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Climate Change & Health

a change in the climate patterns of a place

Word Bank
when everyone has the opportunity to be as
carbon dioxide healthy as possible

climate change small particles that are suspended in the air

greenhouse gas colorless, odorless gas that is produced by

burning fossil fuels like oil and gas
health equity
gases such as carbon dioxide and methane
ozone that trap heat

particulate matter a colorless unstable gas that is toxic at ground

vectors organisms such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes
that can transmit disease
waterborne disease
diseases transmitted by water that contains
germs, chemicals, or toxins
 Average surface air
temperature has
increased 1.8°F over the
last century.
 Greenhouse gases like
carbon dioxide trap heat.
 Carbon dioxide is
Understanding produced when oil or gas
Climate Change is burned.
 Carbon dioxide levels are
higher than they have
been in more than 3
million years.
 Climate change will have
dramatic effects on
human health.
1. Before you start this lesson, what are
your initial thoughts on climate change?
2. What is the difference between weather
Think About It and climate?
3. What has happened in the last 150 years
to cause the climate to have higher
average temperatures?
Effects of Climate Change on Health
 Temperature Extremes: more heat-related deaths
and medical visits for cardiovascular, kidney, &
respiratory disorders
 Floods: increased drowning deaths and higher
Climate, exposures to mold and waterborne diseases
Health,  Wildfires: poor air quality increases respiratory and
and CDC cardiovascular issues like asthma and COPD
 Air Pollution: exposure to particulate matter and
ozone increases hospitalizations and deaths for
respiratory diseases like asthma
 Allergens and Pollen: longer growing seasons
mean more pollen and increased allergy rates
Effects of Climate Change on Health
 Food Security: changing climate and more severe
weather leads to declining crop yields and less food
produced; prices rise and more people go hungry
 Disease Carried by Vectors: disease-carrying
Climate, organisms like mosquitoes can move into new areas
Health,  Mental Heath and Stress-Related Disorders: higher
and CDC rates of poor mental health following climate-related
disaster events like floods, hurricanes, and wildfires
 Food and Waterborne Diarrheal Diseases: higher
rates of foodborne and waterborne illnesses due to
higher temperatures and extreme rainfall events
Building Resistance Against
Climate Effects (BRACE)
1.Identify the severity of
climate impacts and
vulnerable populations.
Climate, 2.Determine the effects of
climate change.
3.Design interventions for
and CDC the health impacts of
greatest concern.
4.Distribute a written plan
for implementation.
5.Evaluate the effectiveness
and edit plan.
1. Which people around the world will be most
vulnerable to the health effects of climate
change? Why?
2. In your community, which of the nine health
effects of climate change presented do you
Think About It think will have the greatest impact?
3. CDC’s BRACE framework is designed to help
cities prepare for climate change instead of just
reacting to it. What are some barriers or
challenges that might make this process
From the
1. The exhibition at the CDC Museum focuses on
extreme heat, wildfires, and floods. Why do
you think these three topics were chosen?
2. Which health effect of climate change are you
Think About It most interested in learning more about? Why
does that topic interest you?
3. Do you think that environmental justice can be
achieved in the United States? Explain your
Call to Action!
1. Measure the effects of a greenhouse gas.
2. Research a health effect of climate change.
3. Share your findings.
Give it a
Why do you think participation is important?
Ask Ask
Ask aaquestion

Research Do background
Do background research

Hypothesis Construct hypothesis

Use the Hypothesis Construct hypothesis

Scientific Test
Test Test with
Test with an an experiment

Analyze Analyze data
Analyze data

Conclusions Draw conclusions
Draw conclusions

Share Communicate results
Communicate results
1. Measure the Effects of a Greenhouse Gas
- Set up two plastic bottles with different
atmospheres: one with normal air and the
other with more carbon dioxide
- Expose both bottles to bright light and
measure the temperature every 20 seconds Give it a
- Share your findings by
creating a scientific Try
research poster to
share with others
2. Research a Health Effect of Climate Change
- Choose one of the health effects of
climate change to research
- Air pollution
- Allergens and pollen
Diseases carried by vectors
Food and waterborne diseases
Give it a
Food security
Mental health and stress-related disorders Try
- Floods
- Temperature extremes
- Wildfires
- Build an infographic to present your
3. Share Your Findings

- Instagram @CDCmuseum

Give it a

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