CSEC Biology (4th Form) - Transport in Man (Circulatory System)

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Explain the need for transport systems in multi-

cellular organisms;
Identify the materials which need to be transported
in animals.
Relate the structure of the components of blood to
their function.
Describe the structure and function of the
circulatory system in humans.
Relate the structure of the components of blood to
their function
Describe the role of blood in defending the body
against disease
Explain how the principles of immunization are used
in the control of communicable diseases
Examples of Unicellular Organisms
A unicellular organism like Amoeba
does not have a transport system and
a multicellular organism like a human
cannot live without one. Explain why
this is so.
When transport is discussed in
multicellular organisms, the need for
a transport system often arise.
Factors such as the surface area and
it associated volume are often used
to thoroughly explain the need for a
transport system in living organisms.
The surface area refers to the
outside of an object, e.g. it is the
area around the outside of a cell
which has the unit cm2
Volume refers to the amount of
space inside of the object, e.g. it is
the space inside the cell, this is
represented by the unit cm3.
 What do you notice about the size of the cubes and their surface
area to volume ratio?
 As the cube size increases or as the cell gets better, then the
surface area to volume ratio (SA: V ratio) decreases.
When an object/cell is very small, it has a large surface area to
volume ratio, while a large object/ cell has a small surface area to
volume ratio.
When a cell grows, its volume increases at a greater rate than its surface
area, therefore it’s SA: V ratio decreases.
Why is surface area to volume
(SA:V) ratio important
Cells rely on simple diffusion and as such
need to be small to allow substances in and
out. When the cell grows, there is less
membrane for the substances to diffuse
through causing the centre of the cell to not
receive the substances that it needs.

Here, diffusion becomes less efficient

subsequently leading to processes slowing
down and eventually the cell stops growing.
The cell then needs to divide into two smaller
cells increasing the surface area to volume
ratio (SA: V) restarting the diffusion process
which is once again efficient.
SA:V ratio in unicellular organisms:
Unicellular, such as an
amoeba, (having only one
cell) organisms’ small size
indicates that they have a
large surface area to
volume ratio. This is
sufficient for several
substances to move into and
out of the cell by diffusion
and active transport. This
however is limited according
to the size of the
organisms, as the size
increases, they must divide.
SA:V ratio in multicellular
Having divided, the organisms possess many cells and
are now considered multicellular organisms. Plants and
animals fall within this category and have developed
ways to combat the problems of small cell sizes.
Even though each individual cell has a large surface area
to volume ratio, the time taken for substances to move
to all the cells or the centre of the organism is longer
than unicellular organisms.
Features such as gas exchange organs (e.g. lungs) and
circulatory system (e.g. the blood) to speed up and aid
the movement of materials into and out of the organism.
Cells may increase their SA:V ratio by
Long thin shape/ elongated shape e.g. nerve cells
Folding the surface of the object/ cell
membrane. E.g. villi of the lining in the small
intestines and the microvilli on each of the
epithelial cells of the villus.
Plant cells are much larger then animals and they
have a large vacuole which pushes the organelles
to the edge of the cell where they get regular
access to resources
Q. A unicellular organism like Amoeba does not have a transport
system and a multicellular organism like a human cannot live
without one. Explain why this is so.

•In the unicellular organism, the surface area to volume ratio is large,
which means that there is a lot of surface are for the volume of the
organism. Diffusion can occur fast enough across the cell membrane
get to all parts of the cell for all life processes to happen effectively.
•In a multicellular organism, for each cell to get a supply of oxygen
and everything else it needs as fast as it needs it, a transport system
is necessary because the surface area is not large enough in
proportion to the volume for diffusion from the external
environment to be effective.
What is the circulatory system?
 The circulatory system carries blood and dissolved
substances to and from different places in the
 The Heart has the job of pumping these things around
the body.

 The Heart pumps blood and substances around the

body in tubes called blood vessels.

