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Customer Master can be created through Transaction Code

XD01or VD01. When Customer is created at the Company code

level it is created using XD01. When created at the Sales
Organization Level It is created through VD01. When we need a
customer to be available at multiple Sales Organization level, if
Necessary, then we use XD01.

Company Code

Sales Organization
Sales Organization

Distribution Division Distribution Division

Channel Channel
• Account Group: Account Group decides the Customer Number
Pattern, Partner Functions, Field Options etc. Click on Account
Group and select the account group 0001, Sold To Party. Refer
topic “Account Group” in Master Data for details.

• Customer: As the account group 0001 specifies to use external

numbering with numerals, you must enter numerals to create
customer code. Also Customer Number entered here (123)
should lie in the number range interval mentioned in the
account group. Refer Number ranges in Misc.

• Company Code: Enter the company code. If created through

[VD01] (Customer SD), no access to this field

• Sales Area: Sales area is a combination of Sales Organization,

Distribution Channel, & Division. As Customer is Sales Area
specific, enter your sales area data here.
• Customer:

• Company Code

• Sales Organization

• Distribution Channel

• Reference Division
General Data
• Title
• Name

Search items
• Search Item ½: Company creates a policy to search Customer.
It can be the first name. eg. Lexus for Lexus Motors.

Street Address
• Street / House Number
• Postal Code/City
• Country
• Region
PO Box Address
• PO Box
• Postal Code

• Language
• Telephone
• Fax
• Email
• Standard Comm. Method
• Data Line
• TeleBox
Control Data
Account Control
• Vendor: If the customer is also a vendor then the Vendor name
is given. It helps in payment adjustments. Eg. Company needs
to pay a vendor 1 lakh & Customer gets a payment of 5 Lakhs
from the company the payment will be adjusted to 4 lakhs.

• Trading Partner
• Authorization
• Group Key

Reference Data/Area
• Location No 1
• Location No 2
• Check Digit
• Industry
• Train Station
• Express Station
• Transport Zone
• Location Code

Tax Information
• Tax Number1
• Tax Number2
• Equalization Tax
• Natural Person
• Sales/Pur. Tax
• Fiscal Address
• Country Code
• VAT Reg. No.
• City Code
• Jurisdict. Code
Payment Transactions
Bank Details
• Ctry
• Bank Key: Company creates a key for each bank it operates.
Eg. 01 for SBI, 02 For UTI bank etc

• Bank Account
• Account Hold
• Control Key
• Bk. Typ.
• Reference Details
• Collect. Auth.
• Bank Name
Payment Transactions
• Alternative Payer

Alternative Payer in Document

• Individual Entries
• Entries for refern
• Nelson ID. Category created from Market research report
• Regional market :
• Customer Class.
• Hierarchy Assignment
• Industry
• Industry Code 1

Key Figures
• Annual Sales
• In
• Employees
• In
Sales Prospecting
• Legal Status
Unloading Points
Unloading Points
• Unloading Point
• Default
• Calendar Key
• Customer Calendar
• Goods Receiving Hrs
Export Data
Export Data
• Ctry
• TDO Date
• SDN Date
• Boycott Date
• Boycott

• Mainly Civilian Usage
• Mainly Military Usage
• Biochemical Warfare
• Nuclear Nonproliferation
• National Security
• Missile Technology
Contact Persons
Contact Person
• Form of Address
• Name
• First Name
• Telephone No.
• Department
• Description
• Function
• Description

• Name
• Department
Company Code Data
Account Management
Accounting Information
• Rec. Account: One Type of G/L account used for temporary

• Sort Key
• Head Office
• Preference Ind.
• Authorization
• Cash Mgmt Group
• Release Group
Interest Calculation
• Interest indict.
• Interest Cycle
• Last Key Date
• Last Interest Run

