SEU Presentation For Koblenz

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State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic)

Dr. Ruben Aghgashyan, Vice-Rector Koblenz - 2010

State Engineering University of Armenia is the legal successor of Yerevan Polytechnic Institute: one of the leading engineering schools of the former Soviet Union

Mission Statement
State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic) is a higher educational institution with a polytechnic emphasis, the basic mission of which is: to create and implement academic/research programs and services consonant with educational and technological needs of the national economy and society, to prepare students for life, career, lifelong learning and professional progress in line with changing economic environment and emerging global information society, to create a supportive environment for the comprehensive personal and intellectual

The University at a glance 1

Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (YPI) was founded in 1933 having only 2 departments and 107 students. In 1980-1985 reached its peak with about 25000 students and more than 66 majors, becoming the largest higher education institution in Armenia. On November 29, 1991, the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute was reorganized and renamed State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA). In 2005, by the Resolution # 1717 of the RA Government the traditional name Polytechnic was returned to the University as an acronym.

The University at a glance 2

The Central Campus of the University is located in Yerevan and the Branch Campuses - in Gyumri, Vanadzor and Kapan. The University has affiliated high schools in Yerevan and Regional Campuses, aimed at recruiting future gifted students from schools. 4 study programs of vocational, higher and post-higher professional education, conferring the qualification degrees of junior specialist, bachelor, master and researcher (PhD). The University also offers extended education courses by means of its faculties and a network of continuing education structures. More than 35 Bachelors and 25 Masters major specialties in Engineering, Industrial Economics, Engineering Management, Applied Mathematics and Industrial Sociology.

The University at a glance 3

At present 19 faculties with over 10 thousand students following 4 degree programs, about 200 foreign students studying in English and Armenian language groups. In addition, over 800 learners at the SEUA central and regional affiliated high schools. The academic staff of the University exceeds 1000, most of them with Degrees of Candidate or Doctor of Science.

With its developed research system and infrastructure the University is nationally recognized as the leading center in technical sciences.

The University at a glance 4

The University is a member of:
European Universities Association, Black See Universities Network, Mediterranean Engineering Universities Network,

Association of Engineering Universities of CIS countries,

is involved in:
many European and other international research and educational programs (TEMPUS, TACIS, FP, DAAD, OSIAF, INTAS, USAID, NATO Science, NATO Networking, NISCUPP, etc.).

The Structure of State Engineering University of Armenia (Central Campus)

Faculties Co-University Chairs
Microelectronic Circuits and Systems Interdepartmental Chair Life and Labor Safety Physical Training and Sports


Scientific Researches
Scientific Research Laboratories Computer Center Laboratory of University LAN

Other Structural Units

Student Carrier Service Center University-Industry Liaison Center Faculty Development Center Preparatory Courses Library

Computer Systems and Informatics Cybernetics

Common Educational
Mathematics Physics Engineering Graphics

Correspondence Education Division of Foreign Students Graduate Division Courses in Humanities, Economics and Management Coordinating Division of Specialized Council

Radio Engineering and Communication Systems Chemical and Environmental Engineering Electrical Engineering Power Engineering Machine-building

Languages Social-Political Disciplines and General Economics

Printing House Recreation-Sport Camps

Departments 15 10
Art Clubs Public Food Complex Alumni Association Student Council Donation and Graduates Section

Mechanics and Machine Science Mining Engineering and Metallurgy Transport Systems

5 0
33 19 19 63 19 73

83 93 19 19 20 03







SEUA (former Yerevan Polytechnic Institute) is the incontestable leader in technical education of RA During 78 years since its establishment SEUA has given more than 110,000 graduates The graduates have formed RAs main engineering manpower scientific technical community industrial leadership

During its 78-year history the University has created some stable values and traditions, which united several generations of the faculty and students and defined its unique Polytechnic character.

Polytechnic Roots and Polytechnic Orientation The Student's Success and Satisfaction is the Mirror of the University's Success The Unique Mission and Responsibility of the University The University as an Ethical Model for the Students and Environment Open University Community, Shared Responsibility and Governance Quality of Education by European Standards.


The offer based disciplinary structure (list of specialties) and relevant curricula of the University do not respond always to the changing needs of employment market. Rigidly planned and teacher centered educational system, which does not give freedom for learning choices to students. Too theoretical contents of educational programs not targeted to the generation of practical skills of the graduates. Dangerously fast increasing average age of teaching staff practically at all Faculties because of insufficient inflow of young academic staff not motivated to work at the universities for low salaries. Insufficient renovation of teaching laboratories and the technical infrastructure of Faculties and restricted use of new IT based educational methodologies. Lack of long term industrial collaboration links


To renovate the content of study programs based on the competency and skill needs of the employment market. To continue and deepen the replacement of old rigid organi-zational structure of education by a new, credit based flexible system able to respond to rapidly changing market demands. To strengthen the existing and establish new University Industry partnerships to involve more employer organizations in the process of formation of high quality future engineers. To start close cooperation with local and foreign HEIs aimed to developing and

The Vision of the University

where the entrance and educational recourses are

accessible to diverse social and age groups, to both local and international students
whish is adaptable to environmental changes and

responsive to the changing needs of the society, economy and the demands of the market development

which has an essential role in programs of economic that prepares students for a full-fledged career,

professional progress, innovation and leadership

that provides quality education by integrating theory and practice, creating a sound basis for general education that encourages the opportunity of open

communication and debate to all and where everyone is responsible for the development process interaction with external environment
which is proactive and entrepreneurial in its

which is guided by global prospective and moves

Welcome to a short video tour to SEUA

Thank you

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