CC NS 2022MT93511

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Cloud Computing Assignment

Name : Karthik Sureshkumar Halakatti

BITS ID : 2022MT93511
M.Tech Software Engineering,
Work Integrated Learning Program
Problem Statement
NEET Inc., a US based logistics corporation wants to host its core services on Amazon Cloud. The ERP
application was built using Microsoft .NET platform and is provided as a SaaS solution for all NEET
NIOS Inc, is the captive development center for NEET, who manages the development & maintenance of the
ERP application. The ERP application consists of the following artifacts.
· Core Application which is .Net based
· SQL Server for database
· Azure blob / S3 for storage of image and blobs
· REST API gateway for interfacing with the core application and mobile clients
a. Assuming the application is deployed in Azure or AWS, provide the components that will be used.
b. Compute the cost of using such services.
c. What steps will be taken to ensure that the security is not compromised.
Assuming the application is deployed in Azure or AWS, provide the components that will be used.

● Virtual Machines (VMs) or EC2 Instances: These are virtual computers in the cloud that can run the .NET-based
core application. They provide the flexibility to choose the size and configuration of the computer that best fits the
application's requirements.
● Azure SQL Database or Amazon RDS: These are managed database services that can host the SQL Server
database in the cloud. They provide automatic backups, software updates, and high availability to ensure that the
database is always up and running.
● Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3: These are object storage services that can be used to store images, videos,
documents, and other unstructured data. They provide scalable storage that can grow as the application's needs
● Azure API Management or Amazon API Gateway: These are API management tools that can create and manage
RESTful APIs that enable the core application to interface with mobile clients. They provide features such as rate
limiting, authentication, and caching to optimize the performance and security of the APIs.

In summary, these components provide NEET Inc. with a scalable, flexible, and secure infrastructure to deploy and
manage its ERP application on Azure or AWS.
Compute the cost of using such services
1) Virtual Machines (VMs) in Azure:
● Azure VMs are priced based on the size of the VM and the usage duration. The following
factors impact the cost of using VMs in Azure:
● Instance Size: Azure offers different sizes of VMs based on the number of CPUs, memory,
and storage capacity. The larger the VM size, the higher the cost. For example, the cost of a
basic A-series VM with one CPU and 0.75GB memory can start from $0.011 per hour, while
the cost of an H-series VM with 8 CPUs and 112GB memory can cost up to $6.76 per hour.
● Usage Duration: The cost of VMs in Azure is based on the amount of time that the VM is
running. The cost is calculated on an hourly basis, and the price per hour decreases as the
usage duration increases. For example, the cost of a basic A-series VM with one CPU and
0.75GB memory can start from $0.011 per hour if used for less than 730 hours per month,
while the same VM can cost $0.008 per hour if used for more than 730 hours per month.
2) Amazon EC2 Instances:
● Amazon EC2 instances are priced based on the size of the instance and the usage duration. The
following factors impact the cost of using EC2 instances:
● Instance Size: Amazon offers different sizes of instances based on the number of CPUs, memory,
and storage capacity. The larger the instance size, the higher the cost. For example, the cost of a
t2.micro instance with 1 CPU and 1GB memory can start from $0.0116 per hour, while the cost of a
c5n.18xlarge instance with 96 CPUs and 192GB memory can cost up to $12.024 per hour.
● Usage Duration: The cost of EC2 instances in Amazon is based on the amount of time that the
instance is running. The cost is calculated on an hourly basis, and the price per hour decreases as
the usage duration increases. For example, the cost of a t2.micro instance with 1 CPU and 1GB
memory can start from $0.0116 per hour if used for less than 25% of the month, while the same
instance can cost $0.0058 per hour if used for more than 75% of the month.
● It's important to note that the cost of VMs or EC2 instances can vary depending on the region,
operating system, and other factors. The best way to estimate the cost of using VMs or EC2
instances is to use the cloud provider's pricing calculators and monitor the actual usage of the
instances over time to optimize costs.
3) Azure SQL Database:

● Azure SQL Database is a fully managed cloud-based relational database service. The following factors impact
the cost of using Azure SQL Database:
● Database Size: Azure SQL Database offers different tiers based on the size of the database and the
performance requirements. The larger the database size and performance requirements, the higher the cost.
For example, the cost of a basic database with 5 DTUs (Database Transaction Units) and 2GB storage can start
from $0.008 per hour, while the cost of a premium database with 4000 DTUs and 1TB storage can cost up to
$9.904 per hour.
● Usage: The cost of Azure SQL Database is based on the amount of data stored and the number of transactions
performed. The price per transaction decreases as the usage volume increases. For example, the cost of a
basic database with 5 DTUs (Database Transaction Units) and 2GB storage can start from $0.008 per hour, and
the price per transaction can range from $0.0005 to $0.0025 depending on the tier.
4) Amazon RDS:
● Amazon RDS is a fully managed cloud-based relational database service. The following factors impact
the cost of using Amazon RDS:
● Database Size: Amazon RDS offers different instances based on the size of the database and the
performance requirements. The larger the database size and performance requirements, the higher the
cost. For example, the cost of a db.t2.micro instance with 1 vCPU and 20GB storage can start from
$0.017 per hour, while the cost of a db.m5.24xlarge instance with 96 vCPUs and 384GB storage can
cost up to $21.252 per hour.
● Usage: The cost of Amazon RDS is based on the amount of data stored and the number of transactions
performed. The price per transaction decreases as the usage volume increases. For example, the cost
of a db.t2.micro instance with 1 vCPU and 20GB storage can start from $0.017 per hour, and the price
per million I/O requests can range from $0.05 to $0.20 depending on the instance type.
● It's important to note that the cost of Azure SQL Database or Amazon RDS can vary depending on the
region, database engine, and other factors. The best way to estimate the cost of using Azure SQL
Database or Amazon RDS is to use the cloud provider's pricing calculators and monitor the actual usage
of the databases over time to optimize costs.
5) Azure Blob Storage:

