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-6, 1, 8, 12, 22
1, 2, 4, 8, 16
Lesson 1:
Process Oriented Assessment
Students will be able to:
• To identify the concept of process-oriented
assessment and its benefits in Mathematics
teaching and learning.
• Differentiate process oriented and product
• Solve worded problem involving process
oriented assessment
What is the process-oriented assessment?

The focus of this assessment is on the

process of task performance rather
than the end result or output. It aims
to understand the steps and methods
that an individual uses when
completing a task.

One example of process-oriented

assessment in mathematics is a
problem-solving task that asks
students to explain their reasoning
and show their work.
A salesman sold twice as much pears in the afternoon
than in the morning. If he sold 360 kilograms of
pears that day, how many kilograms did he sell in the
morning and how many in the afternoon?
Let x be the number of kilograms he sold in the morning.
Then in the afternoon he sold 2x kilograms. So, the total
is x+2x=3x. This must be equal to 360.ncils she needs to buy:

Therefore, the salesman sold 120
kg in the morning and 2⋅120=240 kg
in the afternoon.she needs to buy:
What are the importance of process-
oriented assessment?
Assessment can help us understand
which students learn best under what
conditions; which such knowledge
comes the capacity to improve the
whole of their learning.
What must be considered in creating a
performance assessment?
• Identify goals of the performance-based assessment.
• Select the appropriate course standards.
• Review assessments and identify learning gaps.
• Design the scenario.
• Gather or create materials.
• Develop a learning plan.Aliyah has by the number of pencils she
needs to buy:

[1] The learning objectives in process oriented

performance based assessment are stated in
direct observable behaviors of the students.
[2] Competencies are defined as groups or
cluster of skills and abilities needed for a
particular task.
Process-oriented vs product-oriented
Both process-oriented and product-oriented
assessments evaluate student learning in
Both types of assessments are important for
measuring student achievement and providing
feedback for improvement.
Process-oriented vs product-oriented
Process-oriented assessments focus
on evaluating the process of learning,
whereas product-oriented
assessments focus on evaluating the
final outcome or product of learning.
Task Design
Learning tasks need to be carefully
planned. In particular, the teacher must
ensure that the particular learning process
to be observed contributes to the overall
understanding of the subject or course.
In conclusion, process-oriented assessment is an
important evaluation approach that focuses on the
processes and strategies used by individuals or groups
to achieve a specific goal. Its main objective is to
identify the strengths and weaknesses of these
processes and strategies and provide feedback for
Task:Solving a Real-World Math Problem
Process-Oriented Assessment Task
Instructions: Identified below are the steps in designing a process-oriented task in Mathematics. Follow the steps to
design your own process-oriented assessment task.
1. Identify the learning objective: The first step is to identify the specific mathematical concept or skill you want to
assess. This can be a specific topic, such as geometry or algebra, or a more general skill, such as problem-solving
or mathematical reasoning.
2. Choose a real-world problem or scenario: The next step is to choose a real-world problem or scenario that is
relevant and engaging for the students. The problem should require students to use the mathematical concept or skill
you want to assess.
3. Create the task: Once you have the problem, you need to design the task. This can include providing a set of
instructions, questions, or prompts that guide students through the problem-solving process. It can also include
providing data, diagrams, or other resources that students will need to complete the task.
4. Specify the criteria for success: To assess students' performance on the task, you need to specify the criteria for
success. This can include specific mathematical concepts or skills that students must demonstrate, as well as criteria
for communication, such as using mathematical language and providing clear explanations.
5. Plan for assessment: Finally, you need to plan for how you will assess students' performance on the task. This can
include rubrics, checklists, or other forms of assessment that align with the criteria for success you have specified.
Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Emerging (1)
Clarity of The objectives are clearly stated The objectives are clearly stated The objectives are somewhat The objectives are unclear or
Objectives and precisely aligned with the and somewhat aligned with the clear and minimally aligned with not aligned with the learning
learning outcomes of the course. learning outcomes of the course. the learning outcomes of the outcomes of the course.
Aliyah has by the
number of pencils she needs to buy: course.
of The steps of the assessment are The steps of the assessment are The steps of the assessment are The steps of the assessment
Steps logically and sequentially mostly logically and sequentially somewhat organized but lack are disorganized and lack
organized, leading to a well- organized, leading to a coherence, leading to an coherence, leading to a
designed assessment. somewhat effective assessment. ineffective assessment. confusing assessment.

Criteria for The assessment criteria are The assessment criteria are The assessment criteria are The assessment criteria are
Assessment specific, measurable, achievable, mostly specific, measurable, mostly specific, measurable, unclear or not aligned with the
and clearly aligned with the achievable, and aligned with the achievable, and aligned with the learning outcomes of the
learning outcomes of the course. learning outcomes of the course. learning outcomes of the course.
Rubric Scoring The scoring system is clearly The scoring system is mostly The scoring system is somewhat The scoring system is unclear or
defined and consistently applied clearly defined and consistently unclear or inconsistently applied inconsistently applied to
to all students. The rubric is applied to all students. The rubric to all students. The rubric is students. The rubric is difficult
easy to understand and use. is mostly easy to understand and somewhat difficult to to understand and use.
use. understand and use.
Relevance of The assessment is highly The assessment is somewhat The assessment is minimally The assessment is minimally
Assessment relevant to the course content relevant to the course content relevant to the course content relevant to the course content
and the real-world context. The and the real-world context. The and the real-world context. The and the real-world context. The
assessment is meaningful and assessment is somewhat assessment is minimally assessment is minimally
applicable to students' future meaningful and applicable to meaningful and applicable to meaningful and applicable to
careers. students' future careers. students' future careers. students' future careers.

Creativity and The assessment design is highly The assessment design is The assessment design is The assessment design lacks
Originality creative and original. The somewhat creative and original. minimally creative and original. creativity and originality. The
assessment challenges students The assessment somewhat The assessment minimally assessment does not challenge
to think critically and creatively. challenges students to think challenges students to think students to think critically and
critically and creatively. critically and creatively. creatively.
Thank you!

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