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8ème Congrès National de la Route

Ifrane, 3 et 4 juin 2010

Bridge Management System in Germany

Aziz Bourdane

I am so sorry, that I can´t come to Morocco and join your very interesting Congress.

Caused by a traffic accident on last Saturday night I had to stay in Hospital and so I
must cancel my voyage.

I want to thank Mr. Bourdane for the substitution and I hope there is an other chance
for discusions on the German Bridge Management System

Thank You verry much and many greetings from Germany

Günther Jost
8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010
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Bridge Management System in Germany
1. Regulations
- legal aspects
- technical aspects
2. Importance of a Bridge Management System
3. Inventory of buildings
4. Targets and tasks
5. Concept of Bridge Management System
6. Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance
7. Modern Methodes: Monitoring

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

Objective for regulations for bridge inspection

Acute need for safe infrastructure buildings

Organization and execution of the inspection

Protection of the involved staff (traffic and test personnel) during inspection

Comparability of the inspection results

Preparation and planning of measures (bids, damage analyses, Bridge

Management System)

Collapse of the
Reichsbrücke 1976:

Intensifying of bridge

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

A) Legal aspects: 1. Responsible administration

Grundgesetz (Constitution):
In accordance with Art. 90 Abs. 2 in connection with Art. 85 are the federal states
or the autonomous bodies responsible for the federal highways on behalf of the

Bundesfernstraßengesetz, § 3 (1) (Federal law for highways):

The „Straßenbaulast“ (responsibility of the administration for buildings and
traffic) covers all tasks connected to building and maintenance of federal

1. General administrative regulation for the administration of federal highways, §

1 Abs. 1:
The administration covers both the sovereign administration and the
administration of estate in the area of
the federal motorways and the federal highways.

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

A) Legal aspects: 2. Execution of the inspection according to DIN


Main inspection
- every six years
- by a qualified engineer
- all construction units
- close to the building (“handnear”)

Simple inspection
- three years after the main examination
- by a qualified engineer
- visual check on the basis of the main examination

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010
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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects Technical Regulations

Objective of technical regulations and guidelines

• Operational execution of the inspections

• Statement of the building condition

• Definition of the necessary timing for repair

• Evaluation of the service life

• Recovery of faults and damage

• Bridge inspection as a component for the Bridge Management System

• Research and development

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010
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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects: 2. Safety of traffic

Danger of accident
by tripping edge

Protective plank away

from column at least

Flooding danger by
defective drainage

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects: 3. Execution of inspection

Engineer of the bridge inspection
• Leading the inspection team
• Inspection
• Responsibility

• Co-operation during inspection
• Maintaining and driving of the inspection vehicle.

Examination vehicle with equipment and

instruments (more details within the lecturing

Highway attendants
• Safety of the traffic area
• Co-operation during inspection
• Supply e.g. of a climbing device

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects: 4. Inspection equipment and methods

Inspection close to the bridge („handnear“)

According to DIN 1076 “handnear” examination has

to be accomplished also for difficult accessible
parts, if necessary with the help of inspection

But not like this!

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects: 4. Inspection equipment and methods

Instruction manuals
for equipment

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects: 4. Inspection equipment and methods

Safety regulations (GUV-R 2103)

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects: 5. Inspection reports

Guideline for the collection, evaluation
and documentation of the examination

Target: A uniform good quality of the

inspection reports

1400 examples of damages

Recommendation for maintenance

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects: 5. Inspection reports

Bridge inspection

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Regulations for the inspection of bridges: objective and set-up

B) Technical aspects: 5. Inspection reports

Bridge database
• Tasks of the subsystem

• Structure of the subsystem

• Buildings and their order system

• Definitions and codings of the building data

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany :

Importance of a Bridge Management System

Today mobility is for society a substantial condition for economic growth and an
important contribution to the quality of life.
The largest part of goods and passenger traffic is carried out on roads. This will hardly
change in future despite intensive political efforts to shift more traffic on the rail.
 In particular the motorways, taking up 30 % of the entire traffic with a portion of the total
road system of only 1.8 %, turn out to their capacitive limit.
 By the implementation of the European Single Market and the opening of the borders to
the east further increases of traffic volume are expected. Recent prognoses for roads
show - even in a friendly integration scenario - a further increase in roads transport of
nearly 70 % and in passenger traffic of 20 % up to the year 2015.

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Importance of a Bridge Management System

Increase of
heavy load traffic.

 Number of trucks on

highways. (per
 Estimation for 2015
in 1998

Reached Number in
2008: 16786

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Importance of a Bridge Management System

 Small disturbances in road traffic by restrictions of traffic or the loss of
individual buildings lead inevitably to strong impediments of traffic with
substantial further costs for the user and the national economy as well as to
negative effects on the environment.
 A capacitive extension of the road net is due to financial and ecological
reasons only very limited possible.
 With further increasing traffic the preservation and maintenance of the existing
building substance is a central task.
 To make the complex connections transparent and process systematically the
necessary work by uniform procedures from damage assessment to economic
efficiency of possible preservation measures up to a preservation program for
the entire net a modern management system is necessary.

