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The terms "psychodynamic" and "psychoanalytic" are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle

difference between the two. Psychodynamic theory refers to the general approach to psychology that focuses
on the unconscious mind and the role of early childhood experiences in shaping personality.

Psychoanalysis, on the other hand, is a specific form of psychodynamic therapy that was developed by Sigmund
involves meeting with a therapist several times a week. The therapist helps the patient to explore their
unconscious thoughts and feelings by using techniques such as free association, dream analysis, and transference

Psychodynamic theory Psychoanalysis

General approach to psychology Specific form of psychodynamic therapy
Focuses on the unconscious mind and the role of early
Focuses on the unconscious mind
childhood experiences in shaping personality
Can be effective for a variety of mental health
Can be used to treat a variety of mental health
problems, but it is a long-term, intensive form of
problems therapy

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