Describe The Structure and Evolution of Ocean Basins

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Describe The Structure And Evolution

of Ocean basins
Ocean Basins
Active ocean basins undergo change
mainly due to plate tectonics. Plate
tectonics is the theory used to explain the
dynamics of the earth's surface resulting from
the interaction of the overlying rigid plates
with the underlying mantle. According to the
theory, the earth has a rigid outer layer called
the crust.
Ocean basins are those areas found under the
sea. They can be relatively inactive areas where
deposits of sediment slowly collect or active
areas where tectonic plates meet.
Active ocean basins undergo change mainly due
to plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is the theory
used to explain the dynamics of the earth's
surface resulting from the interaction of the
overlying rigid plates with the underlying
5 different structure of ocean basins
Divisionsof the World Ocean. There are 5
major subdivisions of the world ocean.

Pacific Ocean Basin. The Pacific Ocean

contains more than half of its free water.
Atlantic Ocean Basin. ...
Indian Ocean Basin.
Southern Ocean.
Arctic Ocean Basin.
Ocean basins can be either active, with a lot of
new structures being created and shaped, or they
can be inactive, where their surface is slow to
change and does little more than collect

Active ocean basins undergo change mainly due

to plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is the theory
used to explain the dynamics of the earth's surface
resulting from the interaction of the overlying
rigid plates with the underlying mantle. 
The earth has a rigid outer layer called the crust. This
crust is somewhat fragile, and like the shell of a hard-
boiled egg, it can crack and break into plates. The
earth's crust breaks due to heat and pressure from the
layer beneath the crust, called the mantle.

These plates move very slowly and meet at their

boundaries. These boundaries are common areas of
tectonic activity, which is the deformation of the
earth's crust due to movement of tectonic plates
resulting in activity (such as earthquakes, volcanoes
and mountain building). 
So an area of the world that is tectonically active,
whether it be on land or under the water, would be
a mountainous area with earthquakes and volcanic
activity. This creates many of the ocean basins

An ocean basin can be thought of as a large bowl

that holds ocean water. The floors of our world's
oceans contain features that you might recognize as
being similar to some structures on land. 
1.Active ocean basins undergo change
mainly due to plate tectonics.

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