Global Markenting Presentation

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The purpose of this report is to present a
comprehensive global marketing plan for Britannia, a
leading food and beverage company. The report will
outline the key marketing strategies and tactics that
Britannia should employ to expand its presence in
international markets. The analysis will be based on
the current market trends, consumer behavior, and
Britannia's core competencies.
Company Overview:
Britannia Industries Limited is an Indian-
based company that specializes in the
production and distribution of a wide range of
food and beverage products. It has a strong
presence in India and has successfully
expanded its operations to other countries.
Britannia's product portfolio includes biscuits,
bread, cakes, dairy products, and health
Market Analysis:
a) Global Food and Beverage Industry: The global food and
beverage industry is experiencing steady growth, driven by
factors such as increasing disposable incomes, changing
consumer preferences, and a growing demand for convenience
and healthy food options. The market is highly competitive,
with several global and local players vying for market share.
b) Target Market: Britannia should identify and segment its target
market based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral
factors. This includes consumers who value quality, health-
conscious individuals, and those seeking convenience in their
food choices. Geographic expansion should focus on regions
with high population density and growing disposable incomes.
Marketing Objectives:
a) Increase brand awareness and visibility in international
b) Expand market share and achieve sustainable revenue growth.
c) Develop a strong brand identity and positioning in each target
d) Establish strong distribution channels and strategic
e) Adapt products and packaging to cater to local preferences
and cultural nuances.
f) Enhance customer loyalty and engagement through effective
marketing campaigns.
Marketing Strategies:
a) Product Strategy: Britannia should conduct market research to identify the specific needs
and preferences of consumers in each target market. This will help in adapting existing
products and developing new ones to cater to local tastes and preferences.
b) Pricing Strategy: A competitive pricing strategy should be adopted to penetrate new
markets. Britannia should consider factors such as local purchasing power, competitor
pricing, and cost structure while determining the optimal price points for its products.
c) Distribution Strategy: Britannia should establish strategic partnerships with local
distributors and retailers to ensure widespread availability of its products. It should also
explore e-commerce and online retail platforms to reach a wider customer base.
d) Promotion Strategy: An integrated marketing communication approach should be
adopted to build brand awareness and drive sales. This includes a mix of traditional
advertising, digital marketing, social media campaigns, public relations, and experiential
marketing initiatives.
e) . Brand Positioning: Britannia should position itself as a trusted and quality-driven brand
that offers a diverse range of healthy and convenient food options. Emphasizing its
heritage, commitment to innovation, and sustainability initiatives will help in
differentiating the brand from competitors.
Implementation and Evaluation:
a) Implementation: The marketing plan should be implemented in a
phased manner, focusing on one target market at a time.
Britannia should allocate resources and set specific timelines for
each market expansion initiative. Cross-functional collaboration
and effective communication will be crucial for successful
b) Evaluation: Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be
established to monitor the effectiveness of the marketing plan.
These may include sales growth, market share, brand awareness,
customer satisfaction, and return on investment (ROI). Regular
evaluation will enable Britannia to make necessary adjustments
and improvements to its marketing strategies.
This global marketing plan provides a roadmap for
Britannia's expansion into international markets. By
leveraging its core competencies, adapting to local
preferences, and implementing effective marketing
strategies, Britannia can achieve sustainable growth
and establish a strong global presence in the food and
beverage industry.


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