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Historia, edad, mapas, estructuras

y ambientes
Groves et al., 2005 (SEG)
BUSHVELD COMPLEX is the world's largest source of platinum group metals
(PGMs). (In 2006 South Africa supplied 77,5% of global supply - 5,4 MOz of the
total 7 Moz of supply and 7,02 MOz of demand.)...
450 km east to west and 300 km north to south, with a thickness of between 7
and 9 km

66.000 Km2, Antioquia 63.612 Km2

The Rustenburg Layered Suite, in which both the Merensky Reef and the UG2
Chromitite Layer are found, comprises a well-layered ultramafic to mafic
succession. These two horizons are exploited for PGMs and base metals. The
PGMs - platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and iridium - are
recovered along with small amounts of gold, and quantities of associated nickel,
copper and cobalt.

Bushveld is also host to the largest resources of chromium and vanadium in the

Industrial minerals (e.g., andalusite, dimension stone, and magnesite)

black Chromitite and grey anorthosite layered igneous rocks in Critical Zone UG1 of the
Bushveld Igneous Complex at the Mononono River outcrop, near Steelpoort, Mpumalanga
province, South Africa. Part of the Winterveld Norite-Anorthosite unit of the Dwars River
Subsuite of the Rustenburg Layered Suite (Wikipedia)
Unsurprisingly, these horizons are very rich in chromium, which is used to make stainless steel;
the Bushveld is the source of 40-50 % of the entire world's current annual supply. But perhaps
even more importantly, some of these layers are also highly enriched in the (PGEs) platinum,
palladium, osmium, rhodium, iridium and ruthenium. PGEs are also abundant in the Merensky
Reef, another cumulate layer found above the chromites.
91.4 6 + 0.4 Ma

88.9 6 +1.2 Ma

Smith and Sandwell, 1997.

Ambiente vs Depósitos
Sedimentos clásticos y Ej: -Mineralización bien conocida en el Atlantis
carbonatos II Deep donde se estima 50 millones ton de
mineralización rica en polimetálicos .
No existe asociación - Sullivan British columbia
directa con rocas - -Broken Hill Australia.
Marco geotectónico de los
Modificado de:
Distintos tipos de pórfidos Sinclair, 2004
No hay mineralización de tipo porfido
No habra mineralización de tipo porfídico
Favorecería mineralización de tipo porfídico
Prism a d e A rco C uenca R ift C uenca R ift de m arge n
MOR M agm atico A ntepais C ontinental o Escudo
A creción Pu nto Caliente C ontinental C on tinental

C orteza D ep ósito s
H id ro term ales
S ed im entos F luidos calien te s
S ed im entos
O céanica
In trus ion es F alla
M agm a B an de ad as Strike-s lip
G ran itíc o
C o rteza C o n tin en tal
M agm a basáltico
M a gm a de zon a d e Plum a s M anto
M anto de S ub du cc ión

P órfido s S eg re ga ció n
m ág m a tic a S ed im etario s
S eg re gació n D ep ósito s Veta s C rom o, P latino ,
m ág m atica de M OR N iq uel, E staño S ed im entarios P etró leo,
en m elange O ro, Pla ta N io bio G a s, C arbón ,
C rom o Sed im entarios P etró leo , G as, Z on a de C izalla E vap o ritas,
P latino C o bre M etam o rfism o H id ro term ale s C arb ón , Sal P laceres d e Play a
Z inc d e co nta cto P etro leo , P lom o, C o bre, O ro Tip o M issis sipi
su lfu ros N iq uel G a s, C arb on Z inc , Plata H id ro term ales Tug steno (P b -Z n-B a)
H id roterm ales C rom o y C o bre, P lom o ,
N o du los de O ro, Estañ o, S ed im entarios Plom o , Zinc, P re cam b ric os
C o bre M a ng an eso P lata, H ierro, E vap oritas, F luo rita
Z inc Zinc, Tu gste no , S alm u eras, B IF
M olib de no A ren as, G ravas

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