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Inventory of buildings

 In the net of the federal highways (motorways and federal highways) were
by December 31, 2007 about 38,716 bridges in the responsibility of the
The fixed assets of these buildings amount to about 52 billion euro. The
current fixed assets of the entire federal highway net amount to
approximately 186 billion euro.
Beside bridges additional 183 tunnels with a total tube length of 160 km as
well as a multiplicity of retaining walls, noise protection walls and road sign
bridges are part of the buildings on federal highways.
Inventory according to bridge surfaces amounts to about 31,4 millions m2,
whereby the concrete and pre-stressed concrete bridges with 27,5 millions
m2 or 89 % have the largest portion.

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Inventory of buildings
The age structure of the bridges varies. In the west of Germany about 76 % were in 1990
not older than 30 years, but in the east of Germany almost 60 % exist since the time
before the 2. World War. This changed substantially by building and extending.

Age structure of the bridges

In the new federal states a
substantial number of buildings are to
be extended or renewed.
 In the next years the emphasis of the
preservation measures will however
refer to the maintenance in the old
federal states (the west).

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Targets and tasks

Since financial resources for bridge maintenance will become continuously tighter, the
maintenance costs have to be spent in an way to obtain the greatest possible benefit.
 Country-wide uniform data supply and derivative information
- Bridge Database,
- Guideline for Inspection,
- Database for Bridge Inspection,
- Catalogue of damage (repair measurements and costs, deterioration models)
 Evaluation of measures on building level (overall economic appraisal procedure)
Optimization of preservation planning on network level (strategy model/mathematical
optimization procedure)
 Controlling on federal and regional level (prognosis, budget, preservation goals,
comparison of nominal and actual values)

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Targets and tasks

Definition of maintenance targets
Prognosis of maintenance needs
The work flow within a
Bridge Management Documentation of Recording a. assessment
System of bridge condition

Maintenance Damage analysis

alternatives and -prognosis

Priorities and demand Setting of programs

on financial resources and budgets

Controlling of results Planning and

maintenance works

Checking of objectives
Updating of prognosis (resources)

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System

The responsibility of bridge maintenance is assigned to the road administration in each
federal state.

For pavement structures of the road system
the pavement management system PMS and
for bridges the Bridge Management System
(BMS) are established.

They are to be integrated in an overall

management system (Assessment
management system, AMS).

All development and models within the
Bridge Management System are based on
several research programs.

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System – flow chart

Road network
Costs Actions
Buildings (Authority,
User, Others)
Condition- Process of
Maintenance Needs
assessment Analysis
Database Options
Prognosis in
Accidents deterioration
Costs realisable

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System

 The building management system consists of 7 modules.

 Each module follows defined targets
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Basic data Bridge Object Mainten- Economic Planning Control of

condition related ance analysis and results
data and damage measures mainten-
assess- analysis ance
ment works

Uniform Network Object Analysis of Definition Mainten- Assuring

data supply based related alternatives and priority ance efficiency
assess- assess- of program
ment ment measures

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 1

Module 1 consists of all actual data of the structural inventory for

bridges, tunnels and other engineering buildings.
 All data are stored in a database by the administrative authorities
Module 1 in each federal state.
Basic data  This assures an access to other relevant data such as
- inventory data of existing structures,
- traffic data,
- accident data,
- operation data,
data supply - cost data
and a link to other management systems.

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 1

 Database systems are
- the Road Database Instructions (ASB)
for structural data
- Federal Road Information System
(BISStra) for linking with traffic and
Module 1 accident data and global information
Basic data
system (GIS)
- Information System (ISBW) as an
analysing tool

 Relevant guideline is ASB-Ing.
data supply
 More details within the lecturing program

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 2

Module 2 consists of the performance of condition

grades from bridge inspection and the assessment of
 Bridge inspection, documentation and assessment of
Module 2 damage are carried out by qualified bridge inspection
engineers of the state authorities.
data and
In module II all bridge condition data and damage
assess- analysis data are processed and linked with cost data.
The result is a road-network related priority list based
Network on condition grades and first information about the
assess- needed financial budget for the repair of damages.

