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Intersubjectivity of

Human Relations in
Accepting Differences

a term coined by the

philosopher Edmund
Husserl who stated as the
“interchange of thoughts
and feeling, both conscious
and unconscious, between
two persons or subjects, as
fascinated by empathy
Martin Buber
• “Man extracts knowledge
about his constitution from
them and he wins an
experience from them. He
experiences what belongs
to the things
• Insocial science, intersubjectivity
is used to refer to agreement.
• This simply an agreement
between people if in a set of given
situations, they agree on a set of
meanings or definition.
In every instances of our everyday life interactions, we
can take a closer look how the “self” interacts with
others. First, the simple awareness of the existence of
the “other”, and the awareness of the “self” as being
seen by others.
Human Interactions: Acceptance
• We keep in mind that intersubjectivity
requires acceptance of differences and not to
impose on others.
• We interact through our self and the other
and that sharing should be a subjective state
by two or more individual
Authentic dialogue

Authentic dialogue means

accepting others even if
they are different from
• If we have this meaningful and genuine relationships
or willingness to be present and be at the disposal of
another, we have that tendency to make our self be
available and show our care. Moreover, our
perspective encourages us to help other people
especially when they are vulnerable, and when we
have that so called “care”, it is innate that we have
that moral obligation to respond to the needs of other
“Hindi yung mahalaga ka
lang dahil kailangan ka.
Kailangan ka dahil
mahalaga ka”.

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