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• Name Noor ul Ain

• Roll # S22BIODE1M03003

• Submitted to Sir Ehtisham

• Semester 3rd

Idealism contends that a country's foreign policy should reflect its

internal values. In other words, if a government attempts to reduce
poverty, defend human rights, or promote religious freedom at home
because it believes those positions to be just or moral, then it should
strive to do the same abroad.
Theory of idealism

Idealism is the metaphysical view that associates reality to ideas in the

mind rather than to material objects. It lays emphasis on the mental or
spiritual components of experience, and renounces the notion of
material existence.
Importance of idealism

Idealism stands for improving the course of international relations by

eliminating war, hunger, inequality, tyranny, force, suppression and
violence from international relations. To remove these evils is the
objective before humankind.
Main Features of Idealism
1. Human nature is essentially good and capable of good deeds in international
2. Human welfare and advancement of civilization are the concerns of all.
3. Bad human behavior is the product of bad environment and bad institutions.
4. By reforming the environment, bad human behavior can be eliminated.
5. War represents the worst feature of relations.
6. By reforming international relations, war can be and should be eliminated.
7. Global efforts are needed to end war, violence and tyranny from
international relations.
8. International community should work for eliminating such global
instruments, features and practices which lead to war.
9. International institutions committed to preserve international peace,
international law and order should be developed for securing peace, prosperity
and development.

Realism, also known as political realism, is a view of international

politics that stresses its competitive and conflictual side. It is usually
contrasted with idealism or liberalism, which tends to emphasize

Since World War II, realism has been considered the most dominant school of thought,
and it remains an ever-present in twenty-first century politics. The theory of realism
posits five basic outlines:

• International politics are anarchic

• Sovereign states are principal actors in international politics
• States are rational unitary actors acting under their own national interests
• The state’s primary goals are its own national security and survival
• National power and capabilities are a key litmus test for relationships between states
Importance of realism
Realism is one of the main theories within International Relations. It
provides the view that all actors within the international system act on
their own self-interests to gain power.
Principles of Realism
• Insistence upon and defense of "the experienced commonplace".

• Character more important than plot.

• Attack upon romanticism and romantic writers.

• Emphasis upon morality often self-realized and upon an examination of


• Concept of realism as a realization of democracy.

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