L2 Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation

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L2 Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation

• Local Winds • Cause of Global Winds Ocean Currents

• land breeze • Density Currents
• Convection cells
• sea breeze
• Coriolis Effect • Surface Currents
• Convection Belts in relation to
• Gyres
Biomes • Horse Latitude
• Ocean Conveyor
• Global Winds • Doldrums(intertropica
• Polar easterlies Belt
l convergence) • Upwelling
• Prevailing westerlies
• Trade Winds/Tropical
• Seasonal Winds
Types of Winds
• Local Winds
• land breeze
• sea breeze
• Global Winds
• Polar easterlies
• Prevailing westerlies
• Trade Winds
• Seasonal Winds
Local Winds

Global Winds Periodic Winds(seasonal)

Global Winds/Planetary

• Polar easterlies • Horse Latitude

• Prevailing Westerlies • Doldrums(intertropical
• Tropical Easterlies/ Trade Winds convergence)

• Cause of Global Winds

• Convection belt
• Coriolis Effect
Global Winds Please write your answer in the chat box

• What do you observe about the movement of global winds?

Please compare with a world map.
In which direction(East/West) is the
wind blowing in the following
1. 0N-30N
2. 30N-60N
3. 60N-90N
4. 0S-30S
5. 30S-60S
6. 60S-90S

Convection Belt
Coriolis Effect
• https://
From which perspective does the
ball appear to be moving in a
straight path? From which
perspective does the ball appear
to be moving in a curved path?
Why does the camera perspective
matter? How does the see-saw act
as a model for Earth?
Coriolis Effect

Coriolis Effect

What direction do typhoon winds cycle?
• A typhoon is a giant, rotating • https://
storm that brings wind, rain, and www.theglobeandmail.com/
destruction. news/world/explainer-how-are-
• How are typhoons formed?
• https://docs.google.com/
• Other names for typhoon?
Global Winds- Prevailing Westerlies p.178
Global Winds- Prevailing Westerlies p.178
Water, moisture and warmer
Global Winds- Prevailing Westerlies
Global Winds
Global Winds
• Edmond Halley's map of the
trade winds, 1686
Read and answer the following questions
• Trade Winds
• Over four centuries ago (1519-1521), the maritime explorer Magellan experienced a strange phenomenon when he
first led his ships across the Pacific Ocean while riding the westerlies in the southern hemisphere. The voyage
became abnormally calm for several months. Initially, his ships traveled westwards by riding a southeastern wind
that gently blew across the ocean.

• The winds died down later on and the ocean surface turned calm as his ships arrived at the Philippines. While
Magellan and his crew crossed the Atlantic, they did not realize that their journey was made possible with the trade
winds (southeastern winds). About a hundred years before Magellan (1405), Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty had
made use of the same trade winds to travel between Fuzhou in China and the Indian Ocean. Zheng's expedition
would reach as far as the east coast of Africa.

• Trade winds are known for their timeliness, arriving at the designated regions at the appointed time year after year.
The directions of these winds has never changed. Trade winds are low altitude winds blowing from 30 degrees
latitude of the sub-tropical high pressure region to the tropical low pressure region. During the Age of Sail when
ships were dependent on the wind for movement, the timeliness of the trade winds made maritime journeys and
commerce reliable and predictable.

• South Seas located in the northeastern trade wind belt of the northern hemisphere. The trade winds would be
blowing across the regions of 5-25 degrees latitude in the north during March. By September, the trade wind belt
would shift northwards to 10-30 degrees latitude, and shift southwards by March of the following year. The periodic
shift of trade winds also created the centuries old maritime trade routes for hundreds of years,leaving behind many
historical relics and landmarks in its wake among the Dongsha Islands, Kinmen Islands and other National Parks of
Taiwan. Letus ride upon the northeastern trade winds and embark on a journey to the South Seas!
Text Reading Questions
• Which two explorers used the trade winds?
• Where did the explorers go?(From XXX to XXX)
• What is the pattern of trade winds known for?
Local Winds

