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 Concepts and nature of reading
 Theories about reading
 Approaches to reading
 Reading skills of learners
 Developmental stages in reading
 Factors in reading
 Reading techniques
 Situational analysis

1. Test or evaluation (30 items)

TQs are sourced from PRC sample test
2. Checking vis-à-vis discussion
3. Wrap up
4. Giving Tips for a successful LET
Quiz Time! (30 items)
 Ms. Ana notices that her student, Lina cannot decode
sight words that are supposed to be easy for students of
her age. Which of the following activities, then, should
Ms. Ana provide to Lina?

a. Constructing mental maps and graphic organizers

b. Answering comprehension questions using QAR
c. Phonemic awareness activities
d. Spelling drills and games
Ms. Lina is a Grade 1 Teacher who is concerned with
building letters into words and words into sentences.
She uses flashcards so the pupils can sound out
syllables and words correctly. What reading model is
reflected in Ms. Lina’s instruction?

a. Bottom-up model
b. Interactive model
c. Schema model
d. Top-Down model
 Mrs. Lopez, a primary teacher, plans reading
instruction as part of the language block. She provides
varied reading experiences that involve children sitting
quietly, silently reading library books or making a book
based on their own experiences. What theoretical
model of reading does Mrs. Lopez show?

a. Bottom-up model
b. Top-Down model
c. Interactive model
d. Schema model
 One Grade 3 teacher of English to multilingual learners,
has just finished reading a story aloud to the class.
Which of the following is the best post-reading activity
for the learners?

a. Provide students with a guide for reader-text

b. Have students write about what they have read.
c. Give them comprehension questions
d. Let them rest for a while
Mr. Viernes is a teacher handling English for a culturally-
diverse class. He would regularly read aloud to his pupils,
would provide time for free silent reading, recreational
reading, and would lend them magazines and newspapers.
What factor in reading does Mr. German want to cultivate
among his pupils?

a. Emotional/social development
b. Physical development
c. Interest in reading
d. Intelligence
 Teacher Faye knows well that the text or the print
material is one factor that affects reading. So she tries
to match the text with the ease or difficulty of students’
comprehension based on the style of writing. What
text factor does Teacher Faye consider in the choice
of reading materials for her class?

a. Organization
b. Format
c. Readability
d. Content
Ms. Guzman teaches her Grade 6 and 7 classes how to write a
summary of an expository text. In her discussion, she explains what
it is, models it through think aloud, and informs her pupils when and
how this skill learned in the classroom can be used even during
their own free silent reading. She provides them with guided and
independent practice before she conducts an evaluation. What
approach to teaching is reflected in Ms. Guzman’s practice?

a. Indirect instruction
b. Explicit instruction
c. Intrinsic instruction
d. Independent instruction
Mr. Flores is teaching a 3rd year high school class
in world history. The students need note taking,
outlining and study skills. If he wants to help the
students learn these strategies, which of the
following skills should he model to them first?

a. Getting main idea

b. Sequencing events
c. Reciprocal teaching
d. Rhetorical patterns of expository texts
Which of the following beliefs is consistent with the
bottom-up perspective in reading?

a. A reader could read a text when he/she uses his

prior knowledge to make sense of the text.
b. A reader could read a text when he/she selects only
the meaningful segments in the text
c. A reader could read a text when he/she relates the
text to other texts previously read
d. A reader could read a text when he/she can
translate the visual symbols to their aural equivalent
10. Which of the following reading skills or strategies
utilizes a bottom-up procedure in dealing with
unfamiliar words?

a. Inferencing
b. Structural analysis
c. Predicting outcomes
d. Using contextual clues
 Ms. Cruz uses the timeline as a graphic organizer
to teach the readers to understand a given
expository text. Which of the following
organizational structures might be the one used in
the exposition of the text’s information?

a. Cause and effect

b. Comparison and contrast
c. Enumeration-description
d. Sequential or chronological
 Which of the following is the BEST reason why
regression is a good metacognitive reading

a. Readers use it to search for keywords in a text
b. Readers use it to read a passage all over again
c. Readers use it to highlight important lines in the
text for retrieval purposes.
d. Readers use it to monitor comprehension when
text seems not to make sense

 Litois reading a book and he needs to know the meaning of

the word “obliterate”. However, the passage does not give
enough clues for him to figure out what the word means. He
decided to use his pocket dictionary so he would know what
the word means.
 Which of the following strategies should he use so that he
would know the meaning of the unfamiliar word?
a. Scanning
b. Skimming
c. Close reading
d. Careful slow reading
 Ronald is about to buy a book. After taking a book from the
display shelf, he looked at the title, opened it and looked at the
table of contents, then the summary found at the back cover. He
realized that what he took from the shelf is not what he needs.
Which of the following strategies do you think did Ronald do to
decide why he does not need it?

a. Scanning
b. Skimming
c. Close reading
d. Careful slow reading
 Ms. Danica entered the classroom and posted images
that she has taken from the story she is about to tell the
students. Before she started telling the story to the class,
she grouped the students and asked them to make a story
out of the pictures posted on the board.
 Which of the following approaches reflects the practice of
the teacher?

a. Explicit Phonics
b. Basal Approach
c. Embedded Phonics
d. Language Experience Approach
Mrs. Dizon entered the classroom and showed a
list of word families like cat, mat, fat, rat, pat and bat.
What approach is described in this situation?

a. Whole-language approach

b. Language experience approach

c. Literature-based approach

d. Phonics approach
Ms. Marciel distributed a K-W-L chart to her students so they
could fill up the K and W columns. Which of the following
reasons DOES NOT justify such activity?

a. Setting a purpose for reading

b. Activating prior knowledge

c. Confirming, revising or rejecting an earlier assumption about a


d. Sharing assumptions related to the topic of the text to be read

Mr. Padilla wants to develop creative thinking in his students even before
he asks his students to silently read the short story for the day’s reading
lesson. Which of the following activities should he provide the students so he
could achieve his aim?

a. Unlocking of vocabulary words by finding their meaning in the dictionary

b. Asking the students to write story impressions out of the posted pictures of
scenes taken from the story to be read.

c. Pronouncing five unfamiliar vocabulary words that will be encountered in

the story

d. Asking the students to list down certain experiences they had, which may
be related to the main character in the story to be read
 Mrs. Lynda handles fourth grade English and is
currently teaching simile and metaphor using short
stories for children. Which of the following reasons
does she want to students to better understand?

a. Author’s use of figurative language

b. Author’s point of view
c. Use of text structure
d. Tone and mood
Which of the following beliefs is consistent with the
bottom-up perspective in reading?

a. A reader could read a text when he/she uses his prior
knowledge to make sense of the text.
b. A reader could read a text when he/she selects only the
meaningful segments in the text
c. A reader could read a text when he/she relates the text
to other texts previously read
d. A reader could read a text when he/she can translate
the visual symbols to their aural equivalent
 Mr. Dela Cruz notices that his student, Luis, cannot
decode sight words that are supposed to be easy for
students of his age. Which of the following activities,
then, should Mr. Dela Cruz provide to Luis?

a. Constructing mental maps and graphic organizers
b. Answering comprehension questions using QAR
c. Phonemic awareness activities
d. Spelling drills and games
 Among native speakers of English, students from Grade 7
and up are supposed to be ready for abstract reading.
What does this imply?

a. Learners on this stage are able to grasp informational

b. Learners on this level can construct multiple hypotheses.
c. Readers on this stage can manipulate objects and ideas
d. Readers on this level judge affectively and personally than
using standard.
 Rosita is having a difficulty comprehending the novel,
“Florante at Laura”, because the author’s narration
seems to be different than the actual order of events
that have happened in the story. Which strategy should
the teacher model Belinda so she would be able to
understand the text?

 a. Making a Venn diagram

b. Construction a timeline
c. Rereading the text
d. Listing the events
 Which of the following activities BEST develops
creative reading?

a. Sounding out words while reading

b. Giving an alternative ending for a story read
c. Looking at the author’s biography
d. Rejecting the premises of the author
 Mrs. Gomez has just ended the silent reading activity she
provided for her students and she deems to necessary to
discuss the story. If she wants to model critical reading to
her students, which question should she likely ask herself?

a. Who are the characters of the story?
b. Why did the main character end up not to be
c. Would it be unfair to close a fairy tale with a sad ending
after the princess meets the prince? Why?
d. If I were to write another beginning of this selection,
how would I start this story?
 Mr. Torres wants his students to respond creatively to
the story they have just read in the class. Which of
the following activities should be provided for the
students so that he could achieve his aim?

a. Writing a summary of the story read
b. Writing a letter to a character in the story
c. Listing down the events that happened in the story
d. Answering comprehension questions about the story
 When Marielle read the sentence, “The bankruptcy made
a run on the bank”, she thought the bankruptcy literally
ran on the bank. What explains this phenomenon?

a. The reader lacks auditory perception

b. The reader lacks sight word recognition
c. The reader has inadequate proficiency in listening and
d. There is a mismatch between the reader and writer’s
field of experiences.
 Ms. Ludy prepared controversial statements, which are
taken from the social studies text . Then, she let her
class agree or disagree to the statements and made them
explain their reasons before they finally read the text.
What does the teacher clearly demonstrate in this

a. Reading through elaboration strategies

b. Reading through organizational strategies
c. Reading through preparational strategies
d. Reading through metacognitive strategies
 Mrs. Felipe’s assessment of her students clearly reveals that
they lack proficiency in identifying the structure of different
types of expository texts and they have a difficulty plotting
the details of these texts when asked to covert the ideas into
graphical representations. What should Mrs. Felipe teach and

a. The use of elaboration strategies
b. The use of organizational strategies
c. The use of preparational strategies
d. The use of metacognitive strategies
 A student asked the teacher to tell him the meaning of the word
“disetablishmentarianism”, which is found in the text that the
student read. Instead of explicitly stating the meaning of the
word, the teacher asked the student to segment the word and look
for its base word, prefix, and suffixes so that they may construct
the meaning of the word through these word parts. Which of the
following vocabulary strategy did the teacher use to help the
students arrive at the meaning of unfamiliar word?

a. Semantic feature analysis
b. Semantic mapping
c. Structural analysis
d. Context clues

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