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It refers to a group of related

sentences on a particular
topic usually beginning with
an indentation of a new
Paragraph is made up of a
topic sentence, a series of a
supporting sentences and a
concluding sentence.

Paragraph is an expansion of

All life depends on light. Without

light, plants cannot make their
food. Since animals live on plants
or on other animals that eat
plants, animals cannot live without
Topic Sentence:

All life depends on light.

In warm waters, a ship often leaves a trail behind
at night. Fish and breaking waves also produce a
faint glow The glow is usually caused by a kind
plankton ,microscopic plants and animals called
noctiluca. Some species of jellyfish also cause a
trail of light They produce a faint blue light when
disturbed .Many fish ,particularly deep sea fish,
have organs that can produce light, too..This
light results from the slow oxidation by some
substance after the stimulus has been removed
and is called phosphorescence.
Topic Sentence:
• This light results from the slow
oxidation by some substance after
the stimulus has been removed
and is called phosphorescence.
MAIN IDEA (Diamond Style)
Plankton consists of small plants and
animals that drift in the ocean. Planktomic
animals can swim, but only weakly.
Plankton is one of the three main groups
of marine life. The other groups are the
benthos, which are plants and animals
living on the sea bed, and the nektons,
which are free swimming animals. Some
Planktons are plants (phytoplankton) and
some are animals (zooplankton)
Topic Sentence:
• Plankton is one of the three main
groups of marine life.

The personal essay is varied and elastic. In
fact, it has no outward signs or pattern by
which it can be recognized like the drama
or the short story. Nor has it any wiser
quality that can always be looked for and
identified with like the story element in
narrative poem. Each essay reflects its
writer’s mood and voices his feelings.
Thus, like a lyric poem, a personal essay is
said to be indefinite.
Topic Sentence:
• The personal essay is varied and
elastic. Personal essay is said to be
(Implied Structure)
A flatfish looks just like any other fish when
it is born. But as it grows, the eyes move
to one side of the body, which becomes
flattened. The fish normally lies almost
invisible on the sea bed, so that other
animals looking for food cannot easily see
it. Many flatfish are found on the
continental shelf or on the sand banks in
the shallower parts of the sea. Some
flatfish, however, live in the deep abyss of
the ocean.
Topic Sentence:
A flatfish looks just like any other fish
when it is born. But as it grows, the
eyes move to one side of the body,
which becomes flattened. The fish
normally lies almost invisible on the sea
bed, so that other animals looking for
food cannot easily see it. Many flatfish
are found on the continental shelf or on
the sand banks in the shallower parts
of the sea. Some flatfish, however, live
in the deep abyss of the ocean.

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