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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence(AI) is the ability of a
computer program or a machine to think and
learn . It is also a field of study which tries
to make computers “SMART”.

In general use,the term “AI” means a

programme which mimics human cognition.
The term AI is frequently applied to the project of
developing systems endowed with the intellectual
processes & characteristics of humans,such as the ability
to reason,discover meaning,generalize,or learn from past
experiences etc.
Since the development of the digital computer in the
1940s ,it has been demonstrated that computers can be
programmed to carry out very complex tasks,for
example-discovering proofs for mathematical theorems
or playing chess-with great perfection.
Types Of AI

• Narrow AI : Also referred as “Weak AI”,this kind of AI operates within a

limited context and is a simulation of human intelligence.
Eg : Google search,Siri,alexa and other personal assistants,Self driving
cars etc.

• Artificial general Intelligence(AGI) : Also referred as “Strong AI”,is the

kind of AI we see in movies,like advanced robots with their own
consciousness . AGI is a machine with general intelligence and much
like a human beign,it can apply that intelligence to solve any problems .
It is still under research by advanced organisations.
Robotics is the design,construction and use of
machines(robots) to perform tasks done
traditionally by human beigns . Robots are widely
used in industries such as automobile
manufacturers to perform simple repetitive
tasks,and in industries where work must be
performed in enviromnents hazardous to humans.
Robotics involve Artificial Intelligence.Some
robots are even capable of simple decision

A robot in human form is called an “Android”.

Types Of Robots
oPre-Programmed Robots
oHumanoid Robots
oAutonomous Robots
oTeleoperated Robots
oAugmenting Robots
Uses Of Robots
• Manufacturing
• Logistics
• Personal Assistance
• Travel
• Healthcare
• Rescue
Sophia - The Most Advanced Robot
Sophia is a social humanoid robot
developed by Hong Kong based compay
Hanson robotics . Sophia was first turned
on on February 14,2016.In october
2017,she became a Saudi Arabian citizen
and became the first robot to receive
citizenship of any country.


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