Reference Data
• Prev. acct. no.
• Personnel number.
• Buying Group
Payment Transactions
Payment Data
• Terms Of Payment: Eg. Within 14 days 3% discount
Within 30 days 2% discount
Within 45 days Net Due
• Tolerance Group: No. of days tolerance in payment can be
provided to the customer. This can happen due to a no. of
reasons. The material can reach the customer eg. 2 days later
than the bill date then the customer will consider the product
receiving date as the bill date and will pay according to that to
avail discounts.
• Known/neg. leave
• B/e charges payt term
• Time until check paid
• Payment history record
Automatic Payment Transactions
• Payment Methods: Mode of payment e.g. Bank Transfer, Single
Check, Draft etc.
• Payment Block
• Alternat. Payer
• House Bank
• B/exch limit
• Grouping Key
• Single Payment
• Clearing with Vendor
• Next Payee
• Payment Advice by EDI
• Lock Box
Payment Advice Note
• Rsn Code Conversion
• Selection Rule
Dunning Data
• Dunn. Procedure
• Dunning Block
• Dunn. Recipient
• Leg. Dunn. Proc.
• Last dunned
• Dunning Level
• Dunning Clerk
• Grouping Key
• Acctg. Clerk.
• Acct. at Cust.
• Bank statement
• Coll. Invoice variant
• Customer User
• Decentralized Processing
• Act. Clrk Tel. No.
• Clerk’s fax
• Clerk’s Internet
• Account memo
Payment Notices To
• Customer (with Cl)
• Customer (w/o Cl)
• Sales
• Accounting
• Legal Department
Export Credit Insurance
• Policy Number
• Institution Number
• Amount Insured
• Valid Until
• Lead months
• Deductible
Sales Area Data
Sales Order
• Sales District:
• Sales Office
• Sales Group
• Customer Group
• ABC class
• Order Probab.
• Authoriz.Group
• Item proposal
• Acct. at Cust.
• Units Group
• Currency
• Exch. Rate Type
• Switch off Rounding: eg. Rs. 49.49 become Rs 49. Rs 49.50
and above become Rs 50.00
• PP cust. proc.
• Price Group
• Cust. Pric. Proc.
• Price List
• Cust. Stats. Grp

Agency Business
• Relevant for agency business
Customer Hierarchy
• Hierarchy Type
• Higher-level Customer
• Valid From
• Valid To
• Delivery Priority
• Order Combination
• Shipping Conditions
• Delivering Plant
• Relevant for POD
• POD timeframe
Partial Deliveries
• Complete delivery required by law
• Partial Delivery per item
• Max. Partial deliveries
• Unlimited tol.
• Under Delivery Tolerance
• Over Delivery Tolerance

General Transportation Data

• Transportation Zone
Billing Document
Billing Document
• Subs. Invoice Processing
• Rebates
• Price Determination
• Invoicing Dates
• InvoicingListDates

Delivery and Payment Terms

• Incoterms
• Terms of Payment
• Acct asmgt group

• Country
• Name
• Tax Category
• Name
• Tax Classification
• Description
Partner Function
• PF
• Partner Function
• Number
• Name
• Partner Description
• Default
• Search Item ½ : It is an important field. This field is used
to search/find customers. You can use wild characters
(*) to search customers
• Country: If the country you enter here is not listed in the
session Maintain Tax Categories by Country [OVK1],
you will get an error message “No calculation procedure
assigned to country xxx”. Refer Tax Setup
• Transportation Zone: It is used in route Determination.
• Price Group, Customer Pricing Procedure & Price List
are to be given.
• Customer Pricing Procedure is defaulted from Account
• Price Group(01) & Price List(02)
• Customer Pricing Procedure: It is a very important field.
It is defaulted from Account Group. Based on this value
only the pricing procedure will be selected while creating
sales document.
• Shipping Condition: Path: Logistics Execution
Shipping Point & Goods Receiving Point Determination
 Define Shipping Conditions
• Shipping Condition is mandatory field in Customer
Master and is used in Shipping Point Determination.
• Shipping Condition can be assigned in SDT also
• Delivering Plant: The default plant from which material
will be delivered to the Customer
• Partial Delivery Per Item: This field controls partial
delivery of the material. Do not confuse with the field
“Completion Rule” in OIC.
• Incoterms (International Commercial Term for Shipping Rules): If
you enter Incoterms here the same will be defaulted while entering
Sales Document. The Standard terms are available in the system.
• Terms of Payment: This is defined by FI consultant and will be
defaulted while creating Sales documents.
• Account Assigned Group: This field is used for Account
• Output Tax: A mandatory entry. Tax Info area (Output Tax) do not
appear if created through [VD01] (without company code). One
company belongs to only one country & tax is based on country of
ship to party. The data can be mentioned only if the Tax Category
By Country [OVK1] is maintained and also the Tax Classifications
are defined in the session Maintain Customer Taxes [OVK3]. Refer
Tax Setup & Pricing. The country (here IN) is the country from which
the materials are sent.
• Here it shows that the customer 123 is acting as SP, BP, PY & SH.
• These Partner Functions are defaulted based on the Partner
Determination Procedure linked to the Account Group. Refer
Partner Determination Procedure.
• Save data
• Here the partner functions BP & PY are editable – why? Refer
Account Group & Partner Determination Procedure for the answer
• If you want to use the same customer code across various sales
areas, you can extend this master data to those sales area
• Use [XD02] for modification & [XD03] for display of customers
• See Extras – Admin Data to know against which Account Group this
Customer Master was created
• Use [SE17] or [SE16] for tables KNB1 (Customer Master Company
Code) and KNVV (Customer Master Sales Data) to know the above
data for an already created customer.

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