 The Heart, Blood and blood vessels together make up

the Circulatory System.
The circulatory system is made of
three part:

 The Heart, which is a pump

 Blood which is the fluid being pumped and
contains all the materials to be transported around
the body
 Blood vessels which blood flows through to
get to and from cells-these are arteries, veins and
What blood?
 It isn't just a red liquid. It is five litres of a
careful mixture of plasma and blood cells and
platelets. These cells come in two varieties: red ,
The plasma makes up most of the blood. It is
mainly water but carries lots of other essential
The plasma and red blood cells play an
important role in the transportation of
substances, around the body.
White blood cells and platelets are part of the
body's immune system.
It also contains useful
things like;

A straw- • carbon dioxide

coloured liquid
that carries • glucose
the cells and • amino acids
the platelets
which help • proteins
blood clot. • minerals
• vitamins
• hormones
• waste materials
like urea.
What is in blood?
digested food
red blood cells white blood cells

oxygen waste (urea)

carbon dioxide platelets

plasma hormones
The Blood: Parts of the blood

red blood cell white blood cell

platelets plasma
• https://youtu.be/Lsz2oEWbNmQ
• https://youtu.be/73ei6YD0VnM
• https://youtu.be/erMPkJt8Ndg
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)
contain haemoglobin, a
a biconcave disc that
molecule specially designed
is round and flat
to hold oxygen and carry it
without a nucleus
when mature to cells that need it.

can change shape to an

amazing extent, without
breaking, as it squeezes
single file through the
Red blood cells specialisations
1) biconcave shape 2) no nucleus
increases the surface  extra space inside for
area so more oxygen oxygen
can be carried
3) contain haemoglobin
 the oxygen carrying

4) Small size and flexible


  they can squeeze

through capillaries and
transport oxygen extremely
close to cells
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)
Red blood cells and

gives red blood cells

their colour

can carry up to 4
molecules of O2

associates and
dissociates with O2

 contains iron

 carries CO2
Function of Haemoglobin

When there is a high concentration of oxygen e.g in

the alveoli haemoglobin combines with oxygen to
form oxyhaemoglobin.
When the blood reaches the tissue which have a low
concentration of oxygen the haemoglobin dissociates
with the oxygen and the oxygen is released into
body tissues
• https://youtu.be/
Leucocytes (White Blood Cells)

the two main ones are the

lymphocytes and the Phagocytes.

there are many different types and

all contain a big nucleus.
Phagocytes and Phagocytosis

Phagocytes, formed in the

bone marrow, ‘eat’ and
digest micro-organisms .
Can move through the
capillary walls to sites of

Some lymphocytes fight disease by

making antibodies to destroy
invaders by dissolving them.
other lymphocytes make antitoxins
to break down poisons.

Lobbed nucleus
Thrombocytes/ Platelets
Platelets are bits
of cell broken off
larger cells. They
are classified as
cell fragments.
They are formed
in the bone
marrow of long
bones and have no

Platelets produce
tiny fibrinogen
fibres to form a
net. This net traps
other blood cells to
form a blood clot.
Thrombocytes/ Platelets

Platelets help
blood to clot to
prevent blood loss

Platelets produce
tiny fibrinogen
fibres to form a
net. This net traps
other blood cells to
form a blood clot.
Formation of a Blood Clot

Prothrombin and fibrinogen soluble proteins made by the

liver and deposited in plasma
Importance of Blood Clotting
1. Prevent excessive blood loss
from the body when there is a
damage of the blood vessel.
2. Maintain the blood pressure.
3. Prevent the entry of
microorganism and foreign
particles into the body.
4. Promote wound healing.
Blood Clotting
• Blood – formed elements and plasma

• Plasma – liquid part of blood

• Serum – plasma minus fibrinogen

• Tissue Fluid – plasma minus most proteins

• Lymph – tissue fluid within the lymphatic

Q. Two functions of blood include transport and
protection. List two components of blood concerned
with protection, and for each, explain how it works.
Platelets- involved in blood clotting, which prevents
the entry of pathogens when the skin is cut
White blood cells- responsible for destroying
antigens/ foreign bodies that may harm the organism
blood from the heart gets around

the body through blood vessels

There are 3 main types of blood vessels



Arteries carry blood away from the heart.

the elastic fibres allow

the artery to stretch
under pressure

thick muscle and

the thick muscle can
elastic fibres
contract to push the
blood along.
The Artery c.s.
Veins carry blood towards the heart.

