Oscar Wilde

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Oscar Wilde

Students: Lea Marija Mihajlović and Jelena Nigović

Course: English for Humanities and Social Sciences IV
English language instructor: Dr. Dubravka Kuna
Date: 17 May 2023
A Table of Contents

1. Introduction 6. The Nightingale and the Rose

2. Oscar's life  7. The Picture of Dorian Gray

3. Famous Wilde quotes  8. Conclusion

4. The Wilde's Aestheticism 9. References

5. Oscar's Work 
1. Introduction
• A prominent literary figure of his era
•  Wit, aestheticism and rebellion
•  Turbulent life of Oscar Wilde 
• Contribution to the world of literature
2. The Wilde's life
• Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde
• Irish writer
• 1854. (Dublin) - 1900. (Pariz) 
• Parents: William and Speranza Wilde
• He attended Oxford on a scholarship 
• 1878. Newdigate Prize – Ravenna 
• Wife: Constance Lloyd – two chilldren 
2. The Wildes's life
• A disciple of Walter Pater
• He became a fashionable dandy 
• one of the most successful playwrights of late 
   Victorian London
• Dramatic downfall – homosexual acts
3. Famous Wilde quotes
• «I have nothing to declare except my genius».

• «Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes».

• «A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her».

• «Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing».
4. The Wilde's Aestheticism
• The Aesthetic movement developed in 19th century
• Wilde adopted aesthetic ideal
• Aestheticism was based on the cult of beauty and

•The Features of aesthetics

• Attention to self
• Hedonism
• Absence of didactic aim
• Segregations from society
5. The Wildes's works
• Wilde excelled in several genres:​
• A critic of literature and society​
• Novelist​
• Poet​
• Dramatist ​
• His greatest success was as a comedy writer
5. The Wildes's works 
6. The Nightingale and
the Rose
•GENRE: A short story
•THEME: love and sacrifice, materialism
•PLOT: A student is in love with his professor's
daughter who demands a red rose to dance with him
•The Nightingale hears the student grieving and
decides to help him
•The ending is sad and tragic
7. The Picture of
Dorian Gray

GENRE: a novel
• The cult of art and beauty
• The Portrait represents dark side/soul of main
• The hypocrisy of Victorian middle classes
7. The Picture of
Dorian Gray
PLOT: 19th century, London
• Dorian came to London, he met Basil who is
painter – portrait of Dorian Gray (young and
• Lord Henry, Sybil
• The desire for eternal youth
• He lives only for pleasures
• Portrait is aging
• He killed Basil and himself
• Portrait and Dorian are switching the roles
8. Conclusion
• Oscar Wilde - famous Irish writer
• He is known for his extravagant life
• Famous Wilde quotes
• The Wilde's Aestheticism
• One of his famous work is The Picture of Dorian Gray 
9. References  

1. Academia Edu, Wilde and aesthetic movement, 

(30) Wilde and the aesthetic movement | Johan Andres Forero - Academia.edu
2. Britannica – Oscar Wilde, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Oscar-Wilde
3. “Google Books.” n.d. 
4. The offical website for Oscar Wilde, http://www.cmgww.com/historic/wilde/
5. (78) Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray BOOK REVIEW - YouTube

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