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Cooperative Learning Approach


Lecture : Dr. Rahayu Apriliaswati, M, Ed.,TESOL

1. Dominikus Yeki
2. Cahya Elta
3. Adies Nuari
4. Muhammad Naufal Akbar
5. Tyari Ochtalia
6. Lupiana
What is Cooperative

Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) is part of a more general

instructional approach also known as Collaborative Learning (CL).
CooperativeLearning is an approach to teaching that makes maximum
use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners
in the classroom. It has been defined as follows:Cooperative learning is
group learning activity organized so that learning isdependent on the
socially structured exchange of information between learnersin groups
and in which each learner is held accountable for his or her ownlearning
and is motivated to increase the learning of others.
students learn step-by-step,
functional interaction techniques at
the same time the group spirit or
Theory of Language trust is beingbuilt. (Christison and
Bassano 1981: xvi).

Cooperative Language Learning is founded on some basic premises about the

interactive/cooperative nature of language and language learning and builds on
these premises in several ways:
1. mirrors the title of a book on child language titled Born toTalk (Weeks 1979).
2. Premise 2 is that most talk/speech is organized as conversation.
3. Premise 3 is that conversation operates according to a certain agreed upon
set of cooperative rules or “maxims” (Grice 1975).
4. Premise 4 is that one learns how these cooperative maxims are realizedin
one’s native language through casual, everyday conversational interaction
5. Premise 5 is that one learns how the maxims are realized in a
secondlanguage through participation in cooperatively structured
interactional activities
Theory of Learning

Cooperative learning advocates draw heavily on

the theoretical work ofdevelopmental
psychologists Jean Piaget (e.g., 1965) and Lev
Vygotsky(e.g., 1962), both of whom stress the
central role of social interaction in learning

We have indicated that:

• a central premise of CLL is that learners develop communicative
competence in a language by conversing in socially or pedagogically
structured situations.
• The word cooperative in Cooperative Learning emphasizes another
important dimension of CLL: It seeks to develop classrooms that foster
cooperation rather than competition in learning.
• Cooperation is working together to accomplish shared goals.
• Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groupsthrough which
students work together to maximize their own and each other’slearning
McGroarty (1989)offers six learning
advantages for ESL students in CLL
1. Increased frequency and variety of second language practice
throughdifferent types of interaction.
2. possibility for development or use of language in ways that
support cognitive development and increased language skills.
3. opportunities to integrate language with content-based

4. opportunities to include a greater variety of curricular

materials tostimulate language as well as concept learning
5. . freedom for teachers to master new professional skills,
particularlythose emphasizing communication
6. opportunities for students to act as resources for each other,
thus assuming a more active role in their learning.

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