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99% Match 18+ FEBRUARY 1 – 28, 2021

The researchers conducted a weekly research meeting for each

week of February, exclusively on Mondays and Fridays. The dates
and times of the said meetings are:


5 12 19 22

99% Match 2021 18+ INTRODUCTIO

Process: The assigned researcher has based the contents from
chapter 1 of the research study. The researcher read and analyzed the
said chapter and reiterated parts from it that will be easily understood
in a shortened format.

The problem the researcher has encountered is the selection of the
content to be put on the IMRAD as there is much vital information. In
the end, the researcher has picked the most important things to be
put on the introduction through the elimination method and making
sure to pick parts that will fully represent the research.

99% Match 2021 18+ METHODS

Process: The assigned researcher followed the previous assigned

researcher's format. The researcher searched more about IMRAD
format, looked for guides, and constructed the Methods based on
Chapter 3 of the research study.

Insights: The problem that the researcher encountered is that the

researcher was not familiar with the IMRAD format. Therefore, it took
quite some time to figure out what to input.


99% Match 2021 18+ Students

The process we used to accomplish gathering data is through a
survey form created in Google Forms, the questionnaire is made up of
various questions, which some are answerable by yes or no, also
included is a rating scale. The goal is to determine the quality and the
presence or absence of Sexual Education in the curriculum of High
School Students
On February 1-12, we conducted a pilot testing for both students and
JHS 2nd Qtr
teachers, for the students, we surveyed a population of 20 students
comprising of 10 Junior High schools and another 10 for Senior High
School, while for teachers we did a population of 5.


99% Match 2021 18+ Students


The outcome of the survey projected various results, for the students
the majority of the answers showed a lack of Sexual Education
discussion in our curriculum, with 71.4% answering no, this also leads
to the students not being much aware of certain terminologies and
words related to sexual education, they don't have a deep
understanding on it because it is only part of certain classes such as
science classes or values education which also doesn’t give light to
deeper and knowledgeable topics related to it. Here shows that the
current curriculum for Sexual Education for the students is ineffective No Yes

as the biggest contributor to their familiarity on this topic is social

media and research on their own.

99% Match 2021 18+

Now for the teachers, it was shown that in the population of 5,
everyone answered yes that they do discuss sexual education,
and again just like how the students answered they are part of
certain classes like Science or Values, here shows a very big
contrast from the students’ results because as per them certain
terminologies indicated in the survey has been familiar to them
because of this classes. Social Media and Research have also been
a big factor or contributor to their familiarity and knowledge on
these topics. Now for the teachers, results show that they believe
that the current curriculum for Sexual Education is effective.


99% Match 2021 18+

The problem that the researchers encountered during this survey, is
looking for respondents since we have moved to a more advanced way
of gathering data it is also hard for everyone to cope up with these
changes, not everyone is familiar or used to these online platforms or
survey forms, there also who doesn't have access to a stable internet
connection or data connection. But with the help of the researchers, we
have gathered enough data to show an initial report of the survey.

With confirmation that the survey is successful and after adjusting to the
comments and suggestions, the researchers went ahead and did the
actual survey for the research.


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