● Azure Blob Storage is a fully managed cloud-based object storage service. The following factors impact the cost
of using Azure Blob Storage:
● Storage Size: Azure Blob Storage offers different tiers based on the size of the storage and the performance
requirements. The larger the storage size and performance requirements, the higher the cost. For example, the
cost of storing data in the hot tier can start from $0.0184 per GB per month, while the cost of storing data in the
cool tier can start from $0.01 per GB per month, and the cost of storing data in the archive tier can start from
$0.00099 per GB per month.
● Data Access: The cost of Azure Blob Storage is also based on the amount of data accessed or transferred. For
example, the cost of data retrieval from the hot tier can range from $0.01 to $0.12 per GB, while the cost of data
retrieval from the cool tier can range from $0.01 to $0.05 per GB.
6) Amazon S3:
● Amazon S3 is a fully managed cloud-based object storage service. The following factors impact the cost
of using Amazon S3:
● Storage Size: Amazon S3 offers different storage classes based on the size of the storage and the
performance requirements. The larger the storage size and performance requirements, the higher the
cost. For example, the cost of storing data in the standard class can start from $0.023 per GB per
month, while the cost of storing data in the infrequent access class can start from $0.0125 per GB per
month, and the cost of storing data in the Glacier class can start from $0.004 per GB per month.
● Data Access: The cost of Amazon S3 is also based on the amount of data accessed or transferred. For
example, the cost of data retrieval from the standard class can range from $0.0004 to $0.05 per GB,
while the cost of data retrieval from the infrequent access class can range from $0.01 to $0.02 per GB.
● It's important to note that the cost of Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3 can vary depending on the
region, storage class, and other factors. The best way to estimate the cost of using Azure Blob Storage
or Amazon S3 is to use the cloud provider's pricing calculators and monitor the actual usage of the
storage over time to optimize costs.
7) Azure API Management:

● Azure API Management is a fully managed cloud-based service that allows you to publish, secure,
analyze, and manage APIs. The following factors impact the cost of using Azure API Management:
● API Calls: Azure API Management charges based on the number of API calls made through the
service. The cost can start from $1.50 per million API calls per month for the consumption tier, and
it can go up to $84 per million API calls per month for the premium tier.
● Data Transfer: The cost of Azure API Management also includes data transfer charges. The cost
can range from $0.087 per GB for the first 5 GB per month to $0.05 per GB for over 150 GB per
8) Amazon API Gateway:
● Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed cloud-based service that allows you to create, publish,
monitor, and secure APIs. The following factors impact the cost of using Amazon API Gateway:
● API Calls: Amazon API Gateway charges based on the number of API calls made through the
service. The cost can start from $3.50 per million API calls per month for the first million API calls,
and it can go up to $0.25 per million API calls per month for over 10 billion API calls.
● Data Transfer: The cost of Amazon API Gateway also includes data transfer charges. The cost
can range from $0.09 per GB for the first 10 TB per month to $0.05 per GB for over 150 TB per
● It's important to note that the cost of Azure API Management or Amazon API Gateway can vary
depending on the region, usage patterns, and other factors. The best way to estimate the cost of
using Azure API Management or Amazon API Gateway is to use the cloud provider's pricing
calculators and monitor the actual usage of the service over time to optimize costs.
What steps will be taken to ensure that the security is not compromised

To ensure that the security of the ERP application is not compromised when hosted on
Amazon Cloud or Azure, NEET Inc. and NIOS Inc. can take the following steps:

● Secure Network Configuration: The network configuration of the cloud environment

should be set up in a secure manner, with strict access controls and firewalls. The
database should be placed in a private subnet that is not accessible from the public
● Encryption: The data in transit and at rest should be encrypted using industry-standard
encryption algorithms. TLS/SSL encryption should be used for data in transit, while data
at rest should be encrypted using either server-side encryption or client-side encryption.
● Authentication and Authorization: Access to the ERP application should be restricted to authorized
users only. Strong password policies should be implemented, and multi-factor authentication
should be enabled. Access to the database should also be restricted to authorized users only, with
role-based access control.
● Regular Patching: The operating system, database, and application software should be regularly
patched to address security vulnerabilities and ensure that the latest security updates are applied.
● Disaster Recovery and Backup: Disaster recovery and backup plans should be in place to ensure
that the data can be recovered in case of any disaster or data loss. The backup should be stored
in a secure location, preferably offsite, and should be regularly tested to ensure that it can be
restored when needed.
● Regular Security Audits: Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments should be
performed to identify and mitigate any security risks.

By implementing these security measures, NEET Inc. and NIOS Inc. can ensure that the ERP
application hosted on Amazon Cloud or Azure is secure and the data is protected.

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