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How to write an essay!

• Write clearly
• Do not write long sentences. A sentence should not have more than three lines. Make short sentences
with a subject, a verb and an object.
• Every sentence should bring a new idea, or explain a previous one. No sentence should be superfluous.
• Define your topic. Limit your research to a certain timescale
• Make paragraphs. Each idea should be developed in each paragraph
• Run your spellchecker.
• Avoid the passive tense.
• Use references to document all sources
• Avoid the use of I. Instead: this essay argues, ‘this article demonstrates’.
• Avoid the use acronyms.
• Never use words whose meanings you are not sure of.
• Explain complicated concepts.
• Avoid the abstract. Always go for the concrete.
• Have a well-researched and professional bibliography.

• Write your ideas down

• Organise them in two or three themes

• Write your argument down

• Write your introduction.. And rewrite it at the end!


• Begin your paper with an unusual sentence: relate question to current events, literature

• Write your question

• Explain your argument in one or two sentences

• Announce the plan of your paper: "Section I explains how; Section II details; Section III describes;
Section IV offers”

• Use theory to help you explain your points
• Use empirical evidence (facts, numbers) to support every idea you develop: PROVE every point you
make. Be critical!

• Always think about the counterargument to your claim. You can do this in the second part of your
paper if you decide to first give your argument, second argue against yourself and third summarise
your points.

• Headings might be useful!

• Repeat your argument and the principle findings of your essay

• Use your findings to explore the implications of your argument:

• What policy prescriptions can you make?

• Where does your argument fit in the literature on your topic?

• What research could be made on the basis of your findings?

Tip: ask a friend to read your paper before you turn it in. Return the favour for them!

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