8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 2

 Bridge inspection is based on DIN 1076
„Engineering Structures in Connection with
Roads; Observation and Inspection“. It regulates
the technical observation, inspection and testing
of the stability, traffic-safety and durability of
bridges and other engineering structures.
Module 2
 The RI-EBW-PRÜF 2004 ”Guideline for
Bridge Standardised Registration, Processing and
condition Analysis of the Results of Inspection in
data and
Accordance with DIN 1076” contains rules for a
ment simple and standardised logging of the results of
 The standardised procedure allows structural
assess- conditions to be rated in accordance with the
ment various criteria and the inspection results to be
linked with the construction-related data in
accordance with ASB (structural data).
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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 2

The condition assessment is characterised by a detailed assessment in
accordance with standard criteria. Every single damage is evaluated
separately in terms of its effect on stability, traffic safety and durability of
the structure and recorded by a software program SIB Bauwerke. This
damage evaluation is used as a basis for automatically calculating the
condition grade for the entire structure.
Module 2
 RI-EBW-PRÜF contains detailed
Bridge definitions of assessment criteria
data and and sample catalogues for a standard
assess- evaluation of damages.


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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 2

Module 2

data and


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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 2

Module 2

data and


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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 3

 Module 3 is focused on an extended analysis of damage if the
standard bridge inspection does not offer sufficient information.
 Analysis is based for example on calculation, monitoring or non-
destructive testing methods (based on a guideline)
 Deterioration models for- carbonation
- chlorides
Module 3 - steel corrosion
- stability of structural elements
Object - bearings
related - transition between decks
damage - coatings and
analysis - bridge caps are integrated.
For each structural element a deterministic deterioration
Object model is defined which allows to evaluate the future
related behaviour in terms of the effect on the condition value.

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 3

Module 3



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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 4

Module 4 consists of a detailed catalogue of maintenance

Procedures regarding maintenance alternatives, their costs and
Module 4 consequences are realized within the software program SIB-
Bauwerke (see above).
ance For each type of damage a number of maintenance measures is
measures given, for example “repair”, ”rehabilitation” and “replacement” and
for each measure the consequence on the damage assessment
is included. This is to avoid that each local authority may chose
Analysis of a maintenance measure which is based on individual
 Condition grade and catalogue of maintenance measures are
linked together
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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 4

Section of the
catalogue of
Module 4
Every measure
will lead to an
improvement of
the structural

Analysis of The effectiveness

alternatives of such a measure
can be expressed
by a reduction of
the condition
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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 4

Module 4


Analysis of

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 5

 Module 5 carries out the assessment of maintenance alternatives

regarding the overall economic issues.

Module 5 This is based on life cycle cost models and cost/benefit
analysis  Further the effect of different maintenance strategies can be
simulated and analysed.
 The result of module 5 is a listing of priorities for maintenance
Definition measures. They will serve as input data for detailed maintenance
and priority
of programs and budget-planning.
 All analysis is object related and network related.

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 6

 Module 6 is focused on the planning and performance

of the maintenance measures.
 This comprises
Module 6 - the set-up of maintenance programs
Planning - financial planning
and - definition of budgets
mainten- - all preparation work (contract, submission, bidding,
assessment of biddings)
- quality control

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Concept of a Bridge Management System: module 7

 Module 7 is a controlling tool for the management process.

 It consists of a program for

Module 7
- a follow-up of maintenance measures
Control of
results - planned/actual comparison
- supervision of the proceeding of measures within the road network
- accounting of the economical aspects

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance measure

Preparation of a file with information and data about the bridge and about
• relevant data (bridge and damage data, recommendations of the inspection
• possible alternatives of maintenance measures
• duration of maintenance measure
• needed traffic regulation
• cost (maintenance measure, traffic regulation)
• prognosis of deterioration

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance measure:

Object level
Corrosion at super-
Cracks in layer

Corrosion of

Not permissible Damage because of

movement of bearing Cracks in substructure scourings

Congrès Nattonal de la Routiers, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany
Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance measure:
Maintenance of concrete: 1.000 m²
Costs 490.500 € Duration: 3 months
Priority 2005 to 2006
Renewing of layer (without sealing)
Costs 64.200 € Duration: 3 months
Priority 2005 to 2006
Maintenance of cracks by injection
Costs 129.100 € Duration: 3 months
Priority from 2010 on (also 2005 to 2009 possible)
Repair of acourings (30 m³)
Costs 11.700 € Duration: 3 months
Priority 2005 to 2006
Repair (33 m)/Renewal (100 m) railing
Costs 19.700 € /34.100 € Duration: 1 week
Priority 2005 to 2010
Maintenance/Exchange of bearing
Costs 24.700 € / 25.300 € Duration : 1 week
Priority 2005 to 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance measure:

object related analysis
Summe aus

• priority of alternatives for each bridge

Jahr der Nutzen und Rangfolge am
Nr. Strategie Maßnahme- Nutzen
Maßnahme Kosten Objekt
der Maßnahme
1 FBÜK 6 -30.000 123.200 93.200 37

