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Product Care for

Down Jacket
Product Care for Down Jacket
How to clean a down jacket? Should I wash
it in the machine or by hand?
How to fluff up my jacket afterwards?
Why does my jacket become clumpy after
every wash?
How should I care for my down jacket? It
feels like I’m ruining my jacket…
When it comes to caring for down jackets,
there’s always a long list of questions
running through our heads. This is why we
decided to dedicate this article to this million-
dollar question: How to properly care for
your down jacket?

Washing your down jacket
Here is all you have to know ▼

You’ll need:

1. A soft brush/Kuas lembut

2. Down-specific detergent/Deterjen
khusus bulu halus
3. Your down jacket

Spot Clean – 01/The hot towel method
Spot Clean - 01 / Metode handuk panas

Step1 Step2
Add some neutral detergent or down-specific Let it stand for 5 minutes. Use a warm, damp
detergent to the area you wish to clean./ towel to scrub the area./
Tambahkan detergen netral atau deterjen Biarkan selama 5 menit. Gunakan handuk
khusus bulu ke area yang ingin Anda lembap yang hangat untuk menggosok area
bersihkan. tersebut. 4
Spot Clean – 02/The toothpaste method/
Spot Clean - 02 / Metode pasta gigi

Step1 Step2
For oil stains, spread some toothpaste on the Use a soft brush to gently brush the stain off.
affected area./ Rinse with water. /
Untuk noda minyak, oleskan pasta gigi di area Gunakan sikat lembut untuk membersihkan noda
yang terkena. dengan lembut. Bilas dengan air.
Hand wash the whole garment/Cuci seluruh pakaian dengan
Your performance gear deserves a little extra attention when it comes to routine care. The only way to clean your down
garment is to wash it — while paying close attention to the water temperature and washing time./
Perlengkapan kinerja Anda perlu sedikit perhatian ekstra dalam hal perawatan rutin. Satu-satunya cara untuk
membersihkan pakaian bulu Anda adalah dengan mencucinya - dengan tetap memperhatikan suhu air dan waktu

Step1 Step2 Step3

Add detergent to warm water not Gently squeeze out excess water from the
Gently rub clean the garment./ garment. Do not wring, twist or spin it — you don’t
exceeding 30 °C and soak the jacket for
Step2 Dengan lembut gosok want to rip or damage your jacket./LANGKAH 3
up to 20 minutes./ Dengan lembut peras kelebihan air dari
Langkah 1 Tambahkan deterjen ke air bersihkan pakaian pakaian. Jangan meremas, memelintir, atau
hangat tidak melebihi 30 ° C dan memutarnya - Anda tidak ingin merobek atau
merusak jaket Anda.
rendam jaket hingga 20 menit . 6
Machine wash/Cuci dengan mesin
If your down jacket has been in service for a long time or has stains on it, you may wash it in a front-load washing machine. Do not
forget to use a laundry bag./ Jika jaket bulu Anda sudah lama digunakan atau ada noda di atasnya, Anda dapat mencucinya di
mesin cuci bukaan depan. Jangan lupa gunakan laundry bag.

Step1 Step2
Close the zips and Use a laundry
secure the velcros of bag./ Step2
the jacket. This helps
prevent the hardware
Gunakan tas
from scratching or laundry.
damaging the outer
layer. /Langkah 1
Tutup ritsleting dan
kencangkan velcros
jaket. Ini membantu
mencegah perangkat
keras menggores Step4
atau merusak Wash on the
lapisan luar. down cycle or
Step3 delicate cycle./
Put the down-
specific detergent Step4 Cuci pada
into the siklus bawah
compartment./ atau siklus
Step3 Masukkan halus
deterjen khusus
bulu ke dalam
Drying – 01/Line dry/ Pengeringan - 01 / Garis

Step1 Step2
Line dry your down jacket in a dry, ventilated place and avoid direct When the down jacket is approximately 80% dry, gently
sunlight. Do not wring or twist your jacket — let it drip-dry. Make sure
you position the garment appropriately on the hanger./
pat it to restore its fluffiness./
Langkah 1 Jemur jaket di tempat yang kering dan berventilasi Step2 Ketika jaket sekitar 80% kering, tepuk-tepuk
serta hindari sinar matahari langsung. Jangan peras atau pelintir dengan lembut untuk mengembalikan
jaket Anda - biarkan sampai kering. Pastikan Anda kelembutannya.
memposisikan pakaian dengan benar di gantungan. 8
Drying – 02/Tumble Dry/Pengeringan - 02 /
Tumble dry on low or medium heat and low spinning speed. Do
not iron.
Keringkan dengan api kecil atau sedang dan kecepatan
putar rendah. Jangan diseterika.


When your jacket is completely dry, hang it in You can also use a garment storage bag to
your wardrobe. Storing it folded is not protect your jacket during the warmer seasons.
recommended./ It’s best if the place is well-ventilated./
Saat jaket Anda benar-benar kering, gantunglah di lemari Anda juga bisa menggunakan tas penyimpanan pakaian
pakaian Anda. Tidak disarankan untuk menyimpannya untuk melindungi jaket Anda selama musim panas.
dalam keadaan terlipat. Sebaiknya tempat itu berventilasi baik. 10
Removing Odors
When you have a nice meal at your favourite hotpot
restaurant, you often head home in a smelly jacket
full of cooking and grease odour.
Ketika Anda menikmati makanan enak di restoran
hotpot favorit Anda, Anda sering pulang dengan
jaket yang penuh bau masakan dan minyak.
To remove the smell, try lemon water spray: add
2-3 drops of lemon juice to room temperature
water and spray the mixture onto your down
jacket. Hang the jacket in a well-ventilated place
until the odours are gone./
Untuk menghilangkan baunya, cobalah
semprotan air lemon: tambahkan 2-3 tetes jus
lemon ke air bersuhu ruangan dan
semprotkan campuran tersebut ke jaket bulu
Anda. Gantung jaket di tempat yang
berventilasi baik hingga baunya hilang.

Product Care for Down Jacket
Find our down jacket care tips useful? Share
it with your friends and continue to enjoy life
to the fullest in your favourite down jacket!/

Thank you!

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