after the closing quotation
3. Set off longer quotes from the rest of your text
4. Make limited changes to quoted text as necessary
5. Add nouns to quotations to clarify pronoun usage
6. Use sic in square brackets to mark mistakes in the original text
7. Use an ellipsis to indicate omissions of parts of the quoted work
Differences in Quoting

The Example of Direct Quotation
A direct quotation is a report of the exact words of an author or speaker and
is placed inside quotation marks in a written work.
For example, Dr. King said, "I have a dream."
Direct Quote
Short Quotation
When a direct quotation is used, always include the author, year and page number as
part of the citation. A quotation of fewer than 40 words should be enclosed in
double quotation marks and should be incorporate into the formal structure of the

Patients who Prayed had “less congestive heart failure, required less diuretic and
antibiotic therapy, had fewer episodes of pneumonia, had fewer cardiac arrests, and
were less frequently intubated and ventilated” (Byrd, 1988,p.829)
The Example of Bibliography
Encyclopedia & Dictionary
Magazine or Newspaper
Website or Webpage

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