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1. Classify each random variable as either discrete or
a. The number of arrivals at an emergency room between
midnight and 6:00 a.m. Discrete
b. The weight of a box of cereal labeled “18 ounces.”
c. The durationContinuous
of the next outgoing telephone call from
a business office.
d. The number of kernels of popcorn in a 1-pound
e. The number of Discrete
applicants for a job.
2. Which of the following is TRUE for
continuous variable?

a. There is a limit.
b. Countable data.
c. Presented by interval of values.
d. Presented by countable data
3. What is the probability of getting three tails after tossing
a coin thrice?

a. 0.125
b. 0.25
c. 0.50
d. 1
4. How many possible outcomes when we rolling two dice?

a. 12
b. 24
c. 36
d. 6
5. How many outcomes of tossing 4 coins?

a. 16
b. 8
c. 36
d. 12
6. Which of the following is true about probability distribution?

a. When the probability of each value of the random variable must be

between or equal to 0 and 1 (0 ≤ P(X) ≤ 1 ) and ΣP(X)=1.
b. When the probability of each value of the random variable must be
between or equal to 0 and 1 (0 ≤ P(X) ≤ 1 ) and ΣP(X)≠1.
7. The following is a probability distribution,
a. 1/2,1/4 , 1/4
b. 0.51, 0.20,0.11,0.18
c. P(1) = 0, P(2) = 0.71 , P(3) = 0.39
7. Suppose that two coins are tossed at the same time. Let Y be the random variable representing
the number of heads that occur. Find the values of the random variable Y. Construct the
probability distribution of the random variable Y and its histogram. Solve the mean, variance
and standard deviation.

8. The following is the property of the Normal Distribution,
a. The distribution curve is bell-shaped.
b. The length of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of
the distribution.
c. The mean, median, and the mode coincide at the center.
d. The area under the curve is 1. Thus, it represents the probability or
proportion or
the percentage associated with specific sets of measurement values.
9. What is the area under the standard normal curve?

a. 0.5
b. .25
c. 1
d. 1.5
 Properties of the Normal Probability Distribution
1. The distribution curve is bell-shaped.
2. The curve is symmetrical about its center.
3. The mean, median, and the mode coincide at the center.
4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution.
5. The tails of the curve flatten out indefinitely along the horizontal axis, always
approaching the axis but never touching it. That is, the curve is asymptotic to the base
6. The area under the curve is 1. Thus, it represents the probability or proportion or the
percentage associated with specific sets of measurement values.
• A standard normal curve is a probability distribution that has a mean 𝜇 = 0 and a
standard deviation 𝜎 = 1.
10. What is the z-score formula?
11. Find the 𝑧-value of the following set of data. Tell
whether the score is above or below the mean.
1.𝜇 = 45, 𝜎 = 6, X = 39
2.𝜇 = 40, 𝜎 = 8, X = 52
3.𝜇 = 75, 𝜎 = 15, X = 82
11. Find the 𝑧-value of the following set of data. Tell
whether the score is above or below the mean.

1.𝜇 = 45, 𝜎 = 6, X = 39 z = -1 Below

2.𝜇 = 40, 𝜎 = 8, X = 52 z = 1.5 Above

3.𝜇 = 75, 𝜎 = 15, X = 82 z = 0.47 Above

12. What 𝑧-score corresponds to P96 or 96th percentile?
13. What 𝑧-score corresponds to P34 or 34th percentile?
14. What percentile does 𝑧-score 2.34 represent?
15. What percentile does 𝑧-score -1.82 represent?
12. What 𝑧-score corresponds to P96 or 96th percentile?
Answer: z=1.75
13. What 𝑧-score corresponds to P34 or 34th percentile?
Answer: -0.41
14. What percentile does 𝑧-score 2.34 represent?
Answer: The 𝑧-score represents 99th percentile or P99
15. What percentile does 𝑧-score -1.82 represent?
Answer: The 𝑧-score represents 3rd percentile or P3

a. between z=-3.07 and z=2.00 0.9761 or 97.61%

b. to the left of z= 1.26 0.8962 or 89.62%

c. Below z=-1.9 0.0287 or 2.87%

16. What do you call the descriptive measures computed
from a population?

a. Parameter
b. Mean
c. Standard Deviation
d. Statistics
Evaluate the following combination expressions.