• network related priority

2 FBÜK 7 -29.100 125.400 96.300 36
3 FBÜK 8 -28.227 127.600 99.373 34
4 FBÜK 9 -27.380 129.800 102.420 32
5 FBÜK 10 -26.559 132.000 105.441 30
6 FBÜK 11 -25.762 134.200 108.438 28

• maintenance program without

7 FBÜK 12 -24.989 136.400 111.411 27
8 FBÜK 13 -24.239 138.600 114.361 26
9 FBÜK 14 -23.512 140.800 117.288 25
10 FBÜK 15 -22.807 143.000 120.193 24
14 Kappe 21 -56.454 149.100 92.646 38
15 Kappe 22 -54.760 151.200 96.440 35
16 Kappe 23 -53.118 153.300 100.182 33
17 Kappe 24 -51.524 155.400 103.876 31
18 Kappe 25 -49.978 157.500 107.522 29
19 Belag 17 -40.000 234.500 194.500 21
20 Belag 18 -38.800 238.000 199.200 19
21 Belag 19 -37.636 241.500 203.864 18
22 Belag 20 -36.507 245.000 208.493 16
23 Belag 21 -35.412 248.500 213.088 14
24 Belag 22 -34.349 252.000 217.651 12
25 Lager 22 -90.000 280.800 190.800 22
26 Lager 23 -87.300 284.700 197.400 20
30 K+B 19 -87.636 579.600 491.964 7
Optimised maintenance program
34 K+B+F 22 -159.110 1.261.400 1.102.290 2
9 (budget, other restrictions)
37 K+L 25 -122.710 526.500 403.790 8
38 F+K 16 -82.123 320.100 237.977 11
39 F+K+B 16 -122.123 624.800 502.677 6
40 F+K+B+L 16 -212.123 1.467.200 1.255.077 1

Congrès Nattonal de la Routiers, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance measure:

network related analysis

• Maintenance program
with restrictions
(budget, condition)

2 Scenario:
• optical condition in road
network with given
budget (finance dominated)
• defined condition in road
network with minimal budget
(quality dominated)

Congrès Nattonal de la Routiers, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance measure:

network related analysis
• Documentation in a map,

or list

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Bridge Management System in Germany

Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance measure:

evaluation of strategy Bauwerksalter
9.000.000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
8.000.000 Polynom
Lineare Anpassung
7.000.000 1,5




0 4
1,0-1,4 1,5-1,9 2,0-2,4 2,5-2,9 3,0-3,4 3.5-3,9 24 Jahre 83 Jahre 103 Jahre


Bridge data (SIB-Bauwerke)
Consequences of maintenance
Deterioration model
Maintenance strategy within strategy on bridge condition and
road network value within road network
Cost of measures
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Bridge Management System in Germany

Example for the tasks and the process of a maintenance measure:

evaluation of strategy
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Lineare Anpassung



24 Jahre 83 Jahre 103 Jahre

Congrès Nattonal de la Routiers, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010

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Bridge Management System in Germany
Reducing Damages: Monitoring of Bridges (Priciple)

T   T T

Communication 220 V/Solar

 
Alert Alert

Dataanalysis LGA
autom. Datenabruf
ISDN / Mobilfunk

LGA Database Server
Dataview Customer
8ème Congrès National de la Route, Ifrane 3 et 4 Juin 2010
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Bridge Management System in Germany
Data Analysis
1. Evaluation of status in time

2. Short Term Analysis

Weight 300


Vibrations 200


Hu k


Long Term Analysis


Klasse 1: Klasse 2: Klasse 3: Klasse 4: Klasse 5:

Different Temperatres
3t < T <= 6t 6t <= T <= 9t 9t <= T <= 12t 12t <= T < 15t 15t <= T < 18t

T = Fahrzeuggewicht

Characteristic of building
Tends of changes
Identification of aging

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Bridge Management System in Germany
Monitoring Road Bridges

 Using the bridge system as balance
• Deformations of the bearings or other significant parts.
• Calibrating with defined weights
• correlation of bearing deformation to axis load.
• automatical report prompt after passing

about. 2% of total weight



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Bridge Management System in Germany

Road Bridges

• Picture above: Heavy lorry on special lane with 5 km/h

• Picture below: Heavy lorry on wrong lane at 30 km/h

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Bridge Management System in Germany
Monitoring Road Bridges
Weight report

2 1 = axis to 4 traction engine

2 = axis 1 to 9 of the first load -car
3 = axis 10 to 20 of the second load- car
3 4 = axis 1 to 3 of the pushing engine

4 disfunction
of hydraulic
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Bridge Management System in Germany

For a modern Bridge Management System You need:

 clear Regulations for administation and technical aspects

 a good and up-to-date database of all brigdes

 a standard catalogue of damages for objective rating

 a standardised software for dokumentation and analysis

 and verry important a well – trained and well – educated staff

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Bridge Management System in Germany

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