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Change Management

Presented by You Exec

1. CM Model
2. Types of CM
3. CM Communications
4. Defining Our Visions
5. CM Strategies
6. Gap Analysis
7. Forces for Change
8. Barriers of Change
9. Resistance to Change
10. CM Timeline
11. CM Team & Roles
Table of Contents 12. Current Contributing Activities
13. Force Field Analysis
14. Current Change Adoption
15. Change Transition Curve
16. Phases of Change
17. Change Readiness Checklist
18. CM Plan
19. Change Transition Plan
20. CM Cost
21. CM Questionnaire
22. CM Feedback
Change Management Model

1 2 3 4 5

Assess Prepare Plan Implement Sustain

To begin with, we need to After identifying what we Once all employees are on the Our implementation period Given if the change
assess the kind of changes need to change, we need to same page, we need to make for each major change implementation is successful,
that are the most important to make all necessary detailed plans that will make typically takes about 4 the next step is to maintain its
our company and have the preparations to communicate the implementation process months to complete, if all success and continue its
most immediate effects. our plan to the company. successful and seamless. metrics are consistently met. positive effects on the
Types of Change Management

Description Used for Who is Impacted


Management of changes
System implementations, software upgrades,
associated with IT applications, architecture, or IT professionals
and other IT changes

Management of score or Project core team as

All projects
specific schedule changes well as extended team

Planning & implementing the Most software upgrades,

Targeted employees or
tools, processes, and principles for managing company restructuring, mergers
departments, ancillary employees
the people side of change to achieve the and acquisitions, introducing new channels,
or departments, stakeholders.
required outcomes brands, or business models
Change Management

Change Management Communications

Face-to-face options
Under direct Not under direct mgmt
mgmt control control

› Department Meetings › Emails › Market Place Changes

› One-o-one meetings › Corporate Newsletters › Customer Inputs
› Town Hall Meetings › FAQs
› Brown Bag Lunches › Internal Memos
› Training courses and › Posters
workshops › Intranet
Defining Our Vision

Step 2 Step 3
After step one, we now After step two, it is very
need to plan these changes important that we plan for
step three

Step 1 Step 4
To begin with, here are With a successful
the changes we need to implementation, we now
implement need to maintain






Change Management Strategy

Meaningful Change Measurement Visible Change in Smart Engagement &

Leadership Communications

1 2 3

Supportive Organization & Strong Individual

Culture Performances

5 4
Gap Analysis

Current State Future State Gap Actions to close gap

What will be done

What What happened What should it look like What is different
to address the gap

Where will it Where will it

Where Where is the confusion Where will it change
be different be addressed

When are the When will it

When When is it done When will it change
differences needed be addressed

Who will identify & Who will make the

Who Who does the work Who will do this
validate the gap decision & complete it

How will it be How will the gaps

How How is it sequenced How will it be rolled out
timed & resourced be improved
Forces for Change

Nature of the workforce

We must adjust to a multicultural environment, demographic changes, and
recent immigration and outsourcing.

Technological changes
New technological influxes are continually changing our jobs and
organization. Faster, cheaper, and more handheld devices.

Economic shocks
Recent rise and fall of the global housing market, recovering from financial
sector collapse, and combating global recession.

Our competition
Our competitors are now as likely to come from across the ocean as from
across town. Ex: increased government regulation.

Changing social trends

We must not remain static. We need to continually adjust product and
marketing strategies to be sensitive to current social trends.
Forces for Change

Change of key leader

Global competition and an emphasis on work culture shifting, such as
remote work and work/life balance improvement initiatives, has pushed
previously loyal key leaders to pursue younger, more evolutionary
companies or different roles.

Recruiting impediments

With an immense rise in contracting workforces, team offshoring, and

freelancing, our recruiting and human resources departments are dealing with
additional responsibilities and pressure concerning human capital allocations
related to market demand.

Pressure from shareholder

Media disinformation and firestorming encourages public backlash while
trading and investing through efficient and more accessible means, such as
mobile apps, we feel greater pressure to perform. Results are expected now and
not six quarters later.
Barriers to Change

Resistance to change 80%

Limitations of existing systems 70%

Lack of executive commitment 45%

Lack of executive champion 65%

Unrealistic expectations 90%

Lack of cross-functional team 50%

Inadequate team and uninvolved users 40%

Technology users not involved 55%

Project charter too narrow 70%

Resistance to Change

Area of Resistance Description Rating

Assess the across individually and Lack of understanding of the purposes There maybe a lack of understanding of the purpose of the project.
highlight any scores that are greater of the changes There maybe lack of awareness of the need for the change to occur.
than three. This area should then
Lack of support from various levels in If people perceive that key individuals or groups in their area are not genuinely supportive of
become your primary focus for the 5
the organization the project, their acceptance is difficult to secure.
greatest resistance to your project.
Feel there is a real threat to my existing
Resistance is increased if people believe the change will result greater emotional or career
power, job security or personal and 2
costs relative to what they may gain.
career goals
1 = strongly disagree
Concerns about a lack People may resist change if they do not possess the skills or the ability for optimal
2 = disagree of skills and knowledge performance during and after the change.

High level of impact Failure to acknowledge and if possible, minimise the impact of project teams activities and
3 = neither agree/disagree on daily work patterns changes on people work patterns tends to promote distrust and alienation.

Adverse changes to key Adversely affecting the way they relate to others or who they work with or who they report
4 = agree 4
working relationships to.

5 = strongly agree Change involves learning and learning usually involves errors. When people are not given
Lack of incentives & rewards the freedom to make mistakes while learning they become afraid. People need to be 3
rewarded for accomplishing the change in the form of something they truly value.
Change Management Timeline

June 2019 July Aug

Identify the change & all Change request board reviews

the particulars of the change request. Selects the process
anticipate change map
Change Management Timeline (Cont.)