a. 5C3

b. 10C7

c. 9C2
Evaluate the following combination expressions.
a. 5C3
Answer: 10
b. 10C7
Answer: 120
c. 9C2
Answer: 36
Lance is looking for a point estimator that has more
samples above the mean of the true parameter. What bias
is he looking for?
A. negative bias C. unbiased
B. positive bias D. cannot be determined
The average salary of 150 employees in a certain municipality
is P15,000 a month with a standard deviation P2,500. Find and
interpret a 95% confidence interval for the mean salary of the
The average salary of 150 employees in a certain municipality is
P15,000 a month with a standard deviation P2,500. Find and
interpret a 95% confidence interval for the mean salary of the
A marketing officer wishes to select female receptionists from 300
employees from a group of employees. The selected group has an
average height of 170 cm and a sample standard deviation of 25 cm.
What is the 99% confidence interval of their height?
The 100% confidence interval derived from the Central Limit Theorem is stated below:
1.)for the sample mean

-z() < < + z () = 𝜇

2.)for the population mean

-z() < < z () =

What do you call the number of values that are free to vary after a
sample statistics has been computed?
A. critical values C. length
B. degree of freedom D. proportion
Tell if the following z-values are in the rejection or
acceptance regions.

1. z= -2.43, 95 confidence Z = -2.43 , rejection region

Z = -0.08 , acceptance
2. z= -0.08, 99% confidence to the left tail. region

3. z= 2.49, 95% confidence to the left tail. Z = 2.49 , rejection region

Find the critical value/s of t for each set of information.
1. n=19, = 0.05 to the right tail.
t= 1.734
2. df=13, 99% confidence.
t= ± 3.012
3. n=24, 95% confidence
4. n = 20, % to the right tailt= ±2.069
t= -2.539
Find the area under the t-distribution as indicated in each

1. t=-2.998 to 2.998 with n = 8 A = 0.98 or 98%

2. To the right of t= 2.921 with df = 16 A = 0.005 (alpha)

3. To the left of t= 3.747 with df = 4 A = 0.99 or 99%

What is the truth value of the following statements?
I. If the sample size is significantly large, normal distribution will be
II. If the sample size is small, t-distribution will be used.
A. both statements are true C. I is true and II is false
B. both statements are false D. I is false and II is true
1. A random sample of 18 lemon fruit was drawn from 300 delivered lemons in the market.
The average weight of sample lemons is 110 grams. With a standard deviation of 10 grams.
What is the point and interval estimate using 90% confidence interval of the sample mean?
Point Estimate: 110 grams. / Interval Estimate: (105.90, 114.10)
2. Pyramid lake is on the Paiute Indian Reservation in Nevada. The lake is famous for
cutthroat trout (fish). The average length of trout caught in Pyramid Lake is 19 inches.
However, a random sample of 51 fish caught the mean length was 18.5 inches with standard
deviation of 3.2 inches. Does the mean sample length provide enough evidence that it differs
significantly from the mean length at two-tailed distribution under = 0.01?
a. What are the given?
b. Is the sample size small or large?
c. What are the appropriate hypotheses?
d. Find the p-value and tell what happens to the null hypothesis.

z = -1.12 ; B= 0.7372 ; P-value = 0.2628; = 0.01; so, do not reject the Null
17. Regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency say that soil used in play areas
should not have lead levels that exceed 400 parts per million (ppm). Before beginning
construction at a new site, an agent will take a sample of soil and run a significance test
on the mean lead level in the soil. If the mean lead level in the sample is significantly
higher than 400 ppm then the soil is deemed unsafe and construction cannot continue.
Here are the hypotheses for this test:
H0: μ ≤ 400 ppm (soil is safe)
H1: μ > 400 ppm (soil is unsafe)
What would be the consequence of a Type II error in this context?
A. Construction continues when the soil is actually safe.
Correct Decision
B. Construction stops when the soil is actually safe.
Type I
C. Construction continues when the soil is unsafe. Type II
D. Construction stops when the soil is actually unsafe. Correct Decision
A test statistic is a value used to determine the probability needed in

Two ways in testing hypothesis:

 Traditional or classical method – the test statistics is the value determined

by a computational formula that is compared with a confidence coefficient.
 P-value method – the test statistics is the value determined by the
probability of committing a Type I error which is compared to the alpha
level. It becomes popular with easy access to computer software and high-
powered statistical calculators.

A one sample test is a test conducted on one sample purportedly coming

from a population with mean .

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