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Status of companies

Status What it means Implication

This company is trading or can • Employee should have an approved Private Work
still trade - as it is fully Application from the Dx Committee, if not, consequence
compliant with all CIPC management should be applied before an application
Regulations. for PW is submitted. Manager can approve DOI &
ensure that the Private Work Application process is
In Business
• If interest no longer exists, company should be
deregistered with CIPC, proof of deregistration attached
on the DOI and also sent to Pumeza Mzimane from
BIPM to remove it from employee profile. Manager can
approve DOI (if proof of deregistration has been

CIPC has received the request Employee to attach proof of deregistration on DOI and also
Deregistration for deregistration and has send it to Pumeza Mzimane. Manager can approve DOI if
Process successfully filed it. proof if evidence has been attached.
CIPC Contact Details
086 100 2472
Status What it means Implication
• This status can still change to “In Business” if
employee decides to still trade. If interest no longer
• This company has not met the
exists, employee should deregister with CIPC and
deadline of paying Annual
attach proof. Manager can approve DOI if proof of
Returns. However, the
AR communication with CIPC has been attached.
company can continue trading
even if the Annual Returns are
Process •However, if interest still exists, consequence management
not up to date.
must be applied before a PW Application can be processed.

• This company has been deregistered and has an

This means that the company is
“Inactive Status. It will automatically be removed from
no longer incorporated and has
the DOI System within 12 months.
AR Final lost its status as a trading
Deregistration company. This is after non-
• Manager can approve without evidence
payment of Annual Returns for
more than 2years.

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