Academic Language and Vocabulary

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This paper is on the big effect of the The article analyzes the
Bangsamoro Government. It transformative impact of the new
explains why the problem in political unit called Bangsamoro
Mindanao is not addressed. It is Government on the taxonomy of
about the taxonomy of power- power-politics with regard to
politics. It discusses such in terms of domination of economic, social, and
controlling economic, social, and political resources, which is a major
political resources. reason of the failure to address this
Mindanaoan problem (Solomon in
Kinaadman, 2013).
What’s worse is that in Southeast More seriously, in Southeast Asia,
Asia and particularly in the and the Philippine south in
Philippine south, wars are happening particular, ethnic or armed conflicts
here and there. are very prevalent (Solomon in
Kinaadman, 2013).

Perhaps, we can see how we try to If it may be true then, what can be seen
ignore typhoons and to think of them is an attempt to treat typhoons as
as something normal. It is true that nonexistent and to pass for what
we are scared of typhoons and happens as normal. The Filipinos are
catastrophes but in the passing of stigmatized by typhoons and
catastrophes. Over time however, they
years we can’t collect all these fears refuse to accumulate this stigma. Thus,
together, so what happens is that we it becomes a collective act of intellectual
unite in forgetting the encounters by forgetting by denying its existence, a
somehow ignoring them. This is a kind of social and cultural post-
kind of social and cultural post- traumatic stress syndrome (Montalvan II
traumatic stress syndrome in Kinaadman, 2013).

One of the Filipinos’ cultural traits is The Filipino amnesia of typhoons

their ability to forget their typhoon appears to be a cultural construct
experiences. (Montalvan II in Kinaadman, 2013).

How we make sense of the social world is a How Filipinos make sense of the social
subjective, internal construction. How our world is a subjective, internal construction.
stories and our lives are accumulated Their social worlds are defined by how their
through social practices and customs define stories and lives are accumulated through
our social worlds. By forgetting, we regain social practices and customs. Their self-
our self-esteem. In the process, we develop esteem is regained by forgetting. In the
memory loss of past typhoons. process, a memory loss of past typhoons is
developed (Montalvan II in Kinaadman,

What I observe is that the problem in The Mindanao problem is not only confined
Mindanao problem is not only confined to as an issue to one or some sectors in
you or a few Mindanaoans but is shared Mindanao in particular, and the country in
with the rest of the Filipinos whatever their general, regardless of political and socio-
political and socio-cultural backgrounds are. cultural backgrounds (Solomon in
Kinaadman, 2013).
Opinions are allowed in academic writing; however, they have to be presented
in an objective fashion. This means that they should be grounded on adequate
evidence. Using judgmental and emotive words then destroys the objectivity of
the text. Judgmental words show the writer’s personal stance on an issue.
Examples of which include “I think”, “I believe”, and “I agree.” Moreover,
emotive words such as “weak”, “awful”, and “vicious” reveal feelings that are
personal and subjective.
But in my opinion, the immense issue to confront is: Is a political autonomy
responsive and effective in addressing Moro-politics and armed separatism
notwithstanding the lucid fact that the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao are
invoking their own set of value system, sentiments and loyalties, and
institutions? This, I believe, provides us a dichotomized distinction between
ethnic nationalism and national identity. Therefore I must conclude that to
promote ethnic nationalism is the core issue, which any separatist movement in
Mindanao is trying to advance that ultimately leads to the establishment of a
system of governance suitable and responsive to the needs of the Bangsamoro
But the issue to confront is how responsive and effective political
autonomy is to address Moro-politics and armed separatism
notwithstanding the fact that the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao
are invoking their own set of value system, sentiments and loyalties,
and institutions. This provides a dichotomized distinction between
ethnic nationalism and national identity. To promote ethnic
nationalism is the core issue, which any separatist movement in
Mindanao is trying to advance that ultimately leads to the
establishment of a system of governance suitable and responsive to
the needs of the Bangsamoro people. (Solomon in Kinaadman,
A peace agreement is a necessary state mechanism which truly aims
to arrive at political compromises. The protective government of the
Philippines uses it to counter any hostile armed resistance. Moreover,
the government also uses it to achieve national security, a long-
desired condition in which people’s way of life and their institutions,
their territorial integrity and sovereignty, including their well-being,
are totally protected and enhanced. Thus, this is a pre-requisite for a
collectively aspired economic growth and development.
A peace agreement is a state mechanism which aims to arrive at
political compromises. The government of the Philippines uses it to
counter any armed resistance. Moreover, the government also uses it
to achieve national security, a condition in which people’s way of life
and their institutions, their territorial integrity and sovereignty,
including their wellbeing, are protected and enhanced. Thus, this is a
pre-requisite for economic growth and development. (Solomon in
Kinaadman, 2013).
For more of the terminologies frequently used in the academe, you may refer to
Averil Coxhead’s Academic Word List (2000) available at the Victoria
University’s website
or at Lund University’s website available at or
the University of Manchester’s Academic Phrase Bank available at

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