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What is a Biosignal? electrical, such as the depolarization of a nerve or muscle cell membrane, mechanical, such as the sound generated by opening and closing of heart valves or chemical, such as pressure values of blood gases, PO2 and PCO2.

Importance of Biosignals

diagnosis patient monitoring biomedical research

Stages of Biosignal Processing

signal in electrica l form patient sensors
analog processing

digitized signal
A/D conversion


pressure, temperatu re, pH level, etc.

isolated and amplified signal Signal acquisition


A quantity of matter, resp. change of quantity, carrying or storing information is called a signal.

- Information is associated with a signal.

- Information is always carried by some physical quantity, usually it is signal.
The signal, or information, may refer to the state of the system, to some process, etc. parameter of status - e.g. body temperature.

periodic processes the heart function.

- the signal associated with this is continuous, and its magnitude is approximately constant - the blood sugar concentration is an important indicator of the metabolism
- the ECG signal associated with

Biological signals
are all signals that are produced by organs within a body.

Biological systems - open dynamical systems, which are

enable to generate, receive, process and emit informations Input informations reflect to the health conditions

Biological signals are generated in life organism

- created by vital manifestation of organism or by stimulus from external space, which may affect vital manifestation - velocity changes are characterized by large variability

Mediated biological signals - originate by interaction of organism i.e. with radiation, ultraviolet wave or with the magnetic field. diagnostic application

Biological signals are a manifestation of activities of very

complex biological systems, representing real living object. These signals are generated directly by this object. Biological signals are caused by mechanical, chemical or electrical activities. - ELECTRICAL SIGNALS are either the local electrical changes or the generalized electrical changes, represented by action potential. Action potentials are the sources of biological signals. They are generated by membranes or muscle fibers. Living body represents a kind of a spatial conductor. The spreading of APs through such conductor creates the electric field. Scanning electrical signals with different frequency and intensity can be processed and analyzed by various methods to obtain informations about living systems or clinical applications. ECG, EEG, EMG, ENG

- NON-ELECTRICAL SIGNALS have to be transformed into
electrical signals - e.g. blood pressure, respiratory pressures, volumes, flows, body Measurement of respiratory pressures a) temperature Measurement of blood pressure (Direct method) - electromanometers equipped with pressure transducers working on one of those three principles: tensometric, capacitive, inductive. b) Measurement of blood flow by an electromagnetic flowmeter or by the ultrasound detectors. c) Measurement of air flow by pneumotochograph d) Measurement of air volumes by spirometers

Measurement of body temperature by thermometer


Electrodes Amplifier with Filter Oscilloscope Chart Recorder or Computer (with AD Converter)


Transducer Amplifier Chart Recorder or Computer (with AD Converter)

Low impedance electrode


metals, glass - filled with salt solutions

Macroelectrodes - for a skin recording of ECG,

The electrodes have to be moistured before using by a jell or salt solution in order to decrease the input resistance, and then firmly attached to the body. For ENG or EMG recording we can use a variety of metal electrodes with Microelectrodes - for intracellular or extracellular recording from different shape and size (plate electrodes, needle electrodes etc.) the neurons. Microelectrodes for extracellular recording filled in with a high concentration of NaCl solution (electrolyte) Microelectrodes for intracellular recording filled in with the high concentration of K solution.

Unipolar leads - scan potential difference between one active electrode and an indifferent one (the Wilsons clip with a zero potential) the monophasic potential is obtained.

Unipolar limb leads VR, VL, VF Unipolar augmented limb leads aVR, aVL, aVF Unipolar chest leads V1 V6

two places (two active electrodes) a biphasic potential is obtained. Bipolar limb leads I. II. III. Bipolar chest leads CR, CL, CF

Bipolar leads - scan potential difference between


or UNIT NEURONAL ACTIVITY - recording from the one nerve fibre or one neuronal cell

B. MULTIUNIT ACTIVITY = MULTIPOTENTIAL - results from mixing a variety of APs. e.g. from the nerve or muscle tissue

2. FILTRATION - removes the unwanted components of electrical signals obtained during recording, e.g. using RC filters - one can remove 50 Hz of AC current, that superimposed on the taken body electrical signals.

3. AMPLIFIER - increases a low input signal into the higher output signal. In medical practice the differential amplifiers are commonly used - they consist of two amplifiers with common output clamp. Both amplifiers have the same degree of amplification but one of them serves as inverting. Basic parameters: discriminating factor of the amplifier input (output) specifications, gain, width of transmission (frequency) band

4. OSCILLOSCOPE displays the recorded electrical signals.



Amplitude (mV)

Frequency range (Hz)


Electrocardiogram Electroencefalogram Electromyogram (surface electrode) Electromyogram (needle electrode) Electroneurogram

0.5 - 5.0 0.01 - 50.0 0.1 - 10.0 0.05 - 5 0.05 10.0

0.01 - 250 0.1 - 100 0.01 - 10000 0.01 - 10000 0.01 - 1000

5. CHART RECORDERS or COMPUTERS record the curve of signals or store the parameters of signal within the memory, on-line or of-line recording digital transform analog signal is transformed into digital form by AD Converter sampled signal subsequent processing and evaluation of signals.


Wave P depolarization of atrium (0.09s 0.11) s Interval PQ time necessary for transmission of irritation from the atrium to the ventricles 0.12 s 0.2 s Complex QRS depolarization of ventricles Wave T - depolarization of ventricle

Amplitude of particular waves and oscillations: P = 1 to 3 mm, R = 7 to 15 mm, T = 3 to 5 mm, Q and S = -3 to -5 mm


can be processed and analyzed by computer analysis with large number of methods:

Frequency characteristics
is basis for establishing of diagnosis. Frequency characteristic determines which frequencies are included in a signal.

