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Social Class Definition

A Class: These people are those 5% of the population that are classified as extremely rich and typically educated from abroad or in high
class universities. The Royal family would classify but would be termed as A+ (1%), and so would owners of large corporations. Many of
these people live in large estates and have frequent trips to Europe and North America with investment there. Some even import their food
from their on a weekly/monthly basis. Given that they do live in Saudi Arabia and watch pretty much the same channels as ours (hence being
exposed to local advertising), they too classify as consumers and should be considered in our marketing mix. 
B Class: These people are the top position holders in large companies, or the educated class of the society. They usually have more than one
car, live in decent and posh areas of the city and are termed as ‘successful’. So typically Band 3 and above managers at P&G would be B
Class, but not necessarily. They frequently travel abroad usually going further than the Middle East for family vacations.
C1 Class: These would be called the upper middle class. In Jeddah they would typically be living in areas like Azizia but in nicer
homes/apartments. They consist of one-third of the population. 
C2 Class: They are termed as the lower-middle class usually senior clerk positions or assistants at companies. They would have usually a
Bachelors degree from a mediocre university & probably occupied in medium sized organizations.
D/E Class: These are the lesser educated individuals who usually would be staying in nucleus family homes in areas such as Kandara and
Eastern Ruwais.

General Saudi Population Social Class Break down

A/B C1 C2 D/E
18% 34% 36% 12%

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