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A music video production produced, directed and shot by

Niall O’Loughlin

Trust – YAYAZ X D1ZZY Starring

Ivan Soares
Daniel Tavares
Creative decisions/Issues faced

• Established idea
• Affordability/ISSUES FACED
• Conclusive Overview
Established Idea
• Original thought process
Originally, there had been 3 genres with a number of concepts associated with them, this included a music video, exploring grime, afrobeat’s/R&B or heavy
metal, a advertisement, promoting a luxury residential building or a tattoo lounge, and finally, a short film delving into a drama or a horror. After proposing
these suggestions to a focus group comprised of 3 people of differing levels of diversity and age, they had suggested to continue with the music video
(afrobeat’s/R&B) or the advertisement (Tattoo lounge). Ultimately I had decided upon producing a music video, due to it’s compatibility with my creative
process as well as its convenience.

• Proposition to client
After analyzing the prospects of different genres and deciding on Afrobeat’s/R&B, I had a client that I had wished to work with, through connections at work,
we arranged a meeting where we discussed a music video to go with his new single ‘TRUST’, with another artist Daniel Tavares (D1ZZY). The original plan
was to fly out to Portugal to film the B-ROLL (Narrative) of a woman walking through the bustling streets and vendors to find her partner (one of the
protagonists) she would do this via abstract dancing, showcasing her skills as a dancer and focusing on her beauty as a model to compliment the music. The
A-ROLL would be both artists in a 19 th century house, both singing with models around the house in suggestive and symbolic situations. However, this was
later adapted as to fit for convenience and due to failure in production.
Idea board proposed to client

Original concept
The original idea was to have two main locations, one being the streets of Portugal and the other being a 19 th century mansion.

But as one of my clients was financially unable to travel to Portugal, we had been forced to remove this idea and focus primarily on the 19 th century house,
which I found on Peerspace.

• Original concept
Originally, there had been 4 actors involved, Ivan Soares, Daniel Tavares and two models (playing their counterparts).

• Adjustment
However, due to a change in the location, we were unable to source models to travel to Kent, we discussed the possibility of filming up North (Nottingham)
to be closer to our models but were unable to find a suitable location matching our theme, so the idea had to be adjusted to be filmed without the models.

This had been the original cost list, however, we found that
leaving most props out from the production would significantly
affect the cost budget, so we had sacrificed cigars, jewelry
and a number of other features, in order to reduce the costs.
Conclusive overview

• My main goal was to produce a student production without making

it look like a student production, with beautifully imagery, tone
and shots filmed via a diverse array of techniques and skills
complimenting the original song.
• I had also wished to work with my client, compromising along the
way in order to have a cohesive filming process and production.

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