body muscles surround the veins

so that when they contract to
thin muscle and
move the body, they also squeeze
elastic fibres
the veins and push the blood along
the vessel.
The vein l.s.

veins have valves which

act to stop the blood from
going in the wrong
Capillaries link Arteries with Veins

they exchange materials

between the blood and
other body cells.

the wall of a capillary

is only one cell thick

The exchange of materials

between the blood and the
body can only occur through
A collection of capillaries is known as a
capillary bed.
artery vein

body cell
Comparison of artery and vein

Artery Vein
Comparison of artery and vein

Vessels of the Circulatory System
Arterioles and Venules
An artery branches into
smaller and smaller vessels
called arterioles. These
branch into smaller vessels
called capillaries.
Capillaries flow in between
the cells of the organs and
the exchange of substances
food, oxygen, wastes.
Capillaries then join up to
form larger and larger
vessels called venules, which
then join to form veins
which carry blood back to
the heart.
Vessels of the Circulatory System
As blood enters capillaries from
arterioles (small arteries), it
slows down. This allows
substances in the plasma, as
well as O2 from red blood cells,
to diffuse through the capillary
wall into the surrounding tissues
(the capillary wall is thin and
Liquid in the plasma also passes
out. This forms tissue fluid,
bathing the cells. Waste
products from the cells, e.g.
CO2, diffuse back through the
capillary walls into the plasma.
Some of the tissue fluid also
passes back.
Diffusion is responsible for
the transfer of materials
between capillaries and tissue
Vessels of the Circulatory System
Main Vessels of the Human Body
Main Vessels of the Human Body
How does this system work?

Pulmonary lungs pulmonary

artery vein
head & arms

main vein

Right Left


digestive system



Circulatory System
The Heart
This is a vein. It brings These are arteries.
blood from the body, They carry blood
except the lungs. away from the heart.

2 atria
Coronary arteries,
the hearts own
2 ventricles blood supply

The heart has four chambers

now lets look inside the heart

The Heart – a simple view

Artery to Lungs Artery to Head and Body

Vein from Head and Body

Vein from Lungs

Right Atrium
Left Atrium

valve valve

Right Ventricle Left Ventricle

The heart is a
muscular organ
that pumps
throughout the
body. The heart
is located on the
left side of the
chest, beneath
the breastbone.
The cardiac cycle
How the heart works?
Things to know before the cycle begins:

The periods of contraction are

called systole

The periods of relaxation are called

Position of the Nodes
 There are certain points in the walls of the heart
called the nodes. A node is a collection of muscles.

 There are two major nodes called the sinoatrial (SA)

node and atrioventricular (AV) node.

 Sinoatrial node is present at the junction of the vena

cava and the right atrium.

 Atrioventricular node that is situated almost at the

junction of the atria and the ventricles.
Position of the Nodes


Sinoatrial node is present at the junction of the vena cava

and the right atrium.

Atrioventricular node that is situated almost at the

junction of the atria and the ventricles.
Function of the Nodes
 The SA node is the pacemaker
 The sinoartrial node is the initiator of the
contraction of heart by making the atria contract.
This is the atrial systole.

 The impulse is carried to atrioventricular node

which then transmits it to the other nerves of the

 Causing the muscles of the ventricles to contract.

Steps in the cardiac cycle:
Step 1: Atrial Systole

The SAN (sino atrial node) contracts

and transmits electrical impulses throughout the atria,

both atria to contract,
the (bicuspid and tricuspid) valves open
pumping blood into the ventricles.
How does the Heart work?
STEP ONE –atrial systole

The atria then contract

and the valves open to
allow blood into the
Steps in the cardiac cycle:

Step 2: Ventricular Systole

The electrical impulse passes to the

ventricles via the atrioventricular node
(AVN) and other nerves.
the ventricles to contract
(bicuspid and tricuspid) valves to close and the semilunar valves open
blood is pushed out of the heart
How does the Heart work?
STEP TWO – ventricular systole

The valves close to stop blood

flowing backwards.

The ventricles contract forcing

the blood to leave the heart.

