Presentation Group 4 - Topic 5 Business Excellence Models

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Topic 5: TQM Program Implementation and

its Benefits; Business Excellence Models

Group 04:
Mr. Mey Narong
Mr. Tin Sithoen
Mr. Em Rattanak
Mr. Kuoch Phosakmony
Ms. Slaiman Faty

• Em • Tin • Mey • Kuoch • Slaiman

Rattanak Sithoeun Narong Phosakmony Faty

Sunday, March 26, 2023 TQM Group 5 2

1. Implementing a total quality management system
2. TQM Program Implementation
3. Benefit of TQM implementation system
4. What is a Business Excellence Model?
5. Conclusion
1. Implementing a total quality management system
Develop organization chart
• Define line of communication
• Role and responsibility
• Show the link the parent organization and/or relevant departments
• Organization chart is always update as required
Personnel management
• Qualification/ cv
• Staff orientation
• Training and competency assessment
• Job description and authorization
• Performance appraisal
• Continue education program
• Develop and update personnel file
• Others….
Establish quality policy and objectives
 Quality policy
• Is a general statement to show commitment toward quality standard, commitment to
continue improvement of quality management system
• It shall be communicated, understood, and applied within the organization

 Quality objectives
• Be consistent with the quality policy
• Be measurable
• Be applicable
• Be monitored
• Be communicated
• Be updated as appropriate
Document management
Establish document management system to ensure:
• Protected documents from unauthorized access
• Control all internal and external documents
• Documents are uniquely identified.
• Approval of all documents before use by competent person
• Documents are periodically reviewed and updated as necessary
• Current versions of documents are available at appropriate workstation/department.
• Unintended use of obsolete documents is prevented
• at least one paper or electronic copy of each obsolete controlled document is retained for a
specified time period
• Records are created when a form is completed /filled with the activity information and stored.
• Shall ensure that amendments to records can be traced to previous versions or to original
Process management

“A set of interrelated or interacting activities that

transform inputs into outputs”
• Describe the steps involved to carry out quality policies

• Easily represented in flowcharts

• Involve a series of steps, usually occurring over a period

of time
Assessment (Internal audit)
The organization shall
• Plan, establish, implement and maintain internal audit program
• Define the audit criteria and scope for each audit;
• Select auditors
• Conduct internal audit
• Ensure objectively and impartiality of audit process
• Report audit results to relevant management
• Take corrective action (CA) without undue delayed
• Retain documents information of internal audit
Nonconformity events management (NCE)
• Identify and record NCE
• Risk assessment
• Root cause analysis (RCA)
• CA
• Evaluate CA

What is nonconformity?
Nonfulfillment of a requirement
Common tools used in RCA
• 5 whys method
• fishbone diagram
• Process mapping
• Brainstorming
Customer focus
• Enhancing customer satisfaction are determined and addressed
• Conduct customer survey
• Feedback from customers is an opportunity for improvement
• Resolution of complaint and improvement
Plan and carry out management review
Management review is a process

• Aggregate Data • Analyze Data • Authorized Actions
• Monitoring Data • Revise Objectives • Allocated
• Measurement Data • Make Decisions Resources
2. TQM Program Implementation
• Strategic Planning 
The process of determining the long-term
direction and overall longer-term
objectives for the organization.
• Tactical Planning 
is focused on the development of specific
plans which will detail implementation of
the strategic plans.
• Operational Planning 
has a short-term narrow focus. Operational
plans are very specific. Operational
planning provides specific details on how
the tactical plans will be implemented.
3. Benefit of TQM implementation system
• Increased customer satisfaction
• Improved efficiency
• Better decision-making
• Improved employee engagement
Increased customer satisfaction

Product or Time Delivery
Customer Need
Service Quality

Improved Empowering
Communication Employees
Improved efficiency

Continuous Employee
Improvement Empowerment

Total Employee
Better decision-making

Analyzing Establishing Encouraging

Data Clear Criteria Diverse Views

Preparing for Implement

Contingencies Evaluations
Improved employee engagement

Provide Encourage Create a

Meaningful Career Positive Work
Work Development Environment

Offer Continuously
Competitive Communicate
Compensation with Employees
4. What is a Business Excellence Model?
• Business Excellence (BE) is about developing and strengthening the management
systems and processes of an organization to improve performance and create
value for stakeholders. BE is much more than having a quality system in place. BE
is about achieving excellence in everything that an organization does (including
leadership, strategy, customer focus, information management, people and
processes) and most importantly achieving superior business results.
How good is your organization?
• * When was the last time you critically analyzed your organization’s performance and How has
your organization been performing for the last three (3) years. Is your organization a leader or a
laggard? Or do you not know how your organization compares against others. Do you even know
what you should be measuring?
We must review what your score means in
terms of BE:
Total score Interpretation of total score

25 – 30 • Congratulations! Your organization is on the road to BE and serves as a model for others in
the business.

19 – 24 • Your organization is showing sincere efforts in implementing improvement initiatives and

is ready to achieve greater heights in BE.

• Your organization has started its BE journey. You need a more systematic approach to
improvement that considers how BE can be more widely used in all parts of the business –
13 – 18 both horizontally across all processes and vertically through all tiers of management. This
is a good time to undertake a comprehensive business excellence self-assessment to
identify your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

• Your organization has some understanding of the basics of BE, but implementation of
systems has been sporadic or poor. There is a need to re-evaluate the direction and
7 – 12
capabilities of your organization and staff, and potentially seek BE assistance so that your
organization can move to the next level.
Understanding Business Excellence
• Business Excellence involves improving customer outcomes and increasing productivity through
the organization's key processes and is driven by organizational leadership and management.
More than just another “buzz phrase”, business excellence underpins any successful company’s
strategy and growth.
Understanding Business Excellence
• Core Values and concept
• Visionary leadership
• Customer-driven excellence
• Organizational and personal learning
• Valuing workforce members and partners
• Agility
• Focus on the future
• Managing for innovation
• Management by fact
• Societal responsibility
• Focus on results and creating value
• Systems perspective
• Questionnaire approach
• Pro forma approach
• Workshop approach
• A matrix chart approach
• An award approach
Understanding Business Excellence
The relationship between Business Excellence Models and Core Values
and Concepts
• Leadership team provide an environment for innovation
• Strategies encourage innovation in products, operations, and service delivery
• Operational processes enable the achievement of innovative designs for products
and services
• listening to the customer, identify opportunities for innovation
• comparing performance and systems with other organizations assist innovation and
• Organizational culture benefit from the diverse ideas, cultures, and thinking of a
• Business excellence is the excellence in all stakeholder-related
business practices and performance outcomes validated through
evaluations based on specific models that are proven to support the
challenging journey towards excellence. In this side Total Quality
Management itself is now called business excellence model, BE is the
same as TQM. Moreover, TQM models are often called Business
Excellence Models.
• The execution of either BE or TQM principles in a company will
improve the performance of the company and increase the ability to
excellence their business.
• ISO9001:2015 Quality management systems– requirements
• Business Excellence (BE) as Predictor of Total Quality Management
(TQM) under Mediation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

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