Spectral analysis
provides more transparent insight in spectrum of signal frequencies in relation to time. The magnitude of amplitude expresses corresponding color depth according to the chosen scale.
Dominant frequency is 10Hz during 7 seconds of measurement, and amplitude is 32 mV.

Mapping of frequencies
The computer displays model of the human head and positioning of the electrodes. The different frequencies are displayed with different colors in relation to time.

Action Potential

Action Potential = opening of sodium and potassium channels

Action Potential

excitable cell
V m

Na+ -channels

K+ -channels

resting potential

tim e

proceeding AP in MUSCLE

equivalent Current Dipole

Active and Passive Transport

chemical (concentration) + electric gradient electro-chemical potential on membrane

!!! Cell INSIDE is NEGATIVE compare to OUTSIDE (in rest usually 75mV)

Excitable cell: NEURON


dendrites with synapses body axon with myelin and synapses


thresholding of input signals integration (temporal and spacial) of input signals generation of action potentials

Synap se

HOW to measure potentials ? by electrodes - intracellular, - extracellular, - superficial indirectly by recording of charge spread ... probes (e.g. fluorescence) FROM WHERE to measure potentials ? - from whole body, organ, tissue slices, tissue culture, isolated cell

Types of biosignals
Synaptic potentials excitatory pre- / post-synaptic potentials, inhibitory pre- / postpostsynaptic potentials mostly they dont cause AP because of weak time and spacial summations (correlation) they dont reach threshold for AP Unit activity activity of one neuron, ACTION POTENTIALS Population response summary response of neuronal population APs of thousands of neurons Evoked potentials response of sensory pathway to

Evoked potentials averaged signal of many cells recorded from: Cerebral cortex Brainstem Spinal cord Peripheral nerves

Excitable cell: NEURON and MUSCLE CELL

Striated muscles
neurons heart muscle - not controlled by CNS - refractory phase is longer than contraction (systolic) a relaxation (diastolic) time Smooth muscles not controlled by CNS, but by autonomic system

skeletal muscle controlled by CNS via moto-

Hea rt

Hea rt
Atrial systole Ventricular systole

Hea rt cardiac dipol added up the local dipols:

Hea cardiac cycle rt

Hea cardiac vector field in transverse rt


Hea rt cardiac vector field


ECG: Is a recording of electrical activity of heart conducted thru ions in body to surface

Normal conduction pathway:

SA node -> atrial muscle -> AV node -> bundle of His -> Left and Right Bundle Branches -> Ventricular muscle

Types of ECG Recordings

Bipolar leads record voltage between electrodes placed on wrists & legs (right leg is ground) Lead I records between right arm & left arm Lead II: right arm & left leg Lead III: left arm & left leg

3 distinct waves are produced during cardiac cycle P wave caused by atrial depolarization QRS complex caused by ventricular depolarization T wave results from ventricular repolarization

combination of the left arm (black) electrode and the left leg (red) electrode, which "augments" the signal strength of the positive electrode on the right arm:

Hea rt

ElectroCardioG ram

Change of electric potential heart muscle activation atrium depolarization 3 diff. recording schemes: Einthoven, Goldberger, Wilson

Frequency = 1-2 Hz !

Hea rt 2-dimensional recording

Hea rt Einthovens triangle


Brai n

ElectroEncefaloG ram


Delta: < 4 Hz ... sleeping, in awakeness pathological Theta: 4.5 -8 Hz ... drowsiness in children, pathological in aduls (hyperventilation, hypnosis, ...) Alfa: 8.5 -12 Hz ... relaxation physical / mental

Beta: 12 - 30 Hz ... wakefulness, active concentration Gama: 3080 Hz higher mental activity including perception and consciousness

Biosignals Recording:
ElectroMyoGraphy electric activity of skeletal muscles ElectroRetinoGraphy electric activity of retina ElectroOculoGraphy electric activity of eye movements ElectroHysteroGraphy electric activity of hystera (uterus) ElectroGasteroGraphy electric activity of stomach MagnetoEncephaloGraphy electric activity of brain

Other Biopotentials?

Other Signal Sources?


Temperatu re Motion pH pO2 Chemicals

Electrode label (in the Electrode placement USA) RA LA RL LL V1 V2 V3 V4 On the right arm, avoiding thick muscle. In the same location that RA was placed, but on the left arm. On the right leg, lateral calf muscle In the same location that RL was placed, but on the left leg. In the fourth intercostal space (between ribs 4 & 5) just to the right of the sternum (breastbone). In the fourth intercostal space (between ribs 4 & 5) just to the left of the sternum. Between leads V2 and V4. In the fifth intercostal space (between ribs 5 & 6) in the midclavicular line (the imaginary line that extends down from the midpoint of the clavicle (collarbone)). Horizontally even with V4, but in the anterior auxiliary line. (The anterior auxillary line is the imaginary line that runs down from the point midway between the middle of the clavicle and the lateral end of the clavicle; the lateral end of the collarbone is the end closer to the arm.) Horizontally even with V4 and V5 in the mid auxiliary line. (The midaxillary line is the imaginary line that extends down from the middle of the patient's armpit.)



lead may refer to the tracing of the voltage difference between two of the electrodes and is what is actually produced by the ECG recorder Lead I" (lead one) is the voltage between the right arm electrode and the left arm electrode, whereas "Lead II" (lead two) is the voltage between the right limb and the feet. Twelve of this type of lead form a "12-lead" ECG

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