At the same time, the atria are

relaxing and once again filling with
Steps in the cardiac cycle:
Step 2: Ventricular Systole

The ventricles therefore contract shortly after

the atria, from the bottom up, squeezing blood
upwards into the arteries.

The blood can't go into the atria because of the

atrioventricular valves, which are forced shut with
a loud "lub".
Steps in the cardiac cycle:
Step 3: Diastole

The atria and the ventricles relax, while

the atria fill with blood.

The semilunar valves in the arteries close

as the arterial blood pushes against them,
making a "dup" sound.
How does the Heart work?
STEP THREE – diastole

blood from the blood from

body the lungs

The heart beat begins again when

the heart muscles relax and blood
flows into the atria.

The cycle then repeats itself.

How does this system work?

Pulmonary lungs pulmonary

artery vein
head & arms

main vein

Right Left


digestive system



Circulatory System
Our circulatory system is a double circulatory system.
This means it has two parts.


the right side of the left side of

the system the system

deals with deals with

deoxygenated oxygenated
Body cells
Double Circulatory system
Our circulatory system is a double circulatory system. This means:

It has two parts, one which deals with oxygenated and the other
with deoxygentated blood.

Blood must enter the heart twice before returning to the body.
Beginning at the lungs, blood flows into the left-hand side of the
heart, and then out to the rest of the body. It is brought back to
the right-side of the heart, before going back to the lungs again.
The blood travels through the heart twice on one complete journey
around the body:
one circuit links the heart and lungs (low pressure circulation)
 the other circuit links the heart with the rest of the body (high
pressure circulation).
Our circulatory system is a double circulatory system.
This means it has two parts.

Systemic Circulation
Pulmonary Lungs – which involves the
Circulation- heart and all the
which involves Pulmonary other areas of the
the heart and the Circulation body excepting the
lungs, where lungs. The
deoxygenated oxygenated blood
leaves the left side
blood is pumped
of the heart and
from the right goes to the body
side of the heart cells where it
to the lungs becomes
where oxygen is deoxygenated. The
picked up by Systemic deoxygenated blood
diffusion. The Circulation is then sent back to
blood then moves the right side of the
from the lungs to heart.
the left side of Body cells
the heart
The importance of a double circulation
The Immune System
The immune system is
the body's defense
against disease and
foreign bodies, under
the form of antibody
production, tissue
rejection and
There are two types of Natural
1. Natural Active Immunity–
when the body has already
experienced an infection by
a pathogen or antigen, the
lymphocytes produce large
quantities of antibodies to
fight the disease before
symptoms develop a second
2. Natural Passive Immunity –
antibodies can pass across
the placenta providing a
newborn baby with
immunity against diseases
that the mother body is
immune to.
Also, antibodies present in
breast milk help to protect
the baby against antigens.
The colostrum (the first
breast milk) contains lots of
The Immune System
Immunization provides immunity to
communicable diseases. This is achieved
by injecting, or administering orally,
small amounts of dead or weakened
(attenuated) antigens into the body. This
is called Vaccination. The body is
stimulated to produce antibodies.
Immunization is known as Artificial
There are two types of Artificial
1. Artificial Active Immunity–
This is by vaccination at a
suitable time in the person’s life,
when they are not infected with
the antigen. The vaccine used
contains treated antigens which
cannot cause the disease, but
which can stimulate the body to
make antibodies. Immunity is
obtained because it if the real
antigen should enter the body,
antibodies are immediately and
rapidly produced to destroy it.
There are two types of Artificial
2.Artificial passive immunity-The
vaccine contains ready made
antibodies which provide immediate
relief by destroying the antigens.
Used when a very rapid immune
response is needed e.g. after infection
with tetanus.
Human antibodies are injected. In the
case of tetanus these are antitoxin
Antibodies come from blood donors
who have recently had the tetanus
Only provides short term protection as
antibodies are destroyed by
phagocytes in spleen and liver.

Natural Active Immunity Naturally Acquired Active


Natural Passive Immunity Naturally Acquired Passive


Artificial Active Immunity Artificially Acquired Active


Artificial Passive Immunity Artificially Acquired Passive


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