Global Winds Periodic Winds(seasonal)

Global Winds/Planetary

• Polar easterlies • Horse Latitude

• Prevailing Westerlies • Doldrums(intertropical
• Tropical Easterlies/ Trade Winds convergence)

• Cause of Global Winds

• Convection belt
• Coriolis Effect
• typhoon, hurricane, cyclone
Air Pressure
Air pressure
• More molecules • Less molecules
• High Pressure • Low Pressure
• Sunny • Rainy Cloudy

Concept Check- True or False?
1. If the air particles are more dense there it is considered Low pressure.

Concept Check- True or False?
2. Coriolis causes the winds to move clockwise

Concept Check-
1. In the atmospheric convection current, at the equator, the air moves....
(upward, downward...)

is it Low Pressure or High Pressure?

Global Winds- Prevailing Westerlies p.178
Doldrums Little to no winds

What do you do if you are stuck in a

Horse Latitude
Horse latitudes are the latitudes
about 30 degrees north and south
of the equator. They are
characterized by sunny skies, calm
winds, and very little
precipitation. They are also
known as subtropical ridges, or
highs. It is a high-pressure area at
the convergence of trade winds
and the westerlies.
Concept Check
What is the name of the ______effect that causes wind
to curve?
A. Horse Latitude
B. Big Bang
C. Convection
D. Coriolis
Concept Check
Wind blow from the House Latitude to the Equator.
What are these winds called?
A. Prevailing Westerlies
B. Polar Easterlies
C. Trade winds
D. Southern Express
Concept Check
What does cold air do?
A. Rises in the atmosphere
B. Blows toward the Horse
C. Sinks in the atmosphere
D. Blows toward areas of high
Concept Check
Where would I find areas of little
to no wind?
A. Low pressure areas
B. High pressure areas
C. Horse latitude
D. Doldrums
Ocean Currents
• Surface Currents: top 10%- wind
• Deep Ocean currents- density
Watch the video and answer the question.
• Video • Video • Video
• https://youtu.be/ • https:// • https://youtu.be/
C57P7ncqeQY www.youtube.com/ EEFGswCDwHQ
watch? • Questions
• Questions v=Z50jEi1igNQ&t=10
s • https://
• https:// jamboard.google.co
jamboard.google.com/ • Questions m/d/
d/ • https:// 17HmeHbJ1F8rLnRC
17HmeHbJ1F8rLnRC2T jamboard.google.co 2TFQW6rdrYYUjOkQ
FQW6rdrYYUjOkQsc8Q m/d/ sc8QjnRexYJA/
jnRexYJA/viewer?f=0 17HmeHbJ1F8rLnRC viewer?f=3
• page 1-2 sc8QjnRexYJA/
Choosings names
• If we are to label the three activities we did, what would you label

• Please put the names on each page

Ocean Currents
• Density Currents
• Surface Currents
• Gyres
• Ocean Conveyor Belt
• Upwelling
Density Currents
• (movement) North Atlantic
• https://youtu.be/LkRQjTdTvFE

• Strait of Gibraltar: submarine

Strait of Gibraltar
Surface Currents • https://www.youtube.com/
• 0-2:50

• What causes a surface current?

• coriolis-rotation of earth
• tides
• salt-changes in density
• winds
• How deep are surface currents?
• 10%, 400m
Gyres vs Air flow

Please compare these Gyres and Air flow.

How do you think they are related?
Gyres: circular systems of ocean Here's why all hurricanes spin
current counterclockwise
Ocean Conveyor Belt p.190
• Bob Ballard describes ocean
currents as massive
conveyor belts and
compares their forces to
those of roller coasters.
• https://
Surface current and Upwelling
• Cold dense water is brought
back up to the surface.
• nutrient-rich and supports
algae, fish and organism growth

Which one has an upwelling?

Upwelling and water temperature
• California Current Upwelling
Ocean currents and Climate Change

The Ocean’s Green Machines (long)


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