Sept Oct Nov Dec January 2020

Identify the impact of Rollout changes. Allocate Maintain momentum. Apply

Evaluate change effectiveness
changes. Anticipate and resources. Align system, structure methods for continuous
and review areas of resistance
mitigate the risks. & policies improvement
Change Management Team & Roles

Head Organizational
Communications Human Resources Role
Head Development

• Corporate management • Coordinate overall change • Provide clear • Provide expert HR advice on
• Key project accountability and program communication to all key personal transitions and
ownership • Develop clear change strategies stakeholders on change support
• Report to CEO on project for change related issues • Provide change office &
outcomes/success • Responsible and for • Develop 2-way project based HR
• overall success communication channels to infrastructure
• Develop individual and team foster ongoing change
change capability
Current Contributing Activities

Develop political support

Leadership team need to
grant more autonomy to each

Create visions of change Manage transition

Our visions of change is A handful of employees
about reinventing core demonstrated reluctance to be
organizational values. overcome

Motivate change Sustain momentum

Insert details about things We need to fully integrate
we have done to motivate changes into core company
change here. culture
Force Field Analysis

Driving Forces Restraining Forces

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

Customers want new products Loss of staff overtime

Increased production speed Staff fearful of new technology

Reduced training time Upgrade with new Environmental impact

Reduced maintenance Disruption


Total score: 14 Total score: 12

Force Field Analysis

Restraining Forces
-15% Loss of staff overtime
-22% Staff fearful of new technology
-12% Environmental impact
-27% Cost

-10% Disruption

Driving Forces
Customers want new products 40%

Increased production speed 30%

Reduced training time 25%

Reduced maintenance efforts 55%

-30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Current Change Adoption

Change adoption goal

Current adoption progress


Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards

Change Transition Curve


Ending Transition New Beginnings

Establish sense of urgency, create a guiding

coalition, communicate the vision for buy-in,
empower broad-based action, generate short-
term wins, and incorporate change into culture



Phases of Change
Phases of Change

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Phases of Change

Create a guiding Communicate the vision Generate short-term Incorporate change into
coalition for buy-in wins culture

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Establish sense of Develop a change Empower broad- Never let up

urgency vision based action
Change Readiness Checklist
Your Text Here Implementation Team Your Text Here Your Text Here
Deliverable Implementation Sponsor
Your Text Here Leader Your Text Here Your Text Here

People Readiness Action Required When Completed

Business Unit / Product Group Actions

Have the business unit contacts been selected and notified?

Have the business unit contacts been briefed by the project team?

Has the priority for this project been set by the business unit management team?


Has the target training audience been identified and nominated?

Has a training needs analysis been carried out?

Is the training information sheet available?

has the training provider been established?

Has the training coordinator been provided with the training details and put in
place the necessary arrangements?

Will all field readiness criteria have been practically met prior to training roll-out?
Change Readiness Checklist (Cont.)

Systems Readiness Action Required When Completed

Information & Communications Technology (ICT)

Is the auditing & metering tool configured?


Have the approved procedures/policies been published?

Do the proposed users have access to appropriate documentation?

Business application

Is there a software application relevant to this deliverable?

Is there a support model for this application and are the details available for

Has the relevant IT business unit been notified of Installation and support
Change Management Plan

# Request # Priority Impact Effort Hours $ Total $ Approval

1 Change Request # Priority Impacts Requirements 10 $100 $1000

2 Change Request # Priority Impacts Design 20 $200 $4000

3 Change Request # Priority Impacts Test 30 $300 $9000

4 Change Request # Priority Impacts Implementation 40 $400 $16000

5 Change Request # Priority Impacts Requirements 50 $500 $25000

6 Change Request # Priority Impacts Design 60 $600 $36000

7 Change Request # Priority Impacts Test 70 $700 $49000

8 Change Request # Priority Impacts Implementation 80 $800 $64000

9 Change Request # Priority Impacts Requirements 90 $900 $81000
Change Transition Plan

Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5

Jan 10 Mar 7 May 7 August 15 October 25

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec




Human Grievances
New Positions

Relocation Team 1

Technology Team 2
Change Transition Plan

Q2 Q3 Q4

Task Start Days % Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Task 1 01/20 35 26% 26%

Task 1.1 01/20 10 40% 40%

Task 1.2 01/12 25 20% 20%

Task 2 01/20 66 88% 88%

Task 2.1 01/20 30 100% 100%

Task 2.2 02/01 25 80% 80%

Task 2.3 02/27 10 70% 70%

Task 3 01/20 10 40% 40%

Task 3.1 01/20 10 40% 40%

Change Management Cost

Task Name Cost Quarter One Quarter Two Quarter Three Quarter Four

Top down
$80,000 75%

Strategy $15,000 60%

Change readiness
$20,000 40%

$20,000 60%

Long-term sustainment $20,000 50%

Change Management Questionnaire

Questions Comments / Feedback

What were the key objectives of the change?

What was achieved once the change was implemented?

What has enabled you to sustain the change?

Did you effectively plan the change?

Would you do anything differently next time during the planning stage?

Did you communicate with the right people at the right time in the right way?

Would you use different communication strategies in the future?

What worked well with the change process?

What would you do differently next time?

What were the key lessons learned?

Change Management Feedback










Effective leadership at Strong Sense of shared Strong focus on Employee involvement and Commitment to Speed of delivery and Understanding of impact
all levels purpose customers support learning effective governance on society

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Thank You

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