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• “Leadership is interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed through the
communication process toward the attainment of a specific goal or goals”.

• Hence leadership is the process of influencing the members of the group with respect
to goal setting and goal achievement.
 For our purpose leadership may be classified at 3 levels.
• Top Manager – The Big Boss
• Middle Manager – Simply Boss
• Front line Manager – Foreman and Supervisor
• All of them operate on different levels and have different responsibilities and duties
having the same problem of dealing with people and leading them.
Leaders and Leadership
• Leader – Someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority

• Leadership – What leaders do; the process of influencing a group to achieve


• Leadership, as a process, shapes the goals of a group or organization,

 motivates behavior toward the achievement of those goals, and

 helps define group or organizational culture.

• It is primarily a process of influence.

• To lead is to inspire/encourage/motivate, influence and guide.

• Leadership is the process of getting people to do their best to achieve a desired result.

• It involves developing and communicating a vision for the future, motivating people and gaining their

 Other definitions (there are many) include:

• Ivancevich et al (2008): Leadership is ‘the process of influencing people to enable the achievement of relevant

• Goleman (2000): ‘A leader’s singular job is to get results’.

• House et al (2004): Leadership is the ability to motivate, influence and enable individuals to contribute to the
objectives of organizations of which they are members’
Leadership is an interpersonal influence directed toward the achievement of
a goal or goals.

Interpersonal---- means between persons. Thus , a leader has more than one
person(group) to lead.

Influence---- is the power to affect others.

Goal--- is the end one strives/attempts to attain.

 Ideally, all managers should be leaders

Basics/fundamentals/ of Leadership
Give people a reason to come to work.
Be loyal to the organization’s people
Spend time with people who do the real work of the organization.
Be more open and more candid/honest about what business
practices are acceptable and proper and how the unacceptable ones
should be fixed.

Chris Argyris has mentioned the following characteristics of a leader :

1. The leader is constantly interacting and commanding(powerful).

2. The leader makes the organization a part of his self-image.

3. The leader’s personal goals, values and feelings are organizationally centered.

4. The leader handles the supervisors as individuals.

5. The leader controls the transmission of important information.

6. The leader emphasis/highlight the present and

7. The leader sets realistic goals.

Fundamental difference between a Manager and a Leader:

1. A manager administers, but a leader innovates.

2. A manager maintains, while a leader develops.

3. A manager focuses on systems and structures, whereas a leader’s focus is on people.

4. A manager relies on control, but a leader inspires/motivate/encourage trust.

5. A manager keeps an eye on the bottom line, while a leader has an eye on the

6. A manager does things right, a leader does the right thing.

Distinguishing Leadership From Managership

Leaders use three types of skills-technical, human and conceptual.
1. Technical Skill.
 It refers to a person’s knowledge and ability in any type of process or technique.
 For example, the skills learned by accountants, engineers, etc.
 This skill is the distinguishing feature of job performance at the operating level; but an employee is promoted
to leadership responsibilities, his technical skill become less important.
2. Human Skill.
 It is the ability to work effectively with people and to build teamwork.
 No leader can escape from human skill.
 It is the major part of the leadership behavior.
3. Conceptual Skill.
 This is the ability of the leader to think in terms of models, framework and broad relationships such as
long-term plans.
 Conceptual skill deals with ideas while human skill concerns people and technical skill is with things.

1. Can reduce employee dissatisfaction.

2. Encourages effective delegation.

3. Creates team spirit.

4. Helps to develop skills and confidence in the group.

5. Helps to enlist/recruit support and co-operation from people outside

the group or organization.
Leadership Theories
 In the management texts, leadership has been defined in terms of
traits, behavior, contingency, power and occupation of administrative
 Hence the variety of theories of leadership, which can be classified as;
1.Trait (or quality) based
2.Activity based
3.Contingency based
4.Style based
5.Continuum based

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