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Unit 4: Basic Software

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Operating systems The graphical user interface A walk through word processor Spreadsheet Databases Faces of the Internet

- extract relevant information form texts about system software. - recognize the characteristics of a typical graphical user interface or GUI. - make a summary of a written text. - talk about word processor. - identify the function of different word-processing capabilities: search and replace, cut and paste, spell checkers, etc. - understand the basic features of spreadsheets and databases. - acquire specific vocabulary to Internet utilities.

Lesson 1: Operating system

What is the function of the operating system?

GUI: part of an operating system that allows the user to interact with a computer using images and cursor. - computer commands generated by clicking on visual buttons or icons, ex: drop-down menus. Far easier to navigate than text-based commands. Apple computers were the first with widespread GUI in the 1980s.

*Macintosh: (Mac for short) the name for the highly successful series of computers created by Apple in 1984. They were the first Pcs to successful incorporate GUI with drop-down menus and mouseoperated control. Apple Macs also have their own operating system. Their user-friendly features and eye-catching designs have made them popular with advertising, design, and publishing companies including those working on the internet.

Unix system

a widely used and flexible multi-tasking operating system, originally developed by AT&T Bell, it was designed to run on almost any computer. It forms the basic for many of todays most successful programs, networks, and systems.

Reading: Operating systems

1. a piece of software that presents an interface between the computer and the user. 2. Command Line Interfaces (CLI) and Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). 3. Win FX 4. Unix on the mainframe and (MS-DOS) on the PC. 5. Dennis Ritchey and Ken Thompson. 6. Microsoft windows. 7. Kernel. 8. Basic layer which controls the hardware and the life system. 9. to control which users have access to specific parts of a computers resources. 10. many utilities and conveniences including the ability


Basic DOS commands:

2.c 3.e 4.g 5.b 6.h 7.f


Grammar: The present simple passive. Form: S+ am/is/are + PII (past participle) This laptop is bought by my husband. Programs and data are stored on disks.

Lesson 2: The graphical user interface







Which? B. Guess the meaning:

- user-interface: the combination of hardware or
software designed to make it easy for the user to interact with the computer and its programs. Its importance is often overlooked in the rush to improve programs and computer.

Tools: refers to any specific function within a program; ex: print, undo, cut, and paste. It can even refer to an application ex; a graphics program can be called a graphics tool and an application that maintains website content can also be referred to as a tool.


A section of a computer display screen, which operates as a single unit and can be opened, closed, manipulated, and moved around on the screen independently

Mouse: A pointing device that is used to move a cursor or pointer around on a display screen.

Icon: The small pictures used on a graphical user interface to identify a command, directory, or file. The user clicks twice on the icon to open the program or file, and files can be moved by clicking and dragging icons to a desired location.


icon shown on the screen that indicates the location of the cursor. Common forms include the Ibeam pointer, arrow, or paintbrush


personal computer designed to sit on an office desk.


synonymous which operating system: so Windows and Macintosh are both platforms.

graphics and intuitive tools: pull-down menus, windows, icons. Dialog boxes, mouse, pointer 3. Window, icon, mouse and pointer. 4. Macintosh, Microsotf Window and IBM OS/2 warp. 5. launch the desired program or document by double-clicking the icon. 6. easy to use and..?

Language work: Short relative clauses Do ex P103.ed Writing: The way to summary a text. There are 6 steps.

In the past only experts used computer, but now many people have to access to the computer systems, so there is an emphasis on the user interface. In fact, Macintosh computers were designed on a WIMP interface in order to facilitate the users interaction with the computer. Other innovative GUI are MS windows and IBM OS/2 Warp. (Today) Graphical Interfaces have been successful because they are easy to use and stimulate users to be more creative.

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