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Presented by : Akfina Khumaidah
Over half the world’s population is bilingual and
many people are multilingual. They acquire a
number of languages because they need them for
different purposes in their everyday interactions.
Example: like Balinese people have many
languages or “logat” to talk with other Balinese
people. And they know about another language
like Indonesian language English language and so
on. So the Balinese people have multiple
Linguistic Varieties
01 Vernacular Languages

02 Standard Languages

03 World Englishes

04 Lingua Franca

05 Pidgin

06 Creoles
Vernacular Languages
The term vernacular is used in numbers of ways. It
generally refers to a language which has not been
standardized and which does not have official status.
Vernacular are usually the first language learned by people
in multilingual language communities, and they are often
used for a relatively narrow range of informal functions.
Ex: like a children are talking with their friends used
informal language from his places.
Standard Languages
The term standard is even more slippery then vernacular
because it too is used in many deferent ways by linguists.
Here is one definition which can serve as a useful starting
point. A standard variety is generally one which is written,
and which has undergone some degree of regularization or
codification it is recognized as a prestigious variety by a
Example: Human in their places use standard language in
their places.
World Englishes
It’s made up the traditional bases of
english and its speakers are the ones in
charge of providing the norms.

It’s made up by EFL speakers where

English is not usually spoken. The speakers Represents the place where they speak
have to follow the rules stablished the Inner official non-native varieties of English
Circle and developed by the outer one. because of their colonial history.


Expanding Outer
circle circle
Lingua Franca
A lingua franca is a language used for a communication
between people whose first languages differ. Between the
Colombians Indians, Tukano is the main lingua franca,
and it can be used with Indians who live in the Vaupes
area of the North West Amazon on both side of border
between Colombia and brazil.
Ex: Like in Bali, many people want to talk with other
people use Balinese language.
A pidgin is a language which has no native speakers. Pidgins
develop as a means of communication between people who do not
have the same language.
Why do pidgins develop?
A pidgin is a language which has no native speakers. Pidgins
develop as a means of communication between people who do not
have a common language.
Example: Like People from Kintamani talk with someone from
Gianyar in the street their pronunciation will be different.
What kind of linguistic structure does a pidgin language have?
Pidgin languages are created from the combined efforts of people who speak
different languages. All languages involved may contribute to the sounds,
the vocabulary, and the grammatical features, but to different extents, and
some additional features may emerge which are unique to the new variety.
Example: I have a friend. He is from Kayuambua. He his high Balinese and
his brother married with Kristen people and his brother Balinese people. She
is can speak high Balinese language with other people because everyday in
the “griya” all people there used high Balinese language when he or she
speaking. So, she is can speak high Balinese language because that situation
each day.
A creole is when a pidgin language is adopted by a community as its native
tongue and children learn it as first language
According to the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, a Crole is “a pidgin
which has become the mother tongue of a community and therefore has native
Creole also means that a language that begins as a pidgin and eventually
becomes a first language of a speech community through being learned by
Example : Bahasa Melayu was adopted as Bahasa Persatuan (unifying
language) called Bahasa Indonesia. After being adopted as Indonesian
Community, it has been learnt by Indonesia people as native language. At
present, there are native speakers of the language.
Thank you!

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