Soft Skills

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Soft Skills

•Soft skills are learnt through experience

as well as maturity and understanding .
•Soft skills can be called the EQ or the
emotional quotient of a person.
•It include skills like time management
skills(verbal), attitude, adaptability as
well as the ability to take criticism in a
positive manner.
Time Management Skills
 They focus on the most important and time-
sensitive tasks and limit the amount of time wasted
on non-essential duties. 

 Time management skills, like other soft skills, such

as organizational skills, are in high demand. 

 Prioritizing, scheduling, task

management ,workload management
delegation. Are the types of time management.
Communication skills
 Effective communication skills help you to receive and convey information, ideas and messages in ways that
are powerful and appropriate to the situation.
Convey ideas and information through the use of written language.
Convey ideas and information through the use of spoken language.
Convey ideas and information through the use of imagery or wordless cues.
Communicate effectively by summarizing and restating what you hear in your own words in order to confirm
the understanding of all parties. Active listening helps people to open up, avoid misunderstandings, resolve
conflicts and build trust.
Communicate effectively in different contexts, including those pertaining to various populations, persons,
situations, environments or sets of behaviors. This includes such contexts as professional, cross-cultural,
online, academic and crisis communication.
 “Attitude is the way of behaving, based on our inner motivations, person
al values and aims. Skills are the activities/capabilities we are able to do/
deliver, what we learnt during our professional career.”
 List of Attitude and Behavior:

 Positive Attitude: This is one type of attitude in organizational

behaviour. ...
 Negative Attitude: A negative attitude is something that every person
should avoid. ...
 Neutral Attitude: ...
 Sikken Attitude:

The types of attitude in psychology that is often stated are
 Cognitive,
 behavioural and
Self confidence skill
 “Low self-confidence isn’t a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned,
practiced, and mastered—just like any other skill. Once you master it,
everything in your life will change for the better.” 
 By exhibiting self-confidence you are demonstrating your belief in self,
increasing your own self-awareness and presenting a confident, positive
image. As a soft skill, self-confidence will give you an advantage over
others and lead to better success.
 One key trait of highly self-confident people is that they build up others
rather than tearing them down. Having self-confidence means that you do
not feel competitive with others—their success doesn’t take away from your
own. Some ways to exhibit self-confidence are:
 Find ways to build up others.
 Compliment others.
 Acknowledge others’ contributions, and express your gratitude.
 Being a mentor can also help to build others up by helping them develop
skills, which will help them